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Surface tension of hot and dense quark matter under strong magnetic fields

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 نشر من قبل German Lugones
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the surface tension of hot, highly magnetized three flavor quark matter droplets, focusing specifically on the thermodynamic conditions prevailing in neutron stars, hot lepton rich protoneutron stars and neutron star mergers. We explore the role of temperature, baryon number density, trapped neutrinos, droplet size and magnetic fields within the multiple reflection expansion formalism (MRE), assuming that astrophysical quark matter can be described as a mixture of free Fermi gases composed by quarks $u$, $d$, $s$, electrons and neutrinos, in chemical equilibrium under weak interactions. We find that the total surface tension is rather unaffected by the size of the drop, but is quite sensitive to the effect of baryon number density, temperature, trapped neutrinos and magnetic fields (specially above $eB sim 5 times 10^{-3} mathrm{GeV}^2$). Surface tensions parallel and transverse to the magnetic field span values up to $sim$ 25 MeV/fm$^2$. For $T lesssim 100$ MeV the surface tension is a decreasing function of temperature but above 100 MeV it increases monotonically with $T$. Finally, we discuss some astrophysical consequences of our results.

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اقرأ أيضاً

213 - A. Rabhi , P. K. Panda , 2011
We investigate the effects of strong magnetic fields on the equation of state of warm stellar matter as it may occur in a protoneutron star. Both neutrino free and neutrino trapped matter at a fixed entropy per baryon are analyzed. A relativistic mea n field nuclear model, including the possibility of hyperon formation, is considered. A density dependent magnetic field with the magnitude $10^{15}$ G at the surface and not more than $3times 10^{18}$ G at the center is considered. The magnetic field gives rise to a neutrino suppression, mainly at low densities, in matter with trapped neutrinos. It is shown that an hybrid protoneutron star will not evolve to a low mass blackhole if the magnetic field is strong enough and the magnetic field does not decay. However, the decay of the magnetic field after cooling may give rise to the formation of a low mass blackhole.
We investigate chiral symmetry breaking in strong magnetic fields at finite temperature and densities in a 3 flavor Nambu Jona Lasinio (NJL) model including the Kobayashi Maskawa t-Hooft (KMT) determinant term, using an explicit structure for the gro und state in terms of quark antiquark condensates. The mass gap equations are solved self consistently and are used to compute the thermodynamic potential. We also derive the equation of state for strange quark matter in the presence of strong magnetic fields which could be relevant for proto-neutron stars. ~
We apply the renormalization group optimized perturbation theory (RGOPT) to evaluate the quark contribution to the QCD pressure at finite temperatures and baryonic densities, at next-to-leading order (NLO). Our results are compared to NLO and state-o f-the-art higher orders of standard perturbative QCD (pQCD) and hard thermal loop perturbation theory (HTLpt). The RGOPT resummation provides a nonperturbative approximation, exhibiting a drastically better remnant renormalization scale dependence than pQCD, thanks to built-in renormalization group invariance consistency. At NLO, upon simply adding to the RGOPT-resummed quark contributions the purely perturbative NLO glue contribution, our results show a remarkable agreement with ab initio lattice simulation data for temperatures $0.25 lesssim T lesssim 1 , {rm GeV}$, with a remnant scale dependence drastically reduced as compared to HTLpt.
170 - S. Schramm , J. Steinheimer 2011
We present a general approach to incorporate hadronic as well as quark degrees of freedom in a unified approach. This approach implements the correct degrees of freedom at high as well as low temperatures and densities. An effective Polyakov loop fie ld serves as the order parameter for deconfinement. We employ a well-tested hadronic flavor-SU(3) model based on a chirally symmetric formulation that reproduces properties of ground state nuclear matter and yields good descriptions of nuclei and hypernuclei. Excluded volume effects simulating the finite size of the hadrons drive the transition to quarks at high temperatures and densities. We study the phase structure of the model and the transition to the quark gluon plasma and compare results to lattice gauge calculations.
80 - Maxim Dvornikov 2016
We study the generation of strong large scale magnetic fields in dense quark matter. The magnetic field growth is owing to the magnetic field instability driven by the electroweak interaction of quarks. We discuss the situation when the chiral symmet ry is unbroken in the degenerate quark matter. In this case we predict the amplification of the seed magnetic field $10^{12},text{G}$ to the strengths $(10^{14}-10^{15}),text{G}$. In our analysis we use the typical parameters of the quark matter in the core of a hybrid star or in a quark star. We also discuss the application of the obtained results to describe the magnetic fields generation in magnetars.
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