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Free energy and entropy for finite temperature quantum field theory under the influence of periodic backgrounds

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 نشر من قبل Jose M Munoz-Castaneda
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The basic thermodynamic quantities for a non-interacting scalar field in a periodic potential composed of either a one-dimensional chain of Dirac $delta$-$delta^prime$ functions or a specific potential with extended compact support are calculated. First, we consider the representation in terms of real frequencies (or one-particle energies). Then we turn the axis of frequency integration towards the imaginary axis by a finite angle, which allows for easy numerical evaluation, and finally turn completely to the imaginary frequencies and derive the corresponding Matsubara representation, which this way appears also for systems with band structure. In the limit case $T to 0$ we confirm earlier results on the vacuum energy. We calculate for the mentioned examples the free energy and the entropy and generalize earlier results on negative entropy.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A new nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) describing the thermodynamics of the Heisenberg spin chain is derived based on the t-W relation of the quantum transfer matrices. The free energy of the system in a magnetic field is thus obtained by solving t he NLIE. This method can be generalized to other lattice quantum integrable models. Taking the SU(3)-invariant quantum spin chain as an example, we construct the corresponding NLIEs and compute the free energy. The present results coincide exactly with those obtained via other methods previously.
Building upon work by Matsumoto, we show that the quantum relative entropy with full-rank second argument is determined by four simple axioms: i) Continuity in the first argument, ii) the validity of the data-processing inequality, iii) additivity un der tensor products, and iv) super-additivity. This observation has immediate implications for quantum thermodynamics, which we discuss. Specifically, we demonstrate that, under reasonable restrictions, the free energy is singled out as a measure of athermality. In particular, we consider an extended class of Gibbs-preserving maps as free operations in a resource-theoretic framework, in which a catalyst is allowed to build up correlations with the system at hand. The free energy is the only extensive and continuous function that is monotonic under such free operations.
We revisit the periodic Schur process introduced by Borodin in 2007. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide a new simpler derivation of its correlation functions via the free fermion formalism. In particular, we shall see that the process b ecomes determinantal by passing to the grand canonical ensemble, which gives a physical explanation to Borodins shift-mixing trick. Second, we consider the edge scaling limit in the simplest nontrivial case, corresponding to a deformation of the poissonized Plancherel measure on partitions. We show that the edge behavior is described, in a certain crossover regime different from that for the bulk, by the universal finite-temperature Airy kernel, which was previously encountered by Johansson and Le Doussal et al. in other models, and whose extreme value statistics interpolates between the Tracy-Widom GUE and the Gumbel distributions. We also define and prove convergence for a stationary extension of our model. Finally, we compute the correlation functions for a variant of the periodic Schur process involving strict partitions, Schurs P and Q functions, and neutral fermions.
184 - Benjamin Doyon , Adam Gamsa 2007
This work concerns the dynamical two-point spin correlation functions of the transverse Ising quantum chain at finite (non-zero) temperature, in the universal region near the quantum critical point. They are correlation functions of twist fields in t he massive Majorana fermion quantum field theory. At finite temperature, these are known to satisfy a set of integrable partial differential equations, including the sinh-Gordon equation. We apply the classical inverse scattering method to study them, finding that the ``initial scattering data corresponding to the correlation functions are simply related to the one-particle finite-temperature form factors calculated recently by one of the authors. The set of linear integral equations (Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko equations) associated to the inverse scattering problem then gives, in principle, the two-point functions at all space and time separations, and all temperatures. From them, we evaluate the large-time asymptotic expansion ``near the light cone, in the region where the difference between the space and time separations is of the order of the correlation length.
The thermodynamics of a scalar field with a quartic interaction is studied within the linear delta expansion (LDE) method. Using the imaginary-time formalism the free energy is evaluated up to second order in the LDE. The method generates nonperturba tive results that are then used to obtain thermodynamic quantities like the pressure. The phase transition pattern of the model is fully studied, from the broken to the symmetry restored phase. The results are compared with those obtained with other nonperturbative methods and also with ordinary perturbation theory. The results coming from the two main optimization procedures used in conjunction with the LDE method, the Principle of Minimal Sensitivity (PMS) and the Fastest Apparent Convergence (FAC) are also compared with each other and studied in which cases they are applicable or not. The optimization procedures are applied directly to the free energy.
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