ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
EFOSC2 (the European Southern Observatory Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera v2) is one of the workhorse instruments on ESOs New Technology Telescope (NTT), and is one of the most popular instruments at La Silla observatory. It is mounted at a Nasmyth focus, and therefore exhibits strong, wavelength and pointing-direction dependent instrumental polarisation. In this document we describe our efforts to calibrate the broadband imaging polarimetry mode, and provide a calibration for broadband B, V, R filters to a level that satisfies most use cases (i.e. polarimetric calibration uncertainty ~0.1%). We make our calibration codes public. This calibration effort can be used to enhance the yield of future polarimetric programmes with EFOSC2, by allowing good calibration with a greatly reduced number of standard star observations. Similarly, our calibration model can be combined with archival calibration observations to post-process data taken in past years, to form a EFOSC2 legacy archive with substantial scientific potential.
The NASA/ASI Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer, which will be launched in 2021, will be the first instrument to perform spatially resolved X-ray polarimetry on several astronomical sources in the 2-8 keV energy band. These measurements are made poss
In this chapter we present a brief summary of methods, instruments and calibration techniques used in modern astronomical polarimetry in the optical wavelengths. We describe the properties of various polarization devices and detectors used for optica
Context: Polarimetry is a very powerful tool to uncover various properties of astronomical objects that remain otherwise hidden in standard imaging or spectroscopic observations. However, the reliable measurement of the low polarization signal from a
For radio interferometric arrays with a sufficient number of redundant spacings the multiplicity of measurements of the same sky visibility can be used to determine both the antenna gains as well as the true visibilities. Many of the earlier approaches to this problem focused on lineariz
While X-ray Spectroscopy, Timing and Imaging have improved verymuch since 1962, when the first astronomical non-solar source was discovered, especially with the launch of Newton/X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission, Rossi/X-ray Timing Explorer and Chandra/Adva