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Evidence for Cosmic-Ray Escape in the Small Magellanic Cloud using Fermi Gamma-rays

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 نشر من قبل Laura Lopez
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Galaxy formation simulations demonstrate that cosmic-ray (CR) feedback may be important in the launching of galactic-scale winds. CR protons dominate the bulk of the CR population, yet most observational constraints of CR feedback come from synchrotron emission of CR electrons. In this paper, we present an analysis of 105 months of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), with the aim of exploring CR feedback and transport in an external galaxy. We produce maps of the 2-300 GeV emission and detect statistically significant, extended emission along the Bar and the Wing, where active star formation is occurring. Gamma-ray emission is not detected above 13 GeV, and we set stringent upper-limits on the flux above this energy. We find the best fit to the gamma-ray spectrum is a single-component model with a power-law of index $Gamma=-2.11pm0.06pm0.06$ and an exponential cutoff energy of $E_{rm c} =13.1pm5.1pm1.6$ GeV. We assess the relative contribution of pulsars and CRs to the emission, and we find that pulsars may produce up to 14$^{+4}_{-2}$% of the flux above 100 MeV. Thus, we attribute most of the gamma-ray emission (based on its spectrum and morphology) to CR interactions with the ISM. We show that the gamma-ray emissivity of the SMC is five times smaller than that of the Milky Way and that the SMC is far below the calorimetric limit, where all CR protons experience pion losses. We interpret these findings as evidence that CRs are escaping the SMC via advection and diffusion.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is the second-largest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way and is only 60 kpc away. As a nearby, massive, and dense object with relatively low astrophysical backgrounds, it is a natural target for dark matter indirect de tection searches. In this work, we use six years of Pass 8 data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope to search for gamma-ray signals of dark matter annihilation in the SMC. Using data-driven fits to the gamma-ray backgrounds, and a combination of N-body simulations and direct measurements of rotation curves to estimate the SMC DM density profile, we found that the SMC was well described by standard astrophysical sources, and no signal from dark matter annihilation was detected. We set conservative upper limits on the dark matter annihilation cross section. These constraints are in agreement with stronger constraints set by searches in the Large Magellanic Cloud and approach the canonical thermal relic cross section at dark matter masses lower than 10 GeV in the $bbar{b}$ and $tau^+tau^-$ channels.
202 - G. Novara 2011
Many of the high mass X-ray binaries (HMXRBs) discovered in recent years in our Galaxy are characterized by a high absorption, most likely intrinsic to the system, which hampers their detection at the softest X-ray energies. We have undertaken a sear ch for highly-absorbed X-ray sources in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with a systematic analysis of 62 XMM-Newton SMC observations. We obtained a sample of 30 sources showing evidence for an equivalent hydrogen column density larger than 3x10^23 cm^-2. Five of these sources are clearly identified as HMXRBs: four were already known (including three X-ray pulsars) and one, XMM J005605.8-720012, reported here for the first time. For the latter, we present optical spectroscopy confirming the association with a Be star in the SMC. The other sources in our sample have optical counterparts fainter than magnitude ~16 in the V band, and many of them have possible NIR counterparts consistent with highly reddened early type stars in the SMC. While their number is broadly consistent with the expected population of background highly-absorbed active galactic nuclei, a few of them could be HMXRBs in which an early type companion is severely reddened by local material.
An accurate estimate of the interstellar gas density distribution is crucial to understanding the interstellar medium (ISM) and Galactic cosmic rays (CRs). To comprehend the ISM and CRs in a local environment, a study of the diffuse $gamma$-ray emiss ion in a mid-latitude region of the third quadrant was performed. The $gamma$-ray data in the 0.1--25.6~GeV energy range of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and other interstellar gas tracers such as the HI4PI survey data and the Planck dust thermal emission model were used, and the northern and southern regions were analyzed separately. The variation of the dust emission Dem with the total neutral gas column density NH was studied in high dust-temperature areas, and the NH/Dem ratio was calibrated using $gamma$-ray data under the assumption of a uniform CR intensity in the studied regions. The measured integrated $gamma$-ray emissivities above 100~MeV are $(1.58pm0.04)times10^{-26}~mathrm{photons~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}~Hmbox{-}atom^{-1}}$ and $(1.59pm0.02)times10^{-26}~mathrm{photons~s^{-1}~sr^{-1}~Hmbox{-}atom^{-1}}$ in the northern and southern regions, respectively, supporting the existence of a uniform CR intensity in the vicinity of the solar system. While most of the gas can be interpreted to be HI with a spin temperature of $T_mathrm{S} = 125~mathrm{K}$ or higher, an area dominated by optically thick HI with $T_mathrm{S} sim 40~mathrm{K}$ was identified.
Gamma-ray binaries consist of a neutron star or a black hole interacting with a normal star to produce gamma-ray emission that dominates the radiative output of the system. Only a handful of such systems have been previously discovered, all within ou r Galaxy. Here we report the discovery with the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) of a luminous gamma-ray binary in the Large Magellanic Cloud from a search for periodic modulation in all sources in the third Fermi LAT catalog. This is the first such system to be found outside the Milky Way. The system has an orbital period of 10.3 days and is associated with a massive O5III star located in the supernova remnant DEM L241, previously identified as the candidate high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) CXOU J053600.0-673507. X-ray and radio emission are also modulated on the 10.3 day period, but are in anti-phase with the gamma-ray modulation. Optical radial velocity measurements suggest that the system contains a neutron star. The source is significantly more luminous than similar sources in the Milky Way at radio, optical, X-ray and gamma-ray wavelengths. The detection of this extra-galactic system, but no new Galactic systems raises the possibility that the predicted number of gamma-ray binaries in our Galaxy has been overestimated, and that HMXBs may be born containing relatively slowly rotating neutron stars.
Recent observations found that electrons are accelerated to $sim$10 GeV and emit synchrotron hard X-rays in two magnetic white dwarfs (WDs), also known as cataclysmic variables (CVs). In nova outbursts of WDs, multi-GeV gamma-rays were detected infer ring that protons are accelerated to 100 GeV or higher. In recent optical surveys, the WD density is found to be higher near the Sun than in the Galactic disk by a factor $sim$2.5. The cosmic rays (CR) produced by local CVs and novae will accumulate in the local bubble for $10^6$ - $10^7$ yrs. On these findings, we search for CRs from historic CVs and novae in the observed CR spectra. We model the CR spectra at the heliopause as sums of Galactic and local components based on observational data as much as possible. The initial Galactic CR electron and proton spectra are deduced from the gamma-ray emissivity, the local electron spectrum from the hard X-ray spectra at the CVs, and the local proton spectrum inferred by gamma-ray spectrum at novae. These spectral shapes are then expressed in a simple set of polynomial functions of CR energy and regressively fitted until the high-energy ($>$100 GeV) CR spectra near Earth and the Voyager-1 spectra at the heliopause are reproduced. We then extend the modeling to nuclear CR spectra and find that one spectral shape fits all local nuclear CRs and the apparent hardening of the nuclear CR spectra is caused by the roll-down of local nuclear spectra around 100 - 200 GeV. All local CR spectra populate in a limited energy band below 100 - 200 GeV and enhance gamma-ray emissivity below $sim$10 GeV. Such an enhancement is observed in the inner Galaxy, suggesting the CR fluxes from CVs and novae are substantially higher there.
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