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Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the production of $B_c$ and $B_c^*$ through $W^+$-boson decays

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 نشر من قبل Xu-Chang Zheng
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
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In this paper, we calculate the total decay widths for the $W^+$-boson decays, $W^+ to B_c+b+bar{s}+X$ and $W^+ to B^*_c+b+bar{s}+X$, up to next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy within the framework of the nonrelativistic QCD theory. Both the fixed-order and the fragmentation approaches are adopted to do the calculation. Differential decay widths $dGamma/dz$ and $dGamma/ds_1$ are also given. We find that the NLO corrections are significant in those two $W^+$ decay channels. Our numerical results show that at the LHC, there are about $7.03times 10^4$ $B_c$-meson events and $5.10times 10^4$ $B^*_c$-meson events to be produced via the $W^+$-boson decays per operation year.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We calculate the next-to-leading order (NLO) quantum chromodynamics (QCD) corrections to inclusive processes $W^+to J/psi(eta_c)+c+bar{s}+X$ and $W^+to B_c(B_c^{*})+b+bar{s}+X$ in the framework of nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) factorization formalism. Result indicates that the NLO corrections are significant, and the uncertainties in theoretical predictions with NLO corrections are greatly reduced. The charmonium and $B_c$ meson yielding rates at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are given.
183 - Terrance Figy 2008
We present the NLO QCD corrections for light Higgs pair production via vector boson fusion at the LHC within the CP conserving type II two higgs doublet model in the form of a fully flexible parton--level Monte Carlo program. Scale dependences on int egrated cross sections and distributions are reduced with QCD K-factors of order unity.
We present an implementation of electroweak Z-boson production in association with two jets at hadron colliders in the POWHEG framework, a method that allows the interfacing of NLO-QCD calculations with parton-shower Monte Carlo programs. We focus on the leptonic decays of the weak gauge boson, and take photonic and non-resonant contributions to the matrix elements fully into account. We provide results for observables of particular importance for the suppression of QCD backgrounds to vector-boson fusion processes by means of central-jet-veto techniques. While parton-shower effects are small for most observables associated with the two hardest jets, they can be more pronounced for distributions that are employed in central-jet-veto studies.
227 - Terrance Figy , Vera Hankele , 2008
We present the calculation of the dominant next to leading order QCD corrections to Higgs boson production in association with three jets via vector boson fusion in the form of a NLO parton-level Monte Carlo program. QCD corrections to integrated cro ss sections are modest, while the shapes of some kinematical distributions change appreciably at NLO. Scale uncertainties are shown to be reduced at NLO for the total cross section and for distributions. We consider a central jet veto at the LHC and analyze the veto probability for typical vector boson fusion cuts. Scale uncertainties of the veto probability are sufficiently small at NLO for precise Higgs coupling measurements at the LHC.
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