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Laboratory measurement of the brighter-fatter effect in an H2RG infrared detector

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 نشر من قبل Andr\\'es Plazas
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The brighter-fatter (BF) effect is a phenomenon (originally discovered in charge coupled devices) in which the size of the detector point spread function (PSF) increases with brightness. We present, for the first time, laboratory measurements demonstrating the existence of the effect in a Hawaii-2RG HgCdTe near infrared (NIR) detector. We use the Precision Projector Laboratory, a JPL facility for emulating astronomical observations with UV/VIS/NIR detectors, to project about 17,000 point sources onto the detector to stimulate the effect. After calibrating the detector for nonlinearity with flat-fields, we find evidence that charge is nonlinearly shifted from bright pixels to neighboring pixels during exposures of point sources, consistent with the existence of a BF-type effect. The Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) by NASA will use similar detectors to measure weak gravitational lensing from the shapes of hundreds of million of galaxies in the NIR. The WFIRST PSF size must be calibrated to approximately 0.1 percent to avoid biased inferences of dark matter and dark energy parameters; therefore further study and calibration of the BF effect in realistic images will be crucial.

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Weak gravitational lensing has emerged as a leading probe of the growth of cosmic structure. However, the shear signal is very small and accurate measurement depends critically on our ability to understand how non-ideal instrumental effects affect as tronomical images. WFIRST will fly a focal plane containing 18 Teledyne H4RG-10 near infrared detector arrays, which present different instrument calibration challenges from previous weak lensing observations. Previous work has shown that correlation functions of flat field images are effective tools for disentangling linear and non-linear inter-pixel capacitance (IPC) and the brighter-fatter effect (BFE). Here we present a Fourier-domain treatment of the flat field correlations, which allows us to expand the previous formalism to all orders in IPC, BFE, and classical non-linearity. We show that biases in simulated flat field analyses in Paper I are greatly reduced through the use of this formalism. We then apply this updated formalism to flat field data from three WFIRST flight candidate detectors, and explore the robustness to variations in the analysis. We find that the BFE is present in all three detectors, and that its contribution to the flat field correlations dominates over the non-linear IPC. The magnitude of the BFE is such that the effective area of a pixel is increased by $(3.54pm0.03)times 10^{-7}$ for every electron deposited in a neighboring pixel. We compare IPC maps from flat field autocorrelation measurements to those obtained from the single pixel reset method and find a median difference of 0.113%. After further diagnosis of this difference, we ascribe it largely to an additional source of cross-talk, the vertical trailing pixel effect, and recommend further work to develop a model for this effect. These results represent a significant step toward calibration of the non-ideal effects in WFIRST detectors.
This paper describes the near-infrared detector system noise generator (NG) that we wrote for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec). NG simulates many important noise components including; (1) white read noise, (2 ) residual bias drifts, (3) pink $1/f$ noise, (4) alternating column noise, and (5) picture frame noise. By adjusting the input parameters, NG can simulate noise for Teledynes H1RG, H2RG, and H4RG detectors with and without Teledynes SIDECAR ASIC IR array controller. NG can be used as a starting point for simulating astronomical scenes by adding dark current, scattered light, and astronomical sources into the results from NG. NG is written in Python-3.4. The source code is freely available for download from http://jwst.nasa.gov/publications.html.
212 - Paolo Soffitta 2012
The Gas Pixel Detector was designed and built as a focal plane instrument for X-ray