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Conjugacy classes and automorphisms of twin groups

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 نشر من قبل Neha Nanda
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The twin group $T_n$ is a right angled Coxeter group generated by $n-1$ involutions and the pure twin group $PT_n$ is the kernel of the natural surjection from $T_n$ onto the symmetric group on $n$ symbols. In this paper, we investigate some structural aspects of these groups. We derive a formula for the number of conjugacy classes of involutions in $T_n$, which quite interestingly, is related to the well-known Fibonacci sequence. We also derive a recursive formula for the number of $z$-classes of involutions in $T_n$. We give a new proof of the structure of $Aut(T_n)$ for $n ge 3$, and show that $T_n$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $Aut(PT_n)$ for $n geq 4$. Finally, we construct a representation of $T_n$ to $Aut(F_n)$ for $n ge 2$.

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106 - Ashot Minasyan 2007
We combine classical methods of combinatorial group theory with the theory of small cancellations over relatively hyperbolic groups to construct finitely generated torsion-free groups that have only finitely many classes of conjugate elements. Moreov er, we present several results concerning embeddings into such groups. As another application of these techniques, we prove that every countable group $C$ can be realized as a group of outer automorphisms of a group $N$, where $N$ is a finitely generated group having Kazhdans property (T) and containing exactly two conjugacy classes.
Given a group $G$ and a subset $X subset G$, an element $g in G$ is called quasi-positive if it is equal to a product of conjugates of elements in the semigroup generated by $X$. This notion is important in the context of braid groups, where it has b een shown that the closure of quasi-positive braids coincides with the geometrically defined class of $mathbb{C}$-transverse links. We describe an algorithm that recognizes whether or not an element of a free group is quasi-positive with respect to a basis. Spherical cancellation diagrams over free groups are used to establish the validity of the algorithm and to determine the worst-case runtime.
It is known that every finite group can be represented as the full group of automorphisms of a suitable compact dessin denfant. In this paper, we give a constructive and easy proof that the same holds for any countable group by considering non-compac t dessins. Moreover, we show that any tame action of a countable group is so realizable.
Study of certain isotopy classes of a finite collection of immersed circles without triple or higher intersections on closed oriented surfaces is considered as a planar analogue of virtual knot theory with the genus zero case corresponding to classic al knot theory. Alexander and Markov theorems are known in this setting with the role of groups being played by a class of right-angled Coxeter groups called twin groups, denoted $T_n$, in the genus zero case. For the higher genus case, the role of groups is played by a new class of groups called virtual twin groups, denoted $VT_n$. A virtual twin group $VT_n$ contains the twin group $T_n$ and the pure virtual twin group $PVT_n$, an analogue of the pure braid group. The paper investigates in detail important structural aspects of these groups. We prove that the pure virtual twin group $PVT_n$ is an irreducible right-angled Artin group with trivial center and give its precise presentation. We show that $PVT_n$ has a decomposition as an iterated semidirect product of infinite rank free groups. We also give a complete description of the automorphism group of $PVT_n$ and establish splitting of some natural exact sequences of automorphism groups. As applications, we show that $VT_n$ is residually finite and $PVT_n$ has the $R_infty$-property. Along the way, we also obtain a presentation of $gamma_2(VT_n)$ and a freeness result on $gamma_2(PVT_n)$.
Quandle is an algebraic system with one binary operation, but it is quite different from a group. Quandle has its origin in the knot theory and good relationships with the theory of symmetric spaces, so it is well-studied from points of view of both areas. In the present paper, we investigate a special kind of quandles, called generalized Alexander quandles $Q(G,psi)$, which is defined by a group $G$ together with its group automorphism $psi$. We develop the quandle invariants for generalized Alexander quandles. As a result, we prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between generalized Alexander quandles arising from symmetric groups $Sf_n$ and the conjugacy classes of $Sf_n$ for $3 leq n leq 30$ with $n eq 6,15$, and the case $n=6$ is also discussed.
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