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A Riemann-Stein Kernel Method

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 نشر من قبل Chris Oates
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper proposes and studies a numerical method for approximation of posterior expectations based on interpolation with a Stein reproducing kernel. Finite-sample-size bounds on the approximation error are established for posterior distributions supported on a compact Riemannian manifold, and we relate these to a kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD). Moreover, we prove in our setting that the KSD is equivalent to Sobolev discrepancy and, in doing so, we completely characterise the convergence-determining properties of KSD. Our contribution is rooted in a novel combination of Steins method, the theory of reproducing kernels, and existence and regularity results for partial differential equations on a Riemannian manifold.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We propose statistical inferential procedures for panel data models with interactive fixed effects in a kernel ridge regression framework.Compared with traditional sieve methods, our method is automatic in the sense that it does not require the choic e of basis functions and truncation parameters.Model complexity is controlled by a continuous regularization parameter which can be automatically selected by generalized cross validation. Based on empirical processes theory and functional analysis tools, we derive joint asymptotic distributions for the estimators in the heterogeneous setting. These joint asymptotic results are then used to construct confidence intervals for the regression means and prediction intervals for the future observations, both being the first provably valid intervals in literature. Marginal asymptotic normality of the functional estimators in homogeneous setting is also obtained. Simulation and real data analysis demonstrate the advantages of our method.
334 - Jeremie Kellner 2015
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79 - A.J. van Es , H.-W. Uh 2001
We derive asymptotic normality of kernel type deconvolution estimators of the density, the distribution function at a fixed point, and of the probability of an interval. We consider the so called super smooth case where the characteristic function of the known distribution decreases exponentially. It turns out that the limit behavior of the pointwise estimators of the density and distribution function is relatively straightforward while the asymptotics of the estimator of the probability of an interval depends in a complicated way on the sequence of bandwidths.
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