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Unifying Description of Competing Orders in Two Dimensional Quantum Magnets

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 نشر من قبل Yin-Chen He
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum magnets provide the simplest example of strongly interacting quantum matter, yet they continue to resist a comprehensive understanding above one spatial dimension (1D). In 1D, a key ingredient to progress is Luttinger liquid theory which provides a unified description. Here we explore a promising analogous framework in two dimensions, the Dirac spin liquid (DSL), which can be constructed on several different lattices. The DSL is a version of Quantum Electrodynamics ( QED$_3$) with four flavors of Dirac fermions coupled to photons. Importantly, its excitations also include magnetic monopoles that drive confinement. By calculating the complete action of symmetries on monopoles on the square, honeycomb, triangular and kagom`e lattices, we answer previously open key questions. We find that the stability of the DSL is enhanced on the triangular and kagom`e lattices as compared to the bipartite (square and honeycomb) lattices. We obtain the universal signatures of the DSL on the triangular and kagom`e lattices, including those that result from monopole excitations, which serve as a guide to numerics and to experiments on existing materials. Interestingly, the familiar 120 degree magnetic orders on these lattices can be obtained from monopole proliferation. Even when unstable, the Dirac spin liquid unifies multiple ordered states which could help organize the plethora of phases observed in strongly correlated two-dimensional materials.

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A number of examples have demonstrated the failure of the Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson(LGW) paradigm in describing the competing phases and phase transitions of two dimensional quantum magnets. In this paper we argue that such magnets possess field theoret ic descriptions in terms of their slow fluctuating orders provided certain topological terms are included in the action. These topological terms may thus be viewed as what goes wrong within the conventional LGW thinking. The field theoretic descriptions we develop are possible alternates to the popular gauge theories of such non-LGW behavior. Examples that are studied include weakly coupled quasi-one dimensional spin chains, deconfined critical points in fully two dimensional magnets, and two component massless $QED_3$. A prominent role is played by an anisotropic O(4) non-linear sigma model in three space-time dimensions with a topological theta term. Some properties of this model are discussed. We suggest that similar sigma model descriptions might exist for fermionic algebraic spin liquid phases.
We overview physical effects of exchange frustration and quantum spin fluctuations in (quasi-) two dimensional (2D) quantum magnets ($S=1/2$) with square, rectangular and triangular structure. Our discussion is based on the $J_1$-$J_2$ type frustrate d exchange model and its generalizations. These models are closely related and allow to tune between different phases, magnetically ordered as well as more exotic nonmagnetic quantum phases by changing only one or two control parameters. We survey ground state properties like magnetization, saturation fields, ordered moment and structure factor in the full phase diagram as obtained from numerical exact diagonalization computations and analytical linear spin wave theory. We also review finite temperature properties like susceptibility, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect using the finite temperature Lanczos method. This method is powerful to determine the exchange parameters and g-factors from experimental results. We focus mostly on the observable physical frustration effects in magnetic phases where plenty of quasi-2D material examples exist to identify the influence of quantum fluctuations on magnetism.
We derive an extended lattice gauge theory type action for quantum dimer models and relate it to the height representations of these systems. We examine the system in two and three dimensions and analyze the phase structure in terms of effective theo ries and duality arguments. For the two-dimensional case we derive the effective potential both at zero and finite temperature. The zero-temperature theory at the Rokhsar-Kivelson (RK) point has a critical point related to the self-dual point of a class of $Z_N$ models in the $Ntoinfty$ limit. Two phase transitions featuring a fixed line are shown to appear in the phase diagram, one at zero temperature and at the RK point and another one at finite temperature above the RK point. The latter will be shown to correspond to a Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) phase transition, while the former will be governed by a KT-like universality class, i.e., sharing many features with a KT transition but actually corresponding to a different universality class. On the other hand, we show that at the RK point no phase transition happens at finite temperature. For the three-dimensional case we derive the corresponding dual gauge theory model at the RK point. We show in this case that at zero temperature a first-order phase transition occurs, while at finite temperatures both first- and second-order phase transitions are possible, depending on the relative values of the couplings involved.
367 - Lu Liu , Hui Shao , Yu-Cheng Lin 2018
We study effects of disorder (randomness) in a 2D square-lattice $S=1/2$ quantum spin system, the $J$-$Q$ model with a 6-spin interaction $Q$ supplementing the Heisenberg exchange $J$. In the absence of disorder the system hosts antiferromagnetic (AF M) and columnar valence-bond-solid (VBS) ground states. The VBS breaks $Z_4$ symmetry, and in the presence of arbitrarily weak disorder it forms domains. Using QMC simulations, we demonstrate two kinds of such disordered VBS states. Upon dilution, a removed site leaves a localized spin in the opposite sublattice. These spins form AFM order. For random interactions, we find a different state, with no order but algebraically decaying mean correlations. We identify localized spinons at the nexus of domain walls between different VBS patterns. These spinons form correlated groups with the same number of spinons and antispinons. Within such a group, there is a strong tendency to singlet formation, because of spinon-spinon interactions mediated by the domain walls. Thus, no long-range AFM order forms. We propose that this state is a 2D analog of the well-known 1D random singlet (RS) state, though the dynamic exponent $z$ in 2D is finite. By studying the T-dependent magnetic susceptibility, we find that $z$ varies, from $z=2$ at the AFM--RS phase boundary and larger in the RS phase The RS state discovered here in a system without geometric frustration should correspond to the same fixed point as the RS state recently proposed for frustrated systems, and the ability to study it without Monte Carlo sign problems opens up opportunities for further detailed characterization of its static and dynamic properties. We also discuss experimental evidence of the RS phase in the quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice random-exchange quantum magnets Sr$_2$CuTe$_{1-x}$W$_x$O$_6$.
Strong electronic interactions and spin orbit coupling can be conducive for realizing novel broken symmetry phases supporting quasiparticles with nontrivial band topology. 227 pyrochlore iridates provide a suitable material platform for studying such emergent phenomena where both topology and competing orders play important roles. In contrast to the most members of this material class, which are thought to display all-in all-out (AIAO) type magnetically ordered low-temperature insulating ground states, Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ remains metallic while exhibiting spin ice (SI) correlations at low temperatures. Additionally, this is the only 227 iridate compound, which exhibits a large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) along [1,1,1] direction below 1.5 K, without possessing any measurable magnetic moment. By focusing on the normal state of 227 iridates, described by a parabolic semimetal with quadratic band touching, we use renormalization group analysis, mean-field theory, and phenomenological Landau theory as three complementary methods to construct a global phase diagram in the presence of generic local interactions among itinerant electrons of Ir ions. While the global phase diagram supports several competing multipolar orders, motivated by the phenomenology of 227 iridates we particularly emphasize the competition between AIAO and SI orders and how it can cause a mixed phase with three-in one-out (3I1O) spin configurations. In terms of topological properties of Weyl quasiparticles of the 3I1O state, we provide an explanation for the magnitude and the direction of the observed AHE in Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$. We propose a strain induced enhancement of the onset temperature for AHE in thin films of Pr$_2$Ir$_2$O$_7$ and additional experiments for studying competing orders in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition.
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