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Structural and magnetic properties of a new cubic spinel LiRhMnO$_{4}$

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 نشر من قبل Susanta Kundu
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report the structural and magnetic properties of a new system LiRhMnO$_{4}$ (LRMO) through x-ray diffraction, bulk magnetization, heat capacity and $^{7}$Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements. LRMO crystallizes in the cubic space group $mathit{Fd}$$bar{3}$$mathit{m}$. From the DC susceptibility data, we obtained the Curie-Weiss temperature $mathrm{theta}_{mathrm{CW}}$ = -26 K and Curie constant $mathit{C}$ = 1.79 Kcm$^{3}$/mol suggesting antiferromagnetic correlations among the magnetic Mn$^{4+}$ ions with an effective spin $mathit{S}$ = $frac{3}{2}$. At $mathit{H}$ = 50 Oe, the field cooled and zero-field cooled magnetizations bifurcate at a freezing temperature, $T_{f}$ = 4.45 K, which yields the frustration parameter $mathit{f=frac{midtheta_{CW}mid}{T_{f}}}>$5. AC susceptibility, shows a cusp-like peak at around $T_{f}$, with the peak position shifting as a function of the driving frequency, confirming a spin-glass-like transition in LRMO. LRMO also shows typical spin-glass characteristics such as memory effect, aging effect and relaxation. In the heat capacity, there is no sharp anomaly down to 2 K indicative of long-range ordering. The field sweep $^{7}$Li NMR spectra show broadening with decreasing temperature without any spectral line shift. The $^{7}$Li NMR spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation rates also show anomalies due to spin freezing near $T_{f}$.

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181 - V. O. Garlea , R. Jin , E. Garlea 2012
We report the structural and magnetic properties of a new class of cobaltates with the chemical formula (BaSr)4-xLa2xCo4O15 (x = 0, 0.5 and 1). These compounds crystallize in a hexagonal structure in which cobalt ions are distributed among two distin ct crystallographic sites with different oxygen coordination. Three Co-O tetrahedra and one octahedron are linked by shared oxygen atoms to form Co4O15 clusters, which are packed together into a honeycomb-like network. Partial substitution of Sr and/or Ba atoms by La allows one to adjust the degree of Co valence mixing, but all compositions remain subject to a random distribution of charge. Magnetic susceptibility together with neutron scattering measurements reveal that all studied specimens are characterized by competing ferro- and antiferro-magnetic exchange interactions that give rise to a three dimensional Heisenberg spin-glass state. Neutron spectroscopy shows a clear trend of slowing down of spin-dynamics upon increasing La concentration, suggesting a reduction in charge randomness in the doped samples.
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