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Material Size Dependence on Fundamental Constants

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 نشر من قبل Luk\\'a\\v{s} Pa\\v{s}teka
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Precise experimental setups for detection of variation of fundamental constants, scalar dark matter, or gravitational waves, such as laser interferometers, optical cavities and resonant-mass detectors, are directly linked to measuring changes in material size. Here we present calculated and experiment-derived estimates for both $alpha$- and $mu$-dependence of lattice constants and bond lengths of selected solid-state materials and diatomic molecules that are needed for interpretation of such experiments.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

210 - Harald Fritzsch 2016
We discuss the fundamemtal constants in the Standard Model of particle physics, in particular possible changes of these constants on the cosmological time scale. The Grand Unification of the observed strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions impl ies relations between time variation of the finestructure constant alpha and the QCD scale $Lambda_c$. The astrophysical observation of a variation implies a time variation of $10^{-15} / year$. Several experiments in Quantum Optics, which were designed to look for a time variation of $Lambda_c$, are discussed.
171 - H. Fritzsch 2009
We discuss the fundamental constants of physics in the Standard Model and possible changes of these constants on the cosmological time scale. The Grand Unification of the strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions implies relations between the tim e variation of the finestructure constant and of the QCD scale. An experiment in quantum optics at the MPQ in Munich, which was designed to look for a time variation of the QCD scale, is discussed.
155 - C. Bambi , A. Drago 2008
The formation of a strange or hybrid star from a neutron star progenitor is believed to occur when the central stellar density exceeds a critical value. If the transition from hadron to quark matter is of first order, the event has to release a huge amount of energy in a very short time and we would be able to observe the phenomenon even if it is at cosmological distance far from us; most likely, such violent quark deconfinement would be associated with at least a fraction of the observed gamma ray bursts. If we allow for temporal variations of fundamental constants like $Lambda_{QCD}$ or $G_N$, we can expect that neutron stars with an initial central density just below the critical value can enter into the region where strange or hybrid stars are the true ground state. From the observed rate of long gamma ray bursts, we are able to deduce the constraint $dot{G}_N/G_N lesssim 10^{-17} {rm yr^{-1}}$, which is about 5 orders of magnitude more stringent than the strongest previous bounds on a possible increasing $G_N$.
A new method for measuring a possible time dependence of the fine-structure constant ($alpha$) is proposed. The method is based on the level-crossing in two-electron highly-charged ions facilitating resonance laser measurements of the distance betwee n the levels at the point of crossing. This provides an enhancement factor of about $10^{3}$ in Helium-like Europium and thus reduces the requirements for the relative accuracy of resonance laser measurements at about $10^{-12}$.
We propose to use diatomic molecular ions to search for strongly enhanced effects of variation of fundamental constants. The relative enhancement occurs in transitions between nearly degenerate levels of different nature. Since the trapping technique s for molecular ions have already been developed, the molecules HBr$^+$, HI$^+$, Br$^+_2$, I$^+_2$, IBr$^+$, ICl$^+$, and IF$^+$ are very promising candidates for such future studies.
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