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Magnetic State Selected by Magnetic Dipole Interaction in Kagome Antiferromagnet NaBa$_{2}$Mn$_{3}$F$_{11}$

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 نشر من قبل Shohei Hayashida
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have studied the ground state of the classical Kagome antiferromagnet NaBa$_{2}$Mn$_{3}$F$_{11}$. Strong magnetic Bragg peaks observed in the $d$-spacing shorter than 6.0 AA were indexed by the propagation vectors of $boldsymbol{k}_{0} = (0,0,0)$. Additional peaks with weak intensities in the range of the $d$-spacing longer than 8.0 AA were indexed by the incommensurate vectors of $boldsymbol{k}_{1}=(0.3209(2),0.3209(2),0)$ and $boldsymbol{k}_{2}=(0.3338(4),0.3338(4),0)$. Magnetic structure analysis exhibits that the 120$^{circ}$ structure with the {it tail-chase} geometry having $boldsymbol{k}_0$ is modulated by the incommensurate vectors. The classical calculation of the Kagome Heisenberg antiferromagnet having the antiferromagnetic 2nd-neighbor interaction, the ground state of which is degenerated 120$^{circ}$ structures with $boldsymbol{k}_0$, reveals that the magnetic dipole-dipole (MDD) interaction including up to the 4th neighbor terms selects the tail-chase structure. The observed modulation of the tail-chase structure is indicated to be due to a small perturbation such as the long-range MDD interaction or the interlayer interaction.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We performed inelastic neutron scattering measurements on a polycrystalline sample of a classical kagome antiferromagnet NaBa$_{2}$Mn$_{3}$F$_{11}$ to investigate the possibility of a dispersionless zero-energy excitation associated with rotation of spins along the chains. The observed spectra indeed exhibit such an excitation with strong intensity at low energy, as well as dispersive excitations with weak intensity at high energy. Combining the measurements with calculations from linear spin-wave theory reveals that NaBa$_{2}$Mn$_{3}$F$_{11}$ is a good realization of the classical kagome antiferromagnet which exhibits a dispersionless mode lifted by the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction.
492 - T. Ono , K. Morita , M. Yano 2009
Hexagonal antiferromagnets Cs$_2$Cu$_3$MF$_{12}$ (M = Zr, Hf and Sn) have uniform Kagome lattices of Cu$^{2+}$ with S = 1/2, whereas Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ has a 2a by 2a enlarged cell as compared with the uniform Kagome lattice. The crystal data of Cs$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ synthesized first in the present work are reported. We performed magnetic susceptibility measurements on this family of Kagome antiferromagnet using single crystals. In the Cs$_2$Cu$_3$MF$_{12}$ systems, structural phase transitions were observed at $T_t = 225$ K, 172 K and 185 K for M = Zr, Hf and Sn, respectively. The magnetic susceptibilities observed for $T > T_t$ are almost perfectly described using theoretical results obtained by exact diagonalization for the 24-site Kagome cluster with $J/k_B = 244$ K, 266 K and 240 K, respectively. Magnetic ordering accompanied by the weak ferromagnetic moment occurs at $T_N = 23.5$ K, 24.5 K and 20.0 K, respectively. The origins of the weak ferromagnetic moment should be ascribed to the lattice distortion that breaks the hexagonal symmetry of the exchange network for $T < T_t$ and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ is magnetically described as a modified Kagome antiferromagnet with four types of neighboring exchange interaction. Neither structural nor magnetic phase transition was observed in Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$. Its magnetic ground state was found to be a spin singlet with a triplet gap. Using exact diagonalization for a 12-site Kagome cluster, we analyzed the magnetic susceptibility and evaluated individual exchange interactions. The causes leading to the different ground states in Cs$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ and Rb$_2$Cu$_3$SnF$_{12}$ are discussed.
We report an experimental study of the static magnetization $M(H,T)$ and high-field electron spin resonance (ESR) of polycrystalline MgGd, a representative member of the newly discovered class of the so-called tripod-kagome antiferromagnets where the isotropic Gd$^{3+}$ spins ($S = 7/2$) form a two-dimensional kagome spin-frustrated lattice. It follows from the analysis of the low-$T$ $M(H)$-curves that the Gd$^{3+}$ spins are coupled by a small isotropic antiferromagnetic (AFM) exchange interaction $|J| approx$ 0.3,K. The $M(H,T)$-dependences measured down to 0.5,K evidence a long-range AFM order at $T_{text{N}} = 1.7$,K and its rapid suppression at higher fields $geq 4$,T. ESR spectra measured in fields up to 15,T are analyzed considering possible effects of demagnetizing fields, single-ion anisotropy and spin-spin correlations. While the demagnetization effects due to a large sample magnetization in high fields and its shape anisotropy become relevant at low temperatures, the broadening of the ESR line commencing already at $Tlesssim 30$,K may indicate the onset of the spin-spin correlations far above the ordering temperature due to the geometrical spin frustration in this compound.
We present the crystal structure and magnetic properties of Y$_{3}$Cu$_{9}$(OH)$_{19}$Cl$_{8}$, a stoichiometric frustrated quantum spin system with slightly distorted kagome layers. Single crystals of Y$_{3}$Cu$_{9}$(OH)$_{19}$Cl$_{8}$ were grown un der hydrothermal conditions. The structure was determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction and confirmed by neutron powder diffraction. The observed structure reveals two different Cu-positions leading to a slightly distored kagome layer in contrast to the closely related YCu$_{3}$(OH)$_{6}$Cl$_{3}$. Curie-Weiss behavior at high-temperatures with a Weiss-temperature $theta_{W}$ of the order of $-100$ K, shows a large dominant antiferromagnetic coupling within the kagome planes. Specific-heat and magnetization measurements on single crystals reveal an antiferromagnetic transition at T$_{N}=2.2$ K indicating a pronounced frustration parameter of $theta_{W}/T_{N}approx50$. Optical transmission experiments on powder samples and single crystals confirm the structural findings. Specific-heat measurements on YCu$_{3}$(OH)$_{6}$Cl$_{3}$ down to 0.4 K confirm the proposed quantum spin-liquid state of that system. Therefore, the two Y-Cu-OH-Cl compounds present a unique setting to investigate closely related structures with a spin-liquid state and a strongly frustrated AFM ordered state, by slightly releasing the frustration in a kagome lattice.
206 - J.-H. Kim , S. Ji , S.-H. Lee 2008
We report bulk magnetization, and elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements under an external magnetic field, $H$, on the weakly coupled distorted kagome system, Cu_{2}(OD)_3Cl. Our results show that the ordered state below 6.7 K is a can ted antiferromagnet and consists of large antiferromagnetic $ac$-components and smaller ferromagnetic $b$-components. By first-principle calculations and linear spin wave analysis, we present a simple spin hamiltonian with non-uniform nearest neighbor exchange interactions resulting in a system of coupled spin trimers with a single-ion anisotropy that can qualitatively reproduce the spin dynamics of Cu_{2}(OD)_3Cl.
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