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Increases of a Diamagnetic Property by Flux-Pinning in Volume Defect-Dominating Superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Hunbong Lee
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Whereas there are two critical fields that are H$_{c1}$ and H$_{c2}$ in the ideal type II superconductor, there is another critical field H$_{c1}$ defined as the field showing the maximum diamagnetic property in the real type II superconductor. We would present that H$_{c1}$ is able to be proved theoretically and experimentally. We have derived an equation based on flux-pinning effect of volume defects. MgB$_2$ bulks which were synthesized by Mg and B are similar to this model. The number of quantum fluxes pinned at a defect of radius r, a pinning penetration depth, magnetic flux penetration method, and a magnetization at H$_{c1}$ in the static state are suggested through the equation of the model. It was speculated that pinned fluxes at a volume defect in the superconductor have to be pick-out depinned from the defect and move an inside of the superconductor when pick-out forces of pinned fluxes is larger than pinning force of the defect (F$_{pickout}$ $>$ F$_{pinning}$) or when the shortest distance between pinned fluxes at a volume defect is the same as that of H$_{c2}$. In reality, $Delta$G$_{dynamic}$ which is sum of fluxes movement energy and fluxes vibration energy is involved in movement of pinned fluxes. When volume defects are small and many, the number of pinned fluxes at a volume defect calculated by experimental results was closer to that of ideally calculated ones because of a small $Delta$G$_{dynamic}$. However, when volume defects are large and a few, the number of pinned fluxes at a volume defect calculated by experimental results were much fewer than that of ideally calculated ones because of a large $Delta$G$_{dynamic}$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

117 - H. B. Lee , G. C. Kim , H. J. Park 2018
According to Ginzburg-Landau theory, it has been generally accepted that the diamagnetic property decreases after the lower critical field. However, we found that (Fe, Ti) particle doped MgB2 specimens reveal the Delta H = Delta B section in the magn etization curves, which are not following the theory. We present whether this phenomenon appears to be only confined to (Fe, Ti) particle doped Magnesium diborid superconductor, whether there is a theoretical basis and why it does not appear in other superconductors. We have understood that the cause of the Delta H = Delta B section is the pinning phenomenon of defects in the superconductor and it only occurs in volume defect dominating superconductors. The width of the Delta H = Delta B section along the number of defects and Hc2 was estimated assuming that defects are in the ideal state, and compared with experimental results. We hypothesized that pinned fluxes have to be picked out from the defect and move into an inside of a superconductor regardless free energy depth of the defect if the distance between fluxes pinned at the defect is equal to the one of upper critical field. It is considered that the reason that this phenomenon has not been reported yet is the flux jump of the volume defect dominating superconductor. The section means that the fluxes that have penetrated into a inside of a superconductor in which volume defects exist are preferentially pinned on them over the entire specimen before Ginzburg-Landau behavior. If the size of volume defects is uniform in some extent, the influence of the planar and line defects is small and the flux jump does not occur, we believe that the section must be observed in any superconductor. It is because this is one of the basic natures of pinning phenomenon in the volume defect dominating superconductor.
251 - Y. Sun , Z. X. Shi , D. M. Gu 2010
Magnetic hysteresis loops (MHLs) have been comparatively measured on both textured and single crystalline Sc5Ir4Si10 superconductors. Critical current densities and flux pinning forces are calculated from MHLs by Bean model. Three kinds of peaks of t he flux pinning force are found at low fields near zero, intermediated fields, and high fields near the upper critical field, respectively. The characters and origins of these peaks are studied in detail.
192 - V.R. Misko , Franco Nori 2012
We study magnetic flux interacting with arrays of pinning sites (APS) placed on vertices of hyperbolic tesselations (HT). We show that, due to the gradient in the density of pinning sites, HT APS are capable of trapping vortices for a broad range of applied magnetic fluxes. Thus, the penetration of magnetic field in HT APS is essentially different from the usual scenario predicted by the Bean model. We demonstrate that, due to the enhanced asymmetry of the surface barrier for vortex entry and exit, this HT APS could be used as a capacitor to store magnetic flux.
The magnetic flux periodicity of $frac{hc}{2e}$ is a well known manifestation of Cooper pairing in typical s-wave superconductors. In this paper we theoretically show that the flux periodicity of a two-dimensional second-order topological superconduc tor, which features zero-energy Majorana modes localized at the corners of the sample, is $frac{hc}{e}$ instead. We further show that the periodicity changes back to $frac{hc}{2e}$ at the transition to a topologically trivial superconductor, where the Majorana modes hybridize with the bulk states, demonstrating that the doubling of periodicity is a manifestation of the non-trivial topology of the state.
begin{abstract} We have studied magnetic properties of water-quenched 5 wt.% (Fe, Ti) particle-doped MgB$_2$ comparing with that of air-cooled one. Generally, grain refinement is achieved by increasing cooling rate, which implies an increase of gra inboundaries in the superconductor. Here we show that increased grainboundaries influence what kinds of effects on the field dependence of magnetization and what is the mechanism. As a result, they are served as a pinning center at a high field whereas they are served as a pathway to facilitate the movement of fluxes pinned on volume defects at a low field. As modeling grainboundaries in a superconductor, we explained that they had a flux pinning effect as well as the flux-penetrating promotion effect. As temperature increases, the pinning ability of a grainboundaries decreases, which was caused by increased coherence length. Stacking fault planes and twin boundaries have also been considered by using the model. It explained the reason for that stacking fault planes of MgB$_2$ do not have any pinning effect and the twin boundary of HTSC have the strong pinning or strong flux-penetration effect depending on the direction of the applied field.
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