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Evaluating Climate Variability Of The Canonical Hot Jupiters Hd 189733b & Hd 209458b Through Multi-epoch Eclipse Observations

179   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Brian Kilpatrick
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Here we present the analysis of multi-epoch secondary eclipse observations of HD 189733b and HD 209458b as a probe of temporal variability in the planetary climate using both Spitzer channels 1 and 2 (3.6 and 4.5 um). Constraining temporal variability will inform models and identify physical processes occurring at either length scales too small to directly observe or at pressure levels that are inaccessible to transit observations. We do not detect statistically significant variability and are able to place useful upper limits on the IR variability amplitudes in these atmospheres. There are very few planets with multi-epoch observations at the required precision to probe variability in dayside emission. The observations considered in this study span several years, providing insight into temporal variability at multiple timescales. In the case of HD 189733b, the best fit eclipse depths for the channel 2 observations exhibit a scatter of 102 ppm about a median depth of 1827 ppm and in channel 1 exhibit a scatter of 88 ppm about a median depth of 1481 ppm. For HD 209458b, the best fit eclipse depths for the channel 2 observations exhibit a scatter of 22 ppm about a median depth of 1406 ppm and in channel 1 exhibit a scatter of 131 ppm about a median depth of 1092 ppm. The precision and scatter in these observations allow us to constrain variability to less than (5.6% and 6.0%) and (12% and 1.6%) for channels (1,2) of HD 189733b and HD 209458b respectively. There is a difference in the best fit eclipse timing compared to the predicted time consistent with an offset hotspot as predicted by GCMs and confirmed in previous phase curve observations.

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We present global, three-dimensional numerical simulations of HD 189733b and HD 209458b that couple the atmospheric dynamics to a realistic representation of non-gray cloud-free radiative transfer. The model, which we call the Substellar and Planetar y Atmospheric Radiation and Circulation (SPARC) model, adopts the MITgcm for the dynamics and uses the radiative model of McKay, Marley, Fortney, and collaborators for the radiation. Like earlier work with simplified forcing, our simulations develop a broad eastward equatorial jet, mean westward flow at higher latitudes, and substantial flow over the poles at low pressure. For HD 189733b, our simulations without TiO and VO opacity can explain the broad features of the observed 8 and 24-micron light curves, including the modest day-night flux variation and the fact that the planet/star flux ratio peaks before the secondary eclipse. Our simulations also provide reasonable matches to the Spitzer secondary-eclipse depths at 4.5, 5.8, 8, 16, and 24 microns and the groundbased upper limit at 2.2 microns. However, we substantially underpredict the 3.6-micron secondary-eclipse depth, suggesting that our simulations are too cold in the 0.1-1 bar region. Predicted temporal variability in secondary-eclipse depths is ~1% at Spitzer bandpasses, consistent with recent observational upper limits at 8 microns. We also show that nonsynchronous rotation can significantly alter the jet structure. For HD 209458b, we include TiO and VO opacity; these simulations develop a hot (>2000 K) dayside stratosphere. Despite this stratosphere, we do not reproduce current Spitzer photometry of this planet. Light curves in Spitzer bandpasses show modest phase variation and satisfy the observational upper limit on day-night phase variation at 8 microns. (abridged)
The measurement of the light scattered from extrasolar planets informs atmospheric and formation models. With the discovery of many hot Jupiter planets orbiting nearby stars, this motivates the development of robust methods of characterisation from f ollow up observations. In this paper we discuss two methods for determining the planetary albedo in transiting systems. First, the most widely used method for measuring the light scattered by hot Jupiters (Collier Cameron et al.) is investigated for application for typical echelle spectra of a transiting planet system, showing that detection requires high signal-to-noise ratio data of bright planets. Secondly a new Fourier analysis method is also presented, which is model-independent and utilises the benefits of the reduced number of unknown parameters in transiting systems. This approach involves solving for the planet and stellar spectra in Fourier space by least-squares. The sensitivities of the methods are determined via Monte Carlo simulations for a range of planet-to-star fluxes. We find the Fourier analysis method to be better suited to the ideal case of typical observations of a well constrained transiting system than the Collier Cameron et al. method. We apply the Fourier analysis method for extracting the light scattered by transiting hot Jupiters from high resolution spectra to echelle spectra of HD 209458 and HD 189733. Unfortunately we are unable to improve on the previous upper limit of the planet-to-star flux for HD 209458b set by space-based observations. A 1{sigma}upper limit on the planet-to-star flux of HD 189733b is measured in the wavelength range of 558.83-599.56 nm yielding {epsilon} < 4.5 times 10-4. Improvement in the measurement of the upper limit of the planet-to-star flux of this system, with ground-based capabilities, requires data with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and increased stability of the telescope.
