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Quadratic Jahn-Teller effect of fullerene anions

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 نشر من قبل Naoya Iwahara
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The quadratic Jahn-Teller effect of C$_{60}^{n-}$ ($n=$ 1-5) is investigated from the first principles. Employing the density functional theory calculations with hybrid functional, the quadratic vibronic coupling constants of C$_{60}^-$ were derived. The warping of the adiabatic potential energy surface of C$_{60}^-$ by the quadratic vibronic coupling is estimated about 2 meV, which is much smaller than the Jahn-Teller stabilization energy ($approx$ 50 meV). Because of the selection rule and the vibronic reduction, the quadratic coupling slightly modifies the vibronic states of C$_{60}$ anions. Particularly, in the case of C$_{60}^{3-}$, parity and symmetry selection rule significantly reduces the effect of quadratic coupling on vibronic states. The present results confirm that the low-energy vibronic dynamics of C$_{60}^{n-}$ is of pseudorotational type.

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We consider the superexchange in `frustrated Jahn-Teller systems, such as the transition metal oxides NaNiO_2, LiNiO_2, and ZnMn_2O_4, in which transition metal ions with doubly degenerate orbitals form a triangular or pyrochlore lattice and are conn ected by the 90-degree metal-oxygen-metal bonds. We show that this interaction is much different from a more familiar exchange in systems with the 180-degree bonds, e.g. perovskites. In contrast to the strong interplay between the orbital and spin degrees of freedom in perovskites, in the 90-degree exchange systems spins and orbitals are decoupled: the spin exchange is much weaker than the orbital one and it is ferromagnetic for all orbital states. Due to frustration, the mean-field orbital ground state is strongly degenerate. Quantum orbital fluctuations select particular ferro-orbital states, such as the one observed in NaNiO_2. We also discuss why LiNiO_2 may still behave as an orbital liquid.
The surprising insulating and superconducting states of narrow-band graphene twisted bilayers have been mostly discussed so far in terms of strong electron correlation, with little or no attention to phonons and electron-phonon effects. We found that , among the 33492 phonons of a fully relaxed $theta=1.08^circ$ twisted bilayer, there are few special, hard and nearly dispersionless modes that resemble global vibrations of the moire supercell, as if it were a single, ultralarge molecule. One of them, doubly degenerate at $Gamma$ with symmetry $A_1+B_1$, couples very strongly with the valley degrees of freedom, also doubly degenerate, realizing a so-called $text{E}otimestext{e}$ Jahn-Teller (JT) coupling. The JT coupling lifts very efficiently all degeneracies which arise from the valley symmetry, and may lead, for an average atomic displacement as small as $0.5~$mA, to an insulating state at charge neutrality. This insulator possesses a non-trivial topology testified by the odd winding of the Wilson loop. In addition, freezing the same phonon at a zone boundary point brings about insulating states at most integer occupancies of the four ultra-flat electronic bands. Following that line, we further study the properties of the superconducting state that might be stabilized by these modes. Since the JT coupling modulates the hopping between AB and BA stacked regions, pairing occurs in the spin-singlet Cooper channel at the inter-(AB-BA) scale, which may condense a superconducting order parameter in the extended $s$-wave and/or $dpm id$-wave symmetry.
238 - Eva Pavarini , Erik Koch 2009
The origin of the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion and orbital-order in LaMnO3 is central to the physics of the manganites. The question is complicated by the simultaneous presence of tetragonal and GdFeO3-type distortions and the strong Hunds rule coupling between e_g and t_2g electrons. To clarify the situation we calculate the transition temperature for the Kugel-Khomskii superexchange mechanism by using the local density approximation+dynamical mean-field method, and disentangle the effects of super-exchange from those of lattice distortions. We find that super-exchange alone would yield T_KK=650 K. The tetragonal and GdFeO3-type distortions, however, reduce T_KK to 550 K. Thus electron-phonon coupling is essential to explain the persistence of local Jahn-Teller distortions to at least 1150 K and to reproduce the occupied orbital deduced from neutron scattering.
282 - S. Dong , S. Dai , X.Y. Yao 2005
The charge order of CE phase in half-doped manganites is studied, based on an argument that the charge-ordering is caused by the Jahn-Teller distortions of MnO6 octahedra rather than Coulomb repulsion between electrons. The uantitative calculation on the ferromagnetic zigzag chain as the basic structure unit of CE phase within the framework of two-orbital double exchange model including Jahn-Teller effect is performed, and it is shown that the charge-disproportionation of Mn cations in the charge-ordered CE phase is less than 13%. In addition, we predict the negative charge-disproportionation once the Jahn-Teller effect is weak enough.
Single crystals of electron-doped SrMnO3 with a cubic perovskite structure have been systematically investigated as the most canonical (orbital-degenerate) double-exchange system, whose ground states have been still theoretically controversial. With only 1-2% electron doping by Ce substitution for Sr, a G-type antiferromagnetic metal with a tiny spin canting in a cubic lattice shows up as the ground state, where the Jahn-Teller polarons with heavy mass are likely to form. Further electron doping above 4%, however, replaces this isotropic metal with an insulator with tetragonal lattice distortion, accompanied by a quasi-one-dimensional 3z^2-r^2 orbital ordering with the C-type antiferromagnetism. The self-organization of such dilute polarons may reflect the critical role of the cooperative Jahn-Teller effect that is most effective in the originally cubic system.
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