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Zero-point energies, dark matter, and dark energy

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 نشر من قبل Kevin E. Cahill
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Kevin Cahill

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A quantum field theory has finite zero-point energy if the sum over all boson modes $b$ of the $n$th power of the boson mass $ m_b^n $ equals the sum over all fermion modes $f$ of the $n$th power of the fermion mass $ m_f^n $ for $n= 0$, 2, and 4. The zero-point energy of a theory that satisfies these three conditions with otherwise random masses is huge compared to the density of dark energy. But if in addition to satisfying these conditions, the sum of $m_b^4 log m_b/mu$ over all boson modes $b$ equals the sum of $ m_f^4 log m_f/mu $ over all fermion modes $f$, then the zero-point energy of the theory is zero. The value of the mass parameter $mu$ is irrelevant in view of the third condition ($n=4$). The particles of the standard model do not remotely obey any of these four conditions. But an inclusive theory that describes the particles of the standard model, the particles of dark matter, and all particles that have not yet been detected might satisfy all four conditions if pseudomasses are associated with the mean values in the vacuum of the divergences of the interactions of the inclusive model. Dark energy then would be the finite potential energy of the inclusive theory.

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We suggest that the eventual gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter may be a key for understanding of the nature of dark matter and dark energy. If there is gravitational repulsion, virtual particle-antiparticle pairs in the vacuum, ma y be considered as gravitational dipoles. We use a simple toy model to reveal a first indication that the gravitational polarization of such a vacuum, caused by baryonic matter in a Galaxy, may produce the same effect as supposed existence of dark matter. In addition, we argue that cancellation of gravitational charges in virtual particle-antiparticle pairs, may be a basis for a solution of the cosmological constant problem and identification of dark energy with vacuum energy. Hence, it may be that dark matter and dark energy are not new, unknown forms of matter-energy but an effect of complex interaction between quantum vacuum and known baryonic matter.
107 - Kenath Arun 2017
The nature of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) which is supposed to constitute about 95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas regarding the nature of both. While some candidates for DM are clear ly ruled out, there is still a plethora of viable particles that fit the bill. In the context of DE, while current observations favour a cosmological constant picture, there are other competing models that are equally likely. This paper reviews the different possible candidates for DM including exotic candidates and their possible detection. This review also covers the different models for DE and the possibility of unified models for DM and DE. Keeping in mind the negative results in some of the ongoing DM detection experiments, here we also review the possible alternatives to both DM and DE (such as MOND and modifications of general relativity) and possible means of observationally distinguishing between the alternatives.
171 - Carl H. Gibson 2012
Observations of the interstellar medium by the Herschel, Planck etc. infrared satellites throw doubt on standard {Lambda}CDMHC cosmological processes to form gravitational structures. According to the Hydro-Gravitational-Dynamics (HGD) cosmology of G ibson (1996), and the quasar microlensing observations of Schild (1996), the dark matter of galaxies consists of Proto-Globular-star-Cluster (PGC) clumps of Earth-mass primordial gas planets in metastable equilibrium since PGCs began star production at 0.3 Myr by planet mergers. Dark energy and the accelerating expansion of the universe inferred from SuperNovae Ia are systematic dimming errors produced as frozen gas dark matter planets evaporate to form stars. Collisionless cold dark matter that clumps and hierarchically clusters does not exist. Clumps of PGCs began diffusion from the Milky Way Proto-Galaxy upon freezing at 14 Myr to give the Magellanic Clouds and the faint dwarf galaxies of the 10^22 m diameter baryonic dark matter Galaxy halo. The first stars persist as old globular star clusters (OGCs). Water oceans and the biological big bang occurred at 2-8 Myr. Life inevitably formed and evolved in the cosmological primordial organic soup provided by 10^80 big bang planets and their hot oceans as they gently merged to form larger binary planets and small binary stars.
We show that proton storage ring experiments designed to search for proton electric dipole moments can also be used to look for the nearly dc spin precession induced by dark energy and ultra-light dark matter. These experiments are sensitive to both axion-like and vector fields. Current technology permits probes of these phenomena up to three orders of magnitude beyond astrophysical limits. The relativistic boost of the protons in these rings allows this scheme to have sensitivities comparable to atomic co-magnetometer experiments that can also probe similar phenomena. These complementary approaches can be used to extract the micro-physics of a signal, allowing us to distinguish between pseudo-scalar, magnetic and electric dipole moment interactions.
79 - Daegene Song 2017
One of the most important concepts in logic and the foundations of mathematics may be useful in providing an explanation for the cosmological constant problem. A connection between self-reference and consciousness has been previously discussed due to their similar nature of making a reference to itself. Vacuum observation has the property of self-reference and consciousness in the sense that the observer is observing ones own reference frame of energy. In this paper, the cyclical loop model of self-reference is applied to the vacuum observation, such that the discrepancy between the energy density resulting from the first part of the causal loop (i.e., the classical irreversible computation of the observers reference frame) and the other part of the causal loop (i.e., nondeterministic quantum evolution) corresponds to 10^(123). This effectively provides a consistent explanation of the difference between the observed and the theoretical values of the vacuum energy, namely, the cosmological constant problem.
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