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A-PHOT: a new, versatile code for precision aperture photometry

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 نشر من قبل Emiliano Merlin
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present A-PHOT, a new publicly available code for performing aperture photometry on astronomical images, that is particularly well suited for multi-band extragalactic surveys. A-PHOT estimates the fluxes emitted by astronomical objects within a chosen set of circular or elliptical apertures. Unlike other widely used codes, it runs on predefined lists of positions, allowing for repeated measurements on the same list of objects on different images. This can be very useful when forced photometric measurement on a given position is needed. A-PHOT can also estimate morphological parameters and a local background flux, and compute on-the-fly individual optimized elliptical apertures, in which the signal-to-noise ratio is maximized. We check the performance of A-PHOT on both synthetic and real test datasets: we explore a simulated case of a space-based high-resolution imaging dataset, investigating the input parameter space to optimize the accuracy of the performance, and we exploit the CANDELS GOODS-South data to compare the A-PHOT measurements with those from the survey legacy catalogs, finding good agreement overall. A-PHOT proves to a useful and versatile tool for quickly extracting robust and accurate photometric measurements and basic morphological information of galaxies and stars, with the advantage of allowing for various measurements of fluxes at any chosen position without the need of a full detection run, and for determining the basic morphological features of the sources.

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We present T-PHOT, a publicly available software aimed at extracting accurate photometry from low-resolution images of deep extragalactic fields, where the blending of sources can be a serious problem for the accurate and unbiased measurement of flux es and colours. T-PHOT has been developed within the ASTRODEEP project and it can be considered as the next generation to TFIT, providing significant improvements above it and other similar codes. T-PHOT gathers data from a high-resolution image of a region of the sky, and uses it to obtain priors for the photometric analysis of a lower resolution image of the same field. It can handle different types of datasets as input priors: i) a list of objects that will be used to obtain cutouts from the real high-resolution image; ii) a set of analytical models; iii) a list of unresolved, point-like sources, useful e.g. for far-infrared wavelength domains. We show that T-PHOT yields accurate estimations of fluxes within the intrinsic uncertainties of the method, when systematic errors are taken into account (which can be done thanks to a flagging code given in the output). T-PHOT is many times faster than similar codes like TFIT and CONVPHOT (up to hundreds, depending on the problem and the method adopted), whilst at the same time being more robust and more versatile. This makes it an optimal choice for the analysis of large datasets. In addition we show how the use of different settings and methods significantly enhances the performance. Given its versatility and robustness, T-PHOT can be considered the preferred choice for combined photometric analysis of current and forthcoming extragalactic optical to far-infrared imaging surveys. [abridged]
We describe the High-Precision Polarimetric Instrument-2 (HIPPI-2) a highly versatile stellar polarimeter developed at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Two copies of HIPPI-2 have been built and used on the 60-cm telescope at Western Sydney U niversitys (WSU) Penrith Observatory, the 8.1-m Gemini North Telescope at Mauna Kea and extensively on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). The precision of polarimetry, measured from repeat observations of bright stars in the SDSS g band, is better than 3.5 ppm (parts per million) on the 3.9-m AAT and better than 11 ppm on the 60-cm WSU telescope. The precision is better at redder wavelengths and poorer in the blue. On the Gemini North 8-m telescope the performance is limited by a very large and strongly wavelength dependent telescope polarization that reached 1000s of ppm at blue wavelengths and is much larger than we have seen on any other telescope.
172 - M. Zhang , G. A. Bakos (1 , 2 2015
Ground-based exoplanet surveys such as SuperWASP, HATNet and KELT have discovered close to two hundred transiting extrasolar planets in the past several years. The strategy of these surveys is to look at a large field of view and measure the brightne sses of its bright stars to around half a percent per point precision, which is adequate for detecting hot Jupiters. Typically, these surveys use CCD detectors to achieve high precision photometry. These CCDs, however, are expensive relative to other consumer-grade optical imaging devices, such as digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs). We look at the possibility of using a digital single-lens reflex camera for precision photometry. Specifically, we used a Canon EOS 60D camera that records light in 3 colors simultaneously. The DSLR was integrated into the HATNet survey and collected observations for a month, after which photometry was extracted for 6600 stars in a selected stellar field. We found that the DSLR achieves a best-case median absolute deviation (MAD) of 4.6 mmag per 180 s exposure when the DSLR color channels are combined, and 1000 stars are measured to better than 10 mmag (1%). Also, we achieve 10,mmag or better photometry in the individual colors. This is good enough to detect transiting hot Jupiters. We performed a candidate search on all stars and found four candidates, one of which is KELT-3b, the only known transiting hot Jupiter in our selected field. We conclude that the Canon 60D is a cheap, lightweight device capable of useful photometry in multiple colors.
Light curves for RR Lyrae stars can be difficult to obtain properly in the K2 mission due to the similarities between the timescales of the observed physical phenomena and the instrumental signals appearing in the data. We developed a new photometric method called Extended Aperture Photometry (EAP), a key element of which is to extend the aperture to an optimal size to compensate for the motion of the telescope and to collect all available flux from the star before applying further corrections. We determined the extended apertures for individual stars by hand so far. Now we managed to automate the pipeline that we intend to use for the nearly four thousand RR Lyrae targets observed in the K2 mission. We present the outline of our pipeline and make some comparisons to other photometric solutions.
The textit{Kepler} space telescope observed thousands of RR Lyrae stars in the K2 mission. In this paper we present our photometric solutions using extended apertures in order to conserve the flux of the stars to the highest possible extent. With thi s method we are able to avoid most of the problems that RR Lyrae light curves produced by other pipelines suffer from. For post-processing we apply the K2SC pipeline to our light curves. We provide the EAP (Extended Aperture Photometry) of 432 RR Lyrae stars observed in campaigns 3, 4, 5, and 6. We also provide subclass classifications based on Fourier parameters. We investigated in particular the presence of the Blazhko effect in the stars, and found it to be 44.7% among the RRab stars, in agreement with results from independent samples. We found that the amplitude and phase modulation in the Blazhko stars may behave rather differently, at least over the length of a K2 Campaign. We also identified four anomalous Cepheid candidates in the sample one of which is potentially the first Blazhko-modulated member of its class.
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