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General field theory and weak Euler-Lagrange equation for classical particle-field systems in plasma physics

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 نشر من قبل Peifeng Fan
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A general field theory for classical particle-field systems is developed. Compared with the standard classical field theory, the distinguish feature of a classical particle-field system is that the particles and fields reside on different manifolds. The fields are defined on the 4D space-time, whereas each particles trajectory is defined on the 1D time-axis. As a consequence, the standard Noethers procedure for deriving local conservation laws in space-time from symmetries is not applicable without modification. To overcome this difficulty, a weak Euler-Lagrange equation for particles is developed on the 4D space-time, which plays a pivotal role in establishing the connections between symmetries and local conservation laws in space-time. Especially, the non-vanishing Euler derivative in the weak Euler-Lagrangian equation generates a new current in the conservation laws. Several examples from plasma physics are studied as special cases of the general field theory. In particular, the relations between the rotational symmetry and angular momentum conservation for the Klimontovich-Poisson system and the Klimontovich-Darwin system are established.

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اقرأ أيضاً

77 - Peifeng Fan , Hong Qin , Jian Liu 2016
A manifestly covariant, or geometric, field theory for relativistic classical particle-field system is developed. The connection between space-time symmetry and energy-momentum conservation laws for the system is established geometrically without spl itting the space and time coordinates, i.e., space-time is treated as one identity without choosing a coordinate system. To achieve this goal, we need to overcome two difficulties. The first difficulty arises from the fact that particles and field reside on different manifold. As a result, the geometric Lagrangian density of the system is a function of the 4-potential of electromagnetic fields and also a functional of particles world-lines. The other difficulty associated with the geometric setting is due to the mass-shell condition. The standard Euler-Lagrange (EL) equation for a particle is generalized into the geometric EL equation when the mass-shell condition is imposed. For the particle-field system, the geometric EL equation is further generalized into a weak geometric EL equation for particles. With the EL equation for field and the geometric weak EL equation for particles, symmetries and conservation laws can be established geometrically. A geometric expression for the energy-momentum tensor for particles is derived for the first time, which recovers the non-geometric form in the existing literature for a chosen coordinate system.
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In hep-th/0312098 it was argued that by extending the ``$a$-maximization of hep-th/0304128 away from fixed points of the renormalization group, one can compute the anomalous dimensions of chiral superfields along the flow, and obtain a better underst anding of the irreversibility of RG flow in four dimensional supersymmetric field theory. According to this proposal, the role of the running couplings is played by certain Lagrange multipliers that are introduced in the construction. We show that one can choose a parametrization of the space of couplings in which the Lagrange multipliers can indeed be identified with the couplings, and discuss the consequences of this for weakly coupled gauge theory.
171 - A. Y. Potekhin 2008
We develop analytic approximations of thermodynamic functions of fully ionized nonideal electron-ion plasma mixtures. In the regime of strong Coulomb coupling, we use our previously developed analytic approximations for the free energy of one-compone nt plasmas with rigid and polarizable electron background and apply the linear mixing rule (LMR). Other thermodynamic functions are obtained through analytic derivation of this free energy. In order to obtain an analytic approximation for the intermediate coupling and transition to the Debye-Hueckel limit, we perform hypernetted-chain calculations of the free energy, internal energy, and pressure for mixtures of different ion species and introduce a correction to the LMR, which allows a smooth transition from strong to weak Coulomb coupling in agreement with the numerical results.
259 - Dominique Escande 2012
Debye shielding, collisional transport, Landau damping of Langmuir waves, and spontaneous emission of these waves are introduced, in typical plasma physics textbooks, in different chapters. This paper provides a compact unified introduction to these phenomena without appealing to fluid or kinetic models, but by using Newtons second law for a system of $N$ electrons in a periodic box with a neutralizing ionic background. A rigorous equation is derived for the electrostatic potential. Its linearization and a first smoothing reveal this potential to be the sum of the shielded Coulomb potentials of the individual particles. Smoothing this sum yields the classical Vlasovian expression including initial conditions in Landau contour calculations of Langmuir wave growth or damping. The theory is extended to accommodate a correct description of trapping or chaos due to Langmuir waves. In the linear regime, the amplitude of such a wave is found to be ruled by Landau growth or damping and by spontaneous emission. Using the shielded potential, the collisional diffusion coefficient is computed for the first time by a convergent expression including the correct calculation of deflections for all impact parameters. Shielding and collisional transport are found to be two related aspects of the repulsive deflections of electrons.
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