Using the POLISH instrument, I am unable to reproduce the large-amplitude polarimetric observations of Berdyugina et al. (2008) to the >99.99% confidence level. I observe no significant polarimetric variability in the HD 189733 system, and the upper limit to variability from the exoplanet is Delta_P < 7.9 x 10^(-5) with 99% confidence in the 400 nm to 675 nm wavelength range. Berdyugina et al. (2008) report polarized, scattered light from the atmosphere of the HD 189733b hot Jupiter with an amplitude of two parts in 10^4. Such a large amplitude is over an order of magnitude larger than expected given a geometric albedo similar to other hot Jupiters. However, my non-detection of polarimetric variability phase-locked to the orbital period of the exoplanet, and the lack of any significant variability, shows that the polarimetric modulation reported by Berdyugina et al. (2008) cannot be due to the exoplanet.
231 - T.M. Rogers , A.P. Showman 2014
We present the first three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the atmosphere of HD 209458b which self-consistently include reduction of winds due to the Lorentz force and Ohmic heating. We find overall wind structures similar to tha t seen in previous models of hot Jupiter atmospheres, with strong equatorial jets and meridional flows poleward near the day side and equatorward near the night side. Inclusion of magnetic fields slows those winds and leads to Ohmic dissipation. We find wind slowing ranging from 10%-40% for reasonable field strengths. We find Ohmic dissipation rates ~10^17 W at 100 bar, orders of magnitude too small to explain the inflated radius of this planet. Faster wind speeds, not achievable in these anelastic calculations, may be able to increase this value somewhat, but likely will not be able to close the gap necessary to explain the inflated radius. We demonstrate that the discrepancy between the simulations presented here and previous models is due to inadequate treatment of magnetic field geometry and evolution. Induced poloidal fields become much larger than those imposed, highlighting the need for a self-consistent MHD treatment of these hot atmospheres.
We present here new transmission spectra of the hot Jupiter HD-189733b using the SpeX instrument on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. We obtained two nights of observations where we recorded the primary transit of the planet in the J-, H- and K-b ands simultaneously, covering a spectral range from 0.94 to 2.42 {mu}m. We used Fourier analysis and other de-trending techniques validated previously on other datasets to clean the data. We tested the statistical significance of our results by calculating the auto-correlation function, and we found that, after the detrending, auto-correlative noise is diminished at most frequencies. Additionally, we repeated our analysis on the out-of-transit data only, showing that the residual telluric contamination is well within the error bars. While these techniques are very efficient when multiple nights of observations are combined together, our results prove that even one good night of observations is enough to provide statistically meaningful data. Our observed spectra are consistent with space-based data recorded in the same wavelength interval by multiple instruments, indicating that ground-based facilities are becoming a viable and complementary option to spaceborne observatories. The best fit to the features in our data was obtained with water vapor. Our error bars are not small enough to address the presence of additional molecules, however by combining the information contained in other datasets with our results, it is possible to explain all the available observations with a modelled atmospheric spectrum containing water vapor, methane, carbon monoxide and hazes/clouds.
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