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Stellar physics with high-resolution UV spectropolarimetry

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 نشر من قبل Coralie Neiner
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Current burning issues in stellar physics, for both hot and cool stars, concern their magnetism. In hot stars, stable magnetic fields of fossil origin impact their stellar structure and circumstellar environment, with a likely major role in stellar evolution. However, this role is complex and thus poorly understood as of today. It needs to be quantified with high-resolution UV spectropolarimetric measurements. In cool stars, UV spectropolarimetry would provide access to the structure and magnetic field of the very dynamic upper stellar atmosphere, providing key data for new progress to be made on the role of magnetic fields in heating the upper atmospheres, launching stellar winds, and more generally in the interaction of cool stars with their environment (circumstellar disk, planets) along their whole evolution.

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Current burning issues in stellar physics, for both hot and cool stars, concern their magnetism. In hot stars, stable magnetic fields of fossil origin impact their stellar structure and circumstellar environment, with a likely major role in stellar e volution. However, this role is complex and thus poorly understood as of today. It needs to be quantified with high-resolution UV spectropolarimetric measurements. In cool stars, UV spectropolarimetry would provide access to the structure and magnetic field of the very dynamic upper stellar atmosphere, providing key data for new progress to be made on the role of magnetic fields in heating the upper atmospheres, launching stellar winds, and more generally in the interaction of cool stars with their environment (circumstellar disk, planets) along their whole evolution. UV spectropolarimetry is proposed on missions of various sizes and scopes, from POLLUX on the 15-m telescope LUVOIR to the Arago M-size mission dedicated to UV spectropolarimetry.
484 - D.M. Harrington , J.R. Kuhn 2010
Stellar spectropolarimetry is a relatively new remote sensing tool for exploring stellar atmospheres and circumstellar environments. We present the results of our HiVIS survey and a multi-wavelength ESPaDOnS follow-up campaign showing detectable line ar polarization signatures in many lines for most obscured stars. This survey shows polarization at and below 0.1% across many lines are common in stars with often much larger H-alpha signatures. These smaller signatures are near the limit of typical systematic errors in most night-time spectropolarimeters. In an effort to increase our precision and efficiency for detecting small signals we designed and implemented the new HiVIS bi-directionally clocked detector synchronized with the new liquid-crystal polarimeter package. We can now record multiple independent polarized spectra in a single exposure on identical pixels and have demonstrated 10^-4 relative polarimetric precision. The new detector allows for the movement of charge on the device to be synchronized with phase changes in the liquid-crystal variable retarders at rates of >5Hz. It also allows for more efficient observing on bright targets by effectively increasing the pixel well depth. With the new detector, low and high resolution modes and polarization calibrations for the instrument and telescope, we substantially reduce limitations to the precision and accuracy of this new spectropolarimetric tool.
Magnetic bright points are small-scale magnetic elements ubiquitous across the solar disk, with the prevailing theory suggesting that they form due to the process of convective collapse. Employing a unique full Stokes spectropolarimetric data set of a quiet Sun region close to disk centre obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope, we look at general trends in the properties of magnetic bright points. In total we track 300 MBPs in the data set and we employ NICOLE
98 - Santosh Joshi 2017
The combination of photometry, spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of the chemically peculiar stars often aims to study the complex physical phenomena such as stellar pulsation, chemical inhomogeneity, magnetic field and their interplay with stellar atmosphere and circumstellar environment. The prime objective of the present study is to determine the atmospheric parameters of a set of Am stars to understand their evolutionary status. Atmospheric abundances and basic parameters are determined using full spectrum fitting technique by comparing the high-resolution spectra to the synthetic spectra. To know the evolutionary status we derive the effective temperature and luminosity from different methods and compare them with the literature. The location of these stars in the H-R diagram demonstrate that all the sample stars are evolved from the Zero-Age-Main-Sequence towards Terminal-Age-Main-Sequence and occupy the region of $delta$ Sct instability strip. The abundance analysis shows that the light elements e.g. Ca and Sc are underabundant while iron peak elements such as Ba, Ce etc. are overabundant and these chemical properties are typical for Am stars. The results obtained from the spectropolarimetric analysis shows that the longitudinal magnetic fields in all the studied stars are negligible that gives further support their Am class of peculiarity.
The Polstar mission will provide for a space-borne 60cm telescope operating at UV wavelengths with spectropolarimetric capability capturing all four Stokes parameters (intensity, two linear polarization components, and circular polarization). Polstar s capabilities are designed to meet its goal of determining how circumstellar gas flows alter massive stars evolution, and finding the consequences for the stellar remnant population and the stirring and enrichment of the interstellar medium, by addressing four key science objectives. In addition, Polstar will determine drivers for the alignment of the smallest interstellar grains, and probe the dust, magnetic fields, and environments in the hot diffuse interstellar medium, including for the first time a direct measurement of the polarized and energized properties of intergalactic dust. Polstar will also characterize processes that lead to the assembly of exoplanetary systems and that affect exoplanetary atmospheres and habitability. Science driven design requirements include: access to ultraviolet bands: where hot massive stars are brightest and circumstellar opacity is highest; high spectral resolution: accessing diagnostics of circumstellar gas flows and stellar composition in the far-UV at 122-200nm, including the NV, SiIV, and CIV resonance doublets and other transitions such as NIV, AlIII, HeII, and CIII; polarimetry: accessing diagnostics of circumstellar magnetic field shape and strength when combined with high FUV spectral resolution and diagnostics of stellar rotation and distribution of circumstellar gas when combined with low near-UV spectral resolution; sufficient signal-to-noise ratios: ~1000 for spectropolarimetric precisions of 0.1% per exposure; ~100 for detailed spectroscopic studies; ~10 for exploring dimmer sources; and cadence: ranging from 1-10 minutes for most wind variability studies.
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