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Boosted High Order Harmonics from Electron Density Singularity Formed at the Relativistic Laser Bow Wave

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 نشر من قبل Jie Mu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate coherent hard electromagnetic radiation generation from reflection by the electron density singularity formed at the relativistic bow wave in laser plasma via particle-in-cell simulations. Wake and bow waves driven by an intense laser pulse form an electron density singularity at the laser pulse front where they join. A counter-propagating laser pulse is reflected at the electron density modulations moving with relativistic velocity. The reflected electromagnetic pulse is compressed and its frequency is upshifted. Its frequency spectrum contains relativistic harmonics of the driver pulse frequency generated at the bow wave front, all upshifted with the same factor as the fundamental mode of the incident light.

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اقرأ أيضاً

147 - F. Y. Li , Z. M. Sheng , M. Chen 2014
A new parameter regime of laser wakefield acceleration driven by sub-petawatt femotsecond lasers is proposed, which enables the generation of relativistic electron mirrors further accelerated by the plasma wave. Integrated particle-in-cell simulation including the mirror formation and Thomson scattering demonstrates that efficient coherent backscattering up to keV photon energy can be obtained with moderate driver laser intensities and high density gas targets.
86 - Suo Tang , Naveen Kumar , 2016
Plasma high harmonics generation from an extremely intense short-pulse laser is explored by including the effects of ion motion, electron-ion collisions and radiation reaction force in the plasma dynamics. The laser radiation pressure induces plasma ion motion through the hole-boring effect resulting into the frequency shifting and widening of the harmonic spectra. Classical radiation reaction force slightly mitigates the frequency broadening caused by the ion motion. Based on the results and physical considerations, parameter maps highlighting optimum regions for generating a single intense attosecond pulse and coherent XUV radiations are presented.
The generation of relativistic attosecond electron bunches is observed in three-dimensional, relativistic particle-in-cell simulations of the interaction of intense laser light with droplets. The electron bunches are emitted under certain angles whic h depend on the ratios of droplet radius to wavelength and plasma frequency to laser frequency. The mechanism behind the multi-MeV attosecond electron bunch generation is investigated using Mie theory. It is shown that the angular distribution and the high electron energies are due to a parameter-sensitive, time-dependent local field enhancement at the droplet surface.
We report the experimental results of simultaneous measurements on the electron and X-ray spectra from near-critical-density (NCD) double-layer targets irradiated by relativistic femtosecond pulses at the intensity of 5E19 W/cm^2. The dependence of t he electron and X-ray spectra on the density and thickness of the NCD layer was studied. For the optimal targets, electrons with temperature of 5.5 MeV and X-rays with critical energy of 5 keV were obtained. 2D particle-in-cell simulations based on the experimental parameters confirm the electrons are accelerated in the plasma channel through direct laser acceleration, resulting in temperature significantly higher than the pondermotive temperature. Bright X-rays are generated from betatron emission and Thomson backscattering before the electrons leave the double-layer targets.
This paper presents the method for the first time to generate intense high-order optical vortices that carry orbital angular momentum in the extreme ultraviolet region. In three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation, both the reflected and transmit ted light beams include high-order harmonics of the Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) mode when a linearly polarized LG laser pulse impinges on a solid foil. The mode of the generated LG harmonic scales with its order, in good agreement with our theoretical analysis. The intensity of the generated high-order vortex harmonics is close to the relativistic region, and the pulse duration can be in attosecond scale. The obtained intense vortex beam possesses the combined properties of fine transversal structure due to the high-order mode and the fine longitudinal structure due to the short wavelength of the high-order harmonics. Thus, the obtained intense vortex beam may have extraordinarily promising applications for high-capacity quantum information and for high-resolution detection in both spatial and temporal scales because of the addition of a new degree of freedom.
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