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On The Fly Diffie Hellman for IoT

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 نشر من قبل Julio Lopez Fenner Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast growing field of devices being added to an interconnected environment in an abstract heterogeneous array of servers and other devices, called smart environments, ranging from private local (home) environments to nation-wide infrastructures, often accessible via unsecured wireless communications and information technologies, hence, massively open to attacks. In this paper we address some of issues that arise when connecting smart devices endowed with low computational capabilities to a home gateway via unsecured wireless communication channels, by using a One Time Pad (OTP) protocol based upon an On-the-fly Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. Our assumptions are that only a user and the gateway have enough processing power to perform - say - secured RSA encrypted communication, hence relaxing the need for a trusted secure server outside the domain and that the protocol should at least be secure for a range of known attacks, as replay or DoS attacks.

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اقرأ أيضاً

150 - Andrew C. Yao , Yunlei Zhao 2011
Cryptography algorithm standards play a key role both to the practice of information security and to cryptography theory research. Among them, the MQV and HMQV protocols ((H)MQV, in short) are a family of (implicitly authenticated) Diffie-Hellman key -exchange (DHKE) protocols that are widely standardized and deployed. In this work, from some new perspectives and approaches and under some new design rationales and insights, we develop a new family of practical implicitly authenticated DHKE protocols, which enjoy notable performance among security, privacy, efficiency and easy deployment. We make detailed comparisons between our new DHKE protocols and (H)MQV, showing that the newly developed protocols outperform HMQV in most aspects. Along the way, guided by our new design rationales, we also identify a new vulnerability (H)MQV, which brings some new perspectives (e.g., computational fairness) to the literature.
439 - Wenlong Shen , Yu Cheng , Bo Yin 2019
Key establishment is one fundamental issue in wireless security. The widely used Diffie-Hellman key exchange is vulnerable to the man-in-the-middle attack. This paper presents a novel in-band solution for defending the man-in-the-middle attack during the key establishment process for wireless devices. Our solution is based on the insight that an attacker inevitably affects the link layer behavior of the wireless channel, and this behavior change introduced by the attacker can be detected by the legitimate users. Specifically, we propose a key exchange protocol and its corresponding channel access mechanism for the protocol message transmission, in which the Diffie-Hellman parameter is transmitted multiple times in a row without being interrupted by other data transmission on the same wireless channel. The proposed key exchange protocol forces the MITM attacker to cause multiple packet collisions consecutively at the receiver side, which can then be monitored by the proposed detection algorithm. The performance of the proposed solution is validated through both theoretical analysis and simulation: the proposed solution is secure against the MITM attack and can achieve an arbitrarily low false positive ratio. This proposed link layer solution works completely in-band, and can be easily implemented on off-the-shelf wireless devices without the requirement of any special hardware.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming our physical world into a complex and dynamic system of connected devices on an unprecedented scale. Connecting everyday physical objects is creating new business models, improving processes and reducing c osts and risks. Recently, blockchain technology has received a lot of attention from the community as a possible solution to overcome security issues in IoT. However, traditional blockchains (such as the ones used in Bitcoin and Ethereum) are not well suited to the resource-constrained nature of IoT devices and also with the large volume of information that is expected to be generated from typical IoT deployments. To overcome these issues, several researchers have presented lightweight instances of blockchains tailored for IoT. For example, proposing novel data structures based on blocks with decoupled and appendable data. However, these researchers did not discuss how the consensus algorithm would impact their solutions, i.e., the decision of which consensus algorithm would be better suited was left as an open issue. In this paper, we improved an appendable-block blockchain framework to support different consensus algorithms through a modular design. We evaluated the performance of this improved version in different emulated scenarios and studied the impact of varying the number of devices and transactions and employing different consensus algorithms. Even adopting different consensus algorithms, results indicate that the latency to append a new block is less than 161ms (in the more demanding scenario) and the delay for processing a new transaction is less than 7ms, suggesting that our improved version of the appendable-block blockchain is efficient and scalable, and thus well suited for IoT scenarios.
With the rapid growth of the Internet-of-Things (IoT), concerns about the security of IoT devices have become prominent. Several vendors are producing IP-connected devices for home and small office networks that often suffer from flawed security desi gns and implementations. They also tend to lack mechanisms for firmware updates or patches that can help eliminate security vulnerabilities. Securing networks where the presence of such vulnerable devices is given, requires a brownfield approach: applying necessary protection measures within the network so that potentially vulnerable devices can coexist without endangering the security of other devices in the same network. In this paper, we present IOT SENTINEL, a system capable of automatically identifying the types of devices being connected to an IoT network and enabling enforcement of rules for constraining the communications of vulnerable devices so as to minimize damage resulting from their compromise. We show that IOT SENTINEL is effective in identifying device types and has minimal performance overhead.
84 - Muhammad Usman 2020
The internet of things refers to the network of devices connected to the internet and can communicate with each other. The term things is to refer non-conventional devices that are usually not connected to the internet. The network of such devices or things is growing at an enormous rate. The security and privacy of the data flowing through these things is a major concern. The devices are low powered and the conventional encryption algorithms are not suitable to be employed on these devices. In this correspondence a survey of the contemporary lightweight encryption algorithms suitable for use in the IoT environment has been presented.
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