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Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks

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 نشر من قبل Hang Su
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Convolutions are the fundamental building block of CNNs. The fact that their weights are spatially shared is one of the main reasons for their widespread use, but it also is a major limitation, as it makes convolutions content agnostic. We propose a pixel-adaptive convolution (PAC) operation, a simple yet effective modification of standard convolutions, in which the filter weights are multiplied with a spatially-varying kernel that depends on learnable, local pixel features. PAC is a generalization of several popular filtering techniques and thus can be used for a wide range of use cases. Specifically, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance when PAC is used for deep joint image upsampling. PAC also offers an effective alternative to fully-connected CRF (Full-CRF), called PAC-CRF, which performs competitively, while being considerably faster. In addition, we also demonstrate that PAC can be used as a drop-in replacement for convolution layers in pre-trained networks, resulting in consistent performance improvements.

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Neural representations have emerged as a new paradigm for applications in rendering, imaging, geometric modeling, and simulation. Compared to traditional representations such as meshes, point clouds, or volumes they can be flexibly incorporated into differentiable learning-based pipelines. While recent improvements to neural representations now make it possible to represent signals with fine details at moderate resolutions (e.g., for images and 3D shapes), adequately representing large-scale or complex scenes has proven a challenge. Current neural representations fail to accurately represent images at resolutions greater than a megapixel or 3D scenes with more than a few hundred thousand polygons. Here, we introduce a new hybrid implicit-explicit network architecture and training strategy that adaptively allocates resources during training and inference based on the local complexity of a signal of interest. Our approach uses a multiscale block-coordinate decomposition, similar to a quadtree or octree, that is optimized during training. The network architecture operates in two stages: using the bulk of the network parameters, a coordinate encoder generates a feature grid in a single forward pass. Then, hundreds or thousands of samples within each block can be efficiently evaluated using a lightweight feature decoder. With this hybrid implicit-explicit network architecture, we demonstrate the first experiments that fit gigapixel images to nearly 40 dB peak signal-to-noise ratio. Notably this represents an increase in scale of over 1000x compared to the resolution of previously demonstrated image-fitting experiments. Moreover, our approach is able to represent 3D shapes significantly faster and better than previous techniques; it reduces training times from days to hours or minutes and memory requirements by over an order of magnitude.
We present a method that processes 3D point clouds by performing graph convolution operations across shapes. In this manner, point descriptors are learned by allowing interaction and propagation of feature representations within a shape collection. T o enable this form of non-local, cross-shape graph convolution, our method learns a pairwise point attention mechanism indicating the degree of interaction between points on different shapes. Our method also learns to create a graph over shapes of an input collection whose edges connect shapes deemed as useful for performing cross-shape convolution. The edges are also equipped with learned weights indicating the compatibility of each shape pair for cross-shape convolution. Our experiments demonstrate that this interaction and propagation of point representations across shapes make them more discriminative. In particular, our results show significantly improved performance for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation compared to conventional approaches, especially in cases with the limited number of training examples.
We present a learning-based approach for virtual try-on applications based on a fully convolutional graph neural network. In contrast to existing data-driven models, which are trained for a specific garment or mesh topology, our fully convolutional m odel can cope with a large family of garments, represented as parametric predefined 2D panels with arbitrary mesh topology, including long dresses, shirts, and tight tops. Under the hood, our novel geometric deep learning approach learns to drape 3D garments by decoupling the three different sources of deformations that condition the fit of clothing: garment type, target body shape, and material. Specifically, we first learn a regressor that predicts the 3D drape of the input parametric garment when worn by a mean body shape. Then, after a mesh topology optimization step where we generate a sufficient level of detail for the input garment type, we further deform the mesh to reproduce deformations caused by the target body shape. Finally, we predict fine-scale details such as wrinkles that depend mostly on the garment material. We qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that our fully convolutional approach outperforms existing methods in terms of generalization capabilities and memory requirements, and therefore it opens the door to more general learning-based models for virtual try-on applications.
312 - Anadi Chaman 2020
Thanks to the use of convolution and pooling layers, convolutional neural networks were for a long time thought to be shift-invariant. However, recent works have shown that the output of a CNN can change significantly with small shifts in input: a pr oblem caused by the presence of downsampling (stride) layers. The existing solutions rely either on data augmentation or on anti-aliasing, both of which have limitations and neither of which enables perfect shift invariance. Additionally, the gains obtained from these methods do not extend to image patterns not seen during training. To address these challenges, we propose adaptive polyphase sampling (APS), a simple sub-sampling scheme that allows convolutional neural networks to achieve 100% consistency in classification performance under shifts, without any loss in accuracy. With APS, the networks exhibit perfect consistency to shifts even before training, making it the first approach that makes convolutional neural networks truly shift-invariant.
Standard convolutional neural networks assume a grid structured input is available and exploit discrete convolutions as their fundamental building blocks. This limits their applicability to many real-world applications. In this paper we propose Param etric Continuous Convolution, a new learnable operator that operates over non-grid structured data. The key idea is to exploit parameterized kernel functions that span the full continuous vector space. This generalization allows us to learn over arbitrary data structures as long as their support relationship is computable. Our experiments show significant improvement over the state-of-the-art in point cloud segmentation of indoor and outdoor scenes, and lidar motion estimation of driving scenes.

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