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The jamming transition is a k-core percolation transition

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 نشر من قبل Hernan A. Makse
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We explain the structural origin of the jamming transition in jammed matter as the sudden appearance of k-cores at precise coordination numbers which are related not to the isostatic point, but to the sudden emergence of the 3- and 4-cores as given by k-core percolation theory. At the transition, the k-core variables freeze and the k-core dominates the appearance of rigidity. Surprisingly, the 3-D simulation results can be explained with the result of mean-field k-core percolation in the Erdos-Renyi network. That is, the finite-dimensional transition seems to be explained by the infinite-dimensional k-core, implying that the structure of the jammed pack is compatible with a fully random network.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We determine the dimensional dependence of the percolative exponents of the jamming transition via numerical simulations in four and five spatial dimensions. These novel results complement literature ones, and establish jamming as a mixed first-order percolation transition, with critical exponents $beta =0$, $gamma = 2$, $alpha = 0$ and the finite size scaling exponent $ u^* = 2/d$ for values of the spatial dimension $d geq 2$. We argue that the upper critical dimension is $d_u=2$ and the connectedness length exponent is $ u =1$.
We find that in simulations of quasi-statically sheared frictional disks, the shear jamming transition can be characterized by an abrupt jump in the number of force bearing contacts between particles. This mechanical coordination number increases dis continuously from $Z = 0$ to $Z gtrsim d +1$ at a critical shear value $gamma_c$, as opposed to a smooth increase in the number of geometric contacts. This is accompanied by a diverging timescale $tau^*$ that characterizes the time required by the system to attain force balance when subjected to a perturbation. As the global shear $gamma$ approaches the critical value $gamma_c$ from below, one observes the divergence of the time taken to relax to a state where all the inter-particle contacts have uniformly zero force. Above $gamma_{c}$, the system settles into a state characterized by finite forces between particles, with the timescale also increasing as $gamma to gamma_{c}^{+}$. By using two different protocols to generate force balanced configurations, we show that this timescale divergence is a robust feature that accompanies the shear jamming transition.
We numerically investigate stress relaxation in soft athermal disks to reveal critical slowing down when the system approaches the jamming point. The exponents describing the divergence of the relaxation time differ dramatically depending on whether the transition is approached from the jammed or unjammed phase. This contrasts sharply with conventional dynamic critical scaling scenarios, where a single exponent characterizes both sides. We explain this surprising difference in terms of the vibrational density of states (vDOS), which is a key ingredient of linear viscoelastic theory. The vDOS exhibits an extra slow mode that emerges below jamming, which we utilize to demonstrate the anomalous exponent below jamming.
211 - Takahiro Hatano 2008
Rheological properties of a dense granular material consisting of frictionless spheres are investigated. It is found that the shear stress, the pressure, and the kinetic temperature obey critical scaling near the jamming transition point, which is co nsidered as a critical point. These scaling laws have some peculiar properties in view of conventional critical phenomena because the exponents depend on the interparticle force models so that they are not universal. It is also found that these scaling laws imply the relation between the exponents that describe the growing correlation length.
Geometrical properties of two-dimensional mixtures near the jamming transition point are numerically investigated using harmonic particles under mechanical training. The configurations generated by the quasi-static compression and oscillatory shear d eformations exhibit anomalous suppression of the density fluctuations, known as hyperuniformity, below and above the jamming transition. For the jammed system trained by compression above the transition point, the hyperuniformity exponent increases. For the system below the transition point under oscillatory shear, the hyperuniformity exponent also increases until the shear amplitude reaches the threshold value. The threshold value matches with the transition point from the point-reversible phase where the particles experience no collision to the loop-reversible phase where the particles displacements are non-affine during a shear-cycle before coming back to an original position. The results demonstrated in this paper are explained in terms of neither of universal criticality of the jamming transition nor the nonequilibrium phase transitions.
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