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Emergence of Floquet Behavior for Lattice Fermions Driven by Light Pulses

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 نشر من قبل Mona H. Kalthoff
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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As many-body Floquet theory becomes more popular, it is important to find ways to connect theory with experiment. Theoretical calculations can have a periodic driving field that is always on, but experiment cannot. Hence, we need to know how long a driving field is needed before the system starts to look like the periodically driven Floquet system. We answer this question here for noninteracting band electrons in the infinite-dimensional limit by studying the properties of the system under pulsed driving fields and illustrating how they approach the Floquet limit. Our focus is on determining the minimal pulse lengths needed to recover the qualitative and semiquantitative Floquet theory results.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the light-cone-like spread of electronic correlations in a laser-driven quantum chain. Using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group, we show that high-frequency driving leads to a Floquet-engineered spread velocity tha t determines the enhancement of density-density correlations when the ratio of potential and kinetic energies is effectively increased both by either a continuous or a pulsed drive. For large times we numerically show the existence of a Floquet steady state at not too long distances on the lattice with minimal heating. Intriguingly, we find a discontinuity of dynamically scaled correlations at the edge of the light cone, akin to the discontinuity known to exist for quantum quenches in Luttinger liquids. Our work demonstrates the potential of pump-probe experiments for investigating light-induced correlations in low-dimensional materials and puts quantitative speed limits on the manipulation of long-ranged correlations through Floquet engineering.
79 - M. Nuske , L. Broers , B. Schulte 2020
We demonstrate how the properties of light-induced electronic Floquet states in solids impact natural physical observables, such as transport properties, by capturing the environmental influence on the electrons. We include the environment as dissipa tive processes, such as inter-band decay and dephasing, often ignored in Floquet predictions. These dissipative processes determine the Floquet band occupations of the emergent steady state, by balancing out the optical driving force. In order to benchmark and illustrate our framework for Floquet physics in a realistic solid, we consider the light-induced Hall conductivity in graphene recently reported by J.~W.~McIver, et al., Nature Physics (2020). We show that the Hall conductivity is estimated by the Berry flux of the occupied states of the light-induced Floquet bands, in addition to the kinetic contribution given by the average band velocity. Hence, Floquet theory provides an interpretation of this Hall conductivity as a geometric-dissipative effect. We demonstrate this mechanism within a master equation formalism, and obtain good quantitative agreement with the experimentally measured Hall conductivity, underscoring the validity of this approach which establishes a broadly applicable framework for the understanding of ultrafast non-equilibrium dynamics in solids.
Constructing an effective field theory in terms of doped magnetic impurities (described by an O(3) vector model with a random mass term), itinerant electrons of spin-orbit coupled semiconductors (given by a Dirac theory with a relatively large mass t erm), and effective interactions between doped magnetic ions and itinerant electrons (assumed by an effective Zeeman coupling term), we perform the perturbative renormalization group analysis in the one-loop level based on the dimensional regularization technique. As a result, we find that the mass renormalization in dynamics of itinerant electrons acquires negative feedback effects due to quantum fluctuations involved with the Zeeman coupling term, in contrast with that of the conventional problem of quantum electrodynamics, where such interaction effects enhance the fermion mass more rapidly. Recalling that the applied magnetic field decreases the band gap in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, this renormalization group analysis shows that the external magnetic field overcomes the renormalized band gap, allowed by doped magnetic impurities even without ferromagnetic ordering. In other words, the Weyl metal physics can be controlled by doping magnetic impurities into spin-orbit coupled semiconductors, even if the external magnetic field alone cannot realize the Weyl metal phase due to relatively large band gaps of semiconductors. Furthermore, we emphasize that quasiparticles do not exist in this emergent disordered Weyl metal phase due to correlations with strong magnetic fluctuations. This non-Fermi liquid type Weyl metal state may be regarded to be a novel metallic phase in the respect that a topologically nontrivial band structure appears in the vicinity of quantum criticality.
229 - X. Yang , B. Song , C. Vaswani 2020
We report on an ultrafast photoinduced phase transition with a strikingly long-lived Martensitic anomaly driven by above-threshold single-cycle terahertz (THz) pulses in Nb$_3$Sn. A non-thermal, THz-induced depletion of low frequency conductivity ind icates increased gap splitting of high energy $Gamma_{12}$ bands by removal of their degeneracies which enhances the Martensitic phase. In contrast, optical pumping leads to a $Gamma_{12}$ gap melting. Such light-induced non-equilibrium Martensitic instability persists up to a critical temperature $sim$100 K, i.e., more than twice the equilibrium temperature, and can be stabilized beyond technologically-relevant, nanosecond timescales. Together with first-principle simulations, we identify a compelling THz tuning of structural fluctuations via E$_u$ phonons to achieve a non-equilibrium ordering at high temperatures far exceeding those for equilibrium states.
257 - Flavio S. Nogueira 2008
Quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions is an effective gauge theory for the so called algebraic quantum liquids. A new type of such a liquid, the algebraic charge liquid, has been proposed recently in the context of deconfined quantum critical poi nts [R. K. Kaul {it et al.}, Nature Physics {bf 4}, 28 (2008)]. In this context, we show by using the renormalization group in $d=4-epsilon$ spacetime dimensions, that a deconfined quantum critical point occurs in a SU(2) system provided the number of Dirac fermion species $N_fgeq 4$. The calculations are done in a representation where the Dirac fermions are given by four-component spinors. The critical exponents are calculated for several values of $N_f$. In particular, for $N_f=4$ and $epsilon=1$ ($d=2+1$) the anomalous dimension of the Neel field is given by $eta_N=1/3$, with a correlation length exponent $ u=1/2$. These values change considerably for $N_f>4$. For instance, for $N_f=6$ we find $eta_Napprox 0.75191$ and $ uapprox 0.66009$. We also investigate the effect of chiral symmetry breaking and analyze the scaling behavior of the chiral holon susceptibility, $G_chi(x)equiv<bar psi(x)psi(x)bar psi(0)psi(0)>$.
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