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Measurement of neutrino and antineutrino neutral-current quasielastic-like interactions on oxygen by detecting nuclear de-excitation $gamma$-rays

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 نشر من قبل Yosuke Ashida
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Neutrino- and antineutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielastic-like interactions are measured at Super-Kamiokande using nuclear de-excitation $gamma$-rays to identify signal-like interactions in data from a $14.94 (16.35)times 10^{20}$ protons-on-target exposure of the T2K neutrino (antineutrino) beam. The measured flux-averaged cross sections on oxygen nuclei are $langle sigma_{ u {rm -NCQE}} rangle = 1.70 pm 0.17 ({rm stat.}) ^{+ {rm 0.51}}_{- {rm 0.38}} ({rm syst.}) times 10^{-38} {rm cm^2/oxygen}$ with a flux-averaged energy of 0.82 GeV and $langle sigma_{bar{ u} {rm -NCQE}} rangle = 0.98 pm 0.16 ({rm stat.}) ^{+ {rm 0.26}}_{- {rm 0.19}} ({rm syst.}) times 10^{-38} {rm cm^2/oxygen}$ with a flux-averaged energy of 0.68 GeV, for neutrinos and antineutrinos, respectively. These results are the most precise to date, and the antineutrino result is the first cross section measurement of this channel. They are compared with various theoretical predictions. The impact on evaluation of backgrounds to searches for supernova relic neutrinos at present and future water Cherenkov detectors is also discussed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

171 - K. Abe , J. Adam , H. Aihara 2014
We report the first measurement of the neutrino-oxygen neutral-current quasielastic (NCQE) cross section. It is obtained by observing nuclear deexcitation $gamma$-rays which follow neutrino-oxygen interactions at the Super-Kamiokande water Cherenkov detector. We use T2K data corresponding to $3.01 times 10^{20}$ protons on target. By selecting only events during the T2K beam window and with well-reconstructed vertices in the fiducial volume, the large background rate from natural radioactivity is dramatically reduced. We observe 43 events in the $4-30$ MeV reconstructed energy window, compared with an expectation of 51.0, which includes an estimated 16.2 background events. The background is primarily nonquasielastic neutral-current interactions and has only 1.2 events from natural radioactivity. The flux-averaged NCQE cross section we measure is $1.55 times 10^{-38}$ cm$^2$ with a 68% confidence interval of $(1.22, 2.20) times 10^{-38}$ cm$^2$ at a median neutrino energy of 630 MeV, compared with the theoretical prediction of $2.01 times 10^{-38}$ cm$^2$.
Charged-current $ u_{mu}$ interactions on carbon, iron, and lead with a final state hadronic system of one or more protons with zero mesons are used to investigate the influence of the nuclear environment on quasielastic-like interactions. The transf ered four-momentum squared to the target nucleus, $Q^2$, is reconstructed based on the kinematics of the leading proton, and differential cross sections versus $Q^2$ and the cross-section ratios of iron, lead and carbon to scintillator are measured for the first time in a single experiment. The measurements show a dependence on atomic number. While the quasielastic-like scattering on carbon is compatible with predictions, the trends exhibited by scattering on iron and lead favor a prediction with intranuclear rescattering of hadrons accounted for by a conventional particle cascade treatment. These measurements help discriminate between different models of both initial state nucleons and final state interactions used in the neutrino oscillation experiments.
The production of hadrons in charged-current (anti)neutrino interactions is studied with the bubble chamber BEBC exposed ot the CERN (anti)neutrino wide-band beam. Fast-hadron production in a neon target is found to be attennuated as compared to that in a hydrogen target. This feature is discussed within the theoretical models based on the idea of a hadron formation length. The experimental results favour the `constituent over the `yo-yo length concept, and suggest a quark cross-section in the order of 3mb.
We report the measurement of the flux-averaged antineutrino neutral current elastic scattering cross section ($dsigma_{bar u N rightarrow bar u N}/dQ^{2}$) on CH$_{2}$ by the MiniBooNE experiment using the largest sample of antineutrino neutral cur rent elastic candidate events ever collected. The ratio of the antineutrino to neutrino neutral current elastic scattering cross sections and a ratio of antineutrino neutral current elastic to antineutrino charged current quasi elastic cross section is also presented.
The single $pi^0$ production rate in neutral current neutrino interactions on water in a neutrino beam with a peak neutrino energy of 0.6 GeV has been measured using the P{O}D, one of the subdetectors of the T2K near detector. The production rate was measured for data taking periods when the P{O}D contained water ($2.64times{}10^{20}$ protons-on-target) and also periods without water ($3.49 times 10^{20}$ protons-on-target). A measurement of the neutral current single $pi^0$ production rate on water is made using appropriate subtraction of the production rate with water in from the rate with water out of the target region. The subtraction analysis yields 106 $pm$ 41 (stat.) $pm$ 69 (sys.) signal events, which is consistent with the prediction of 157 events from the nominal simulation. The measured to expected ratio is 0.68 $pm$ 0.26 (stat.) $pm$ 0.44 (sys.) $pm$ 0.12 (flux). The nominal simulation uses a flux integrated cross section of $7.63times{}10^{-39}$ cm${}^2$ per nucleon with an average neutrino interaction energy of 1.3 GeV.
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