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Unconventional thermal metallic state of charge-neutral fermions in an insulator

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 نشر من قبل Yuichi Kasahara
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum oscillations (QOs) in transport and thermodynamic parameters at high magnetic fields are an unambiguous signature of the Fermi surface, the defining characteristic of a metal. Therefore, recent observations of QOs in insulating SmB$_6$ and YbB$_{12}$, in particular the QOs of the resistivity $rho_{xx}$ in YbB$_{12}$, have been a big surprise, pointing to the formation of a novel state of quantum matter. Despite the large charge gap inferred from the insulating behaviour of $rho_{xx}$, these compounds seemingly host a Fermi surface at high magnetic fields. However, the nature of the ground state in zero field has been little explored. Here we report the use of low-temperature heat-transport measurements to discover gapless, itinerant, charge-neutral excitations in the ground state of YbB$_{12}$. At zero field, despite $rho_{xx}$ being far larger than that of conventional metals, a sizable linear temperature dependent term in the thermal conductivity is clearly resolved in the zero-temperature limit ($kappa_{xx}/T(Trightarrow0)=kappa_{xx}^0/T eq0$). Such a residual $kappa_{xx}^0/T$ term at zero field, which is absent in SmB$_6$, leads to a spectacular violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law: the Lorenz ratio $L=kappa_{xx}rho_{xx}/T$ is $10^{4}$-$10^{5}$ times larger than that expected in conventional metals. These data indicate that YbB$_{12}$ is a charge insulator but a thermal metal, suggesting the presence of itinerant neutral fermions. Remarkably, more insulating crystals with larger activation energies exhibit a larger amplitude of the resistive QOs as well as a larger $kappa_{xx}^0/T$, in stark contrast to conventional metals. Moreover, we find that these fermions couple to magnetic field, despite their charge neutrality. Our findings expose novel gapless and highly itinerant, charge-neutral quasiparticles in this unconventional quantum state.

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347 - B. S. Tan , Y. -T. Hsu , B. Zeng 2015
Insulators occur in more than one guise, a recent finding was a class of topological insulators, which host a conducting surface juxtaposed with an insulating bulk. Here we report the observation of an unusual insulating state with an electrically in sulating bulk that simultaneously yields bulk quantum oscillations with characteristics of an unconventional Fermi liquid. We present quantum oscillation measurements of magnetic torque in high purity single crystals of the Kondo insulator SmB6, which reveal quantum oscillation frequencies characteristic of a large three-dimensional conduction electron Fermi surface similar to the metallic rare earth hexaborides such as PrB6 and LaB6. The quantum oscillation amplitude strongly increases at low temperatures, appearing strikingly at variance with conventional metallic behaviour.
Materials where localized magnetic moments are coupled to itinerant electrons, the so-called Kondo lattice materials, provide a very rich backdrop for strong electron correlations. They are known to realize many exotic phenomena, including unconventi onal superconductivity, strange metals, and correlated topological phases of matter. Here, we report what appears to be electron fractionalization in insulating Kondo lattice material YbIr$_3$Si$_7$, with emergent neutral excitations that carry heat but not electric current and contribute to metal-like specific heat. We show that these neutral particles change their properties as the material undergoes a transformation between two antiferromagnetic phases in an applied magnetic field. In the low-field AF-I phase, we find that the low temperature linear specific heat coefficient $gamma$ and the residual linear term in the thermal conductivity $kappa/T(Trightarrow 0)$ are finite, demonstrating itinerant gapless excitations. These results, along with a spectacular violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law, directly indicate that YbIr$_3$Si$_7$ is a charge insulator but a thermal metal. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum reveals a spin-flop transition to a high field AF-II phase. Near the transition field, $gamma$ is significantly enhanced. Most surprisingly, inside the AF-II phase, $kappa/T$ exhibits a sharp drop below $sim300$ mK, indicating either opening of a tiny gap or a linearly vanishing density of states. This finding demonstrates a transition from a thermal metal into an insulator/semimetal driven by the spin-flop magnetic transition. These results suggest that spin degrees of freedom directly couple to the neutral fermions, whose emergent Fermi surface undergoes a field-driven instability at low temperatures.
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