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Optical properties of high pressure liquid hydrogen across molecular dissociation

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 نشر من قبل Carlo Pierleoni
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Optical properties of compressed fluid hydrogen in the region where dissociation and metallization is observed are computed by ab-initio methods and compared to recent experimental results. We confirm that above 3000 K both processes are continuous while below 1500K the first order phase transition is accompanied by a discontinuity of the DC conductivity and the thermal conductivity, while both the reflectivity and absorption coefficient vary rapidly but continuously. Our results support the recent analysis of NIF experiments (P. Celliers et al, Science 361, 677-682 (2018)) which assigned the inception of metallization to pressures where the reflectivity is about 0.3. Our results also support the conclusion that the temperature plateau seen in laser-heated DAC experiments at temperatures higher than 1500 K corresponds to the onset of of optical absorption, not to the phase transition.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A theoretical study is reported of the molecular-to-atomic transition in solid hydrogen at high pressure. We use the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method to calculate the static lattice energies of the competing phases and a density-functional-theory -based vibrational self-consistent field method to calculate anharmonic vibrational properties. We find a small but significant contribution to the vibrational energy from anharmonicity. A transition from the molecular Cmca-12 direct to the atomic I4_1/amd phase is found at 374 GPa. The vibrational contribution lowers the transition pressure by 91 GPa. The dissociation pressure is not very sensitive to the isotopic composition. Our results suggest that quantum melting occurs at finite temperature.
253 - S. Azadi , W. M. C. Foulkes , 2013
We use the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo (DMC) method to calculate the ground state phase diagram of solid molecular hydrogen and examine the stability of the most important insulating phases relative to metallic crystalline molecular hydrogen. We de velop a new method to account for finite-size errors by combining the use of twist-averaged boundary conditions with corrections obtained using the Kwee-Zhang-Krakauer (KZK) functional in density functional theory. To study band-gap closure and find the metallization pressure, we perform accurate quasi-particle many-body calculations using the $GW$ method. In the static approximation, our DMC simulations indicate a transition from the insulating Cmca-12 structure to the metallic Cmca structure at around 375 GPa. The $GW$ band gap of Cmca-12 closes at roughly the same pressure. In the dynamic DMC phase diagram, which includes the effects of zero-point energy, the Cmca-12 structure remains stable up to 430 GPa, well above the pressure at which the $GW$ band gap closes. Our results predict that the semimetallic state observed experimentally at around 360 GPa [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 108}, 146402 (2012)] may correspond to the Cmca-12 structure near the pressure at which the band gap closes. The dynamic DMC phase diagram indicates that the hexagonal close packed $P6_3/m$ structure, which has the largest band gap of the insulating structures considered, is stable up to 220 GPa. This is consistent with recent X-ray data taken at pressures up to 183 GPa [Phys. Rev. B {bf 82}, 060101(R) (2010)], which also reported a hexagonal close packed arrangement of hydrogen molecules.
71 - T. Cui , Y. Takada , Q. Cui 2001
We study the effect of temperature up to 1000K on the structure of dense molecular para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium, using the path-integral Monte Carlo method. We find a structural phase transition from orientationally disordered hexagonal close pa cked (hcp) to an orthorhombic structure of Cmca symmetry before melting. The transition is basically induced by thermal fluctuations, but quantum fluctuations of protons (deuterons) are important in determining the transition temperature through effectively hardening the intermolecular interaction. We estimate the phase line between hcp and Cmca phases as well as the melting line of the Cmca solid.
Light-driven plasmonic enhancement of chemical reactions on metal catalysts is a promising strategy to achieve highly selective and efficient chemical transformations. The study of plasmonic catalyst materials has traditionally focused on late transi tion metals such as Au, Ag, and Cu. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the plasmonic properties of a set of earth-abundant elements such as Mg, which exhibit interesting hydrogenation chemistry with potential applications in hydrogen storage. This work explores the optical, electronic, and catalytic properties of a set of metallic Mg nanoclusters with up to 2057 atoms using time-dependent density functional tight-binding and density functional theory calculations. Our results show that Mg nanoclusters are able to produce highly energetic hot electrons with energies of up to 4 eV. By electronic structure analysis, we find that these hot electrons energetically align with electronic states of physisorbed molecular hydrogen, occupation of which by hot electrons can promote the hydrogen dissociation reaction. We also find that the reverse reaction, hydrogen evolution on metallic Mg, can potentially be promoted by hot electrons, but following a different mechanism. Thus, from a theoretical perspective, Mg nanoclusters display very promising behaviour for their use in light promoted storage and release of hydrogen.
In pursue of a systematic characterization of rare-earth vanadates under compression, in this work we present a multifaceted study of the phase behavior of zircon-type orthovanadate PrVO$_4$ under high pressure conditions, up until 24 GPa. We have fo und that PrVO$_4$ undergoes a zircon to monazite transition at around 6 GPa, confirming previous results found by Raman experiments. A second transition takes place above 14 GPa, to a BaWO$_4$-I--type structure. The zircon to monazite structural sequence is an irreversible first-order transition, accompanied by a volume collapse of about 9.6%. Monazite phase is thus a metastable polymorph of PrVO$_4$. The monazite-BaWO$_4$-II transition is found to be reversible instead and occurs with a similar volume change. Here we report and discuss the axial and bulk compressibility of all phases. We also compare our results with those for other rare-earth orthovanadates. Finally, by means of optical-absorption experiments and resistivity measurements we determined the effect of pressure on the electronic properties of PrVO$_4$. We found that the zircon-monazite transition produces a collapse of the band gap and an abrupt decrease of the resistivity. The physical reasons for this behavior are discussed. Density-functional-theory simulations support our conclusions.
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