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Imaging uncompensated moments and exchange-biased emergent ferromagnetism in FeRh thin films

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 نشر من قبل Gregory Fuchs
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Uncompensated moments in antiferromagnets are responsible for exchange bias in antiferromagnet/ferromagnet heterostructures; however, they are difficult to directly detect because any signal they contribute is typically overwhelmed by the ferromagnetic layer. We use magneto-thermal microscopy to image uncompensated moments in thin films of FeRh, a room-temperature antiferromagnet that exhibits a 1st-order phase transition to a ferromagnetic state near 100~$^circ$C. FeRh provides the unique opportunity to study both uncompensated moments in the antiferromagnetic phase and the interaction of uncompensated moments with emergent ferromagnetism within a relatively broad (10-15~$^circ$C) temperature range near $T_C$. In the AF phase below $T_C$, we image both pinned UMs, which cause local vertical exchange bias, and unpinned UMs, which exhibit an enhanced coercive field that reflects exchange-coupling to the AF bulk. Near $T_C$, where AF and FM order coexist, we find that the emergent FM order is exchange-coupled to the bulk Neel order. This exchange coupling leads to the nucleation of unusual configurations in which different FM domains are pinned parallel, antiparallel, and perpendicular to the applied magnetic field before suddenly collapsing into a state uniformly parallel to the field.

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اقرأ أيضاً

147 - X. Zhou , L. Ma , Z. Shi 2014
In this work, IrMn$_{3}$/insulating-Y$_{3}$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$ exchange-biased bilayers are studied. The behavior of the net magnetic moment $Delta m_{AFM}$ in the antiferromagnet is directly probed by anomalous and planar Hall effects, and anisotropic magnetoresistance. The $Delta m_{AFM}$ is proved to come from the interfacial uncompensated magnetic moment. We demonstrate that the exchange bias and rotational hysteresis are induced by the irreversible switching of the $Delta m_{AFM}$. In the training effect, the $Delta m_{AFM}$ changes continuously. This work highlights the fundamental role of the $Delta m_{AFM}$ in the exchange bias and facilitates the manipulation of antiferromagnetic spintronic devices.
Graphene is a 2D material that displays excellent electronic transport properties with prospective applications in many fields. Inducing and controlling magnetism in the graphene layer, for instance by proximity of magnetic materials, may enable its utilization in spintronic devices. This paper presents fabrication and detailed characterization of single-layer graphene formed on the surface of epitaxial FeRh thin films. The magnetic state of the FeRh surface can be controlled by temperature, magnetic field or strain due to interconnected order parameters. Characterization of graphene layers by X-ray Photoemission and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Low-Energy Ion Scattering, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, and Low-Energy Electron Microscopy shows that graphene is single-layer, polycrystalline and covers more than 97% of the substrate. Graphene displays several preferential orientations on the FeRh(001) surface with unit vectors of graphene rotated by 30{deg}, 15{deg}, 11{deg}, and 19{deg} with respect to FeRh substrate unit vectors. In addition, the graphene layer is capable to protect the films from oxidation when exposed to air for several months. Therefore, it can be also used as a protective layer during fabrication of magnetic elements or as an atomically thin spacer, which enables incorporation of switchable magnetic layers within stacks of 2D materials in advanced devices.
We studied the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of compressive strained and unstrained BiMnO3 thin films grown by rf-magnetron sputtering. BiMnO3 samples exhibit a 2D cube-on-cube growth mode and a pseudo-cubic struc-ture up to a thickness of 15 nm and of 25 nm when deposited on (001) SrTiO3 and (110) DyScO3, respectively. Above these thicknesses we observe a switching to a 3D island growth and a simultaneous structural change to a monoclinic structure characterized by a (00l) orientation of the monoclinic unit cell. While ferromagnetism is observed below Tc = 100 K for all samples, signatures of room temperature ferroelectricity were found only in the pseudo-cubic ultra-thin films, indicating a correlation between electronic and structural orders.
To advance the use of thermally-activated magnetic materials in device applications it is necessary to examine their behaviour on the localised scale in operando conditions. Equi-atomic FeRh undergoes a magnetostructural transition from an antiferrom agnetic (AF) to a ferromagnetic (FM) phase above room temperature (~ 75 to 105 {deg}C) and hence is considered a very desirable material for the next generation of novel nanomagnetic or spintronic devices. For this to be realised, we must fully understand the intricate details of AF to FM transition and associated FM domain growth on the scale of their operation. Here we combine in-situ heating with a comprehensive suite of advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques to investigate directly the magnetostructural transition in nano-scale FeRh thin films. Differential phase contrast imaging visualizes the stages of FM domain growth in both cross-sectional and planar FeRh thin films as a function of temperature. Small surface FM signals are also detected due to interfacial strain with the MgO substrate and Fe deficiency after HF etching of the substrate, providing a directional bias for FM domain growth. Our work provides high resolution imaging and quantitative measurements throughout the transition, which were previously inaccessible, and offers new fundamental insight into their potential use in magnetic devices.
We demonstrate that magnetic skyrmions with a mean diameter around 60 nm can be stabilized at room temperature and zero external magnetic field in an exchange-biased Pt/Co/NiFe/IrMn multilayer stack. This is achieved through an advanced optimization of the multilayer stack composition in order to balance the different magnetic energies controlling the skyrmion size and stability. Magnetic imaging is performed both with magnetic force microscopy and scanning Nitrogen-Vacancy magnetometry, the latter providing unambiguous measurements at zero external magnetic field. In such samples, we show that exchange bias provides an immunity of the skyrmion spin texture to moderate external magnetic field, in the tens of mT range, which is an important feature for applications as memory devices. These results establish exchange-biased multilayer stacks as a promising platform towards the effective realization of memory and logic devices based on magnetic skyrmions.
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