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Topology and index theorem with a generalized Villain lattice action -- a test in 2d

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 نشر من قبل Christof Gattringer
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using 2-d U(1) lattice gauge theory we study two definitions of the topological charge constructed from a generalized Villain action and analyze the implementation of the index theorem based on the overlap Dirac operator. One of the two definitions expresses the topological charge as a sum of the Villain variables and treats charge conjugation symmetry exactly, making it particularly useful for studying related physics. Our numerical analysis establishes that for both topological charge definitions the index theorem becomes exact quickly towards the continuum limit.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We propose a non-perturbative formulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer(APS) index in lattice gauge theory, in which the index is given by the $eta$ invariant of the domain-wall Dirac operator. Our definition of the index is always an integer with a fi nite lattice spacing. To verify this proposal, using the eigenmode set of the free domain-wall fermion, we perturbatively show in the continuum limit that the curvature term in the APS theorem appears as the contribution from the massive bulk extended modes, while the boundary $eta$ invariant comes entirely from the massless edge-localized modes.
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62 - Y. Kayaba , S. Aoki , M. Fukugita 2006
We perform a numerical test of a relativistic heavy quark(RHQ) action, recently proposed by Tsukuba group, in quenched lattice QCD at $asimeq 0.1$ fm. With the use of the improvement parameters previously determined at one-loop level for the RHQ acti on, we investigate a restoration of rotational symmetry for heavy-heavy and heavy-light meson systems around the charm quark mass. We focused on two quantities, the meson dispersion relation and the pseudo-scalar meson decay constants. It is shown that the RHQ action significantly reduces the discretization errors due to the charm quark mass. We also calculate the S-state hyperfine splittings for the charmonium and charmed-strange mesons and the $D_s$ meson decay constant. The remaining discretization errors in the physical quantities are discussed.
We study lattice QCD with a gauge action, which suppresses small plaquette values. Thus the MC history is confined to a single topological sector over a significant time, while other observables are decorrelated. This enables the cumulation of statis tics with a specific topological charge, which is needed for simulations of QCD in the $epsilon$-regime. The same action may also be useful for simulations with dynamical quarks. The update is performed with a local HMC algorithm.
90 - David H. Adams 2009
A way to identify the would-be zero-modes of staggered lattice fermions away from the continuum limit is presented. Our approach also identifies the chiralities of these modes, and their index is seen to be determined by gauge field topology in accor dance with the Index Theorem. The key idea is to consider the spectral flow of a certain hermitian version of the staggered Dirac operator. The staggered fermion index thus obtained can be used as a new way to assign the topological charge of lattice gauge fields. In a numerical study in U(1) backgrounds in 2 dimensions it is found to perform as well as the Wilson index while being computationally more efficient. It can also be expressed as the index of an overlap Dirac operator with a new staggered fermion kernel.
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