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Recent IR-Improved results for LHC/FCC physics

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 نشر من قبل Bennie F. L. Ward
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف B.F.L. Ward

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We present recent developments in the theory and application of IR-improved QED$otimes$QCD resummation methods, realized by MC event generator methods, for LHC and FCC physics scenarios.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

One may use amplitude-based resummation in QED $otimes$ QCD to achieve IR-improvement of unintegrable singularities in the infrared regime to arbitrary precision in principle. We illustrate such improvement in specific examples in precision LHC/FCC physics.
79 - B.F.L. Ward 2020
IR-improvement based on amplitude-level resummation allows one to control unintegrable results in quantum field theory with arbitrary precision in principle. We illustrate such resummation in specific examples in precision LHC and FCC physics and in quantum gravity.
62 - Dmitry V. Naumov 2011
This manuscript is a shorthand version of my talk given at Odessa Gamov School on Astronomy, Cosmology and Beyond (22-28 August 2011, Odessa, Ukraine). Within this note we very briefly review the main achievements, new results and open problems in neutrino physics of today.
One of the basic motivations of the KLOE and KLOE-2 collaborations is the test of fundamental symmetries and the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model via the hadronic and leptonic decays of ground-state mesons and via their production in th e fusion of virtual gamma quanta exchanged between colliding electrons and positrons. This contribution includes brief description of results of recent analysis of the KLOE data aimed at (i) the search for the dark matter boson, (ii) determination of the hadronic and light-by-light contributions to the g-2 muon anomaly and (iii) tests of QCD anomalies.
158 - B.F.L. Ward 2008
We summarize the recent progress in a new approach to precision LHC physics based on the IR-improved DGLAP-CS theory as it relates to a new MC friendly exponentiated scheme for precision calculation of higher order corrections to LHC physics in which IR singularities from both QED and QCD are canceled to all orders in alpha and in alpha_s simultaneously in the presence of rigorous shower/ME matching. We present the first MC data comparing the implied new showers themselves with the standard ones using the HERWIG6.5 MC event generator as a test case at LHC energies.
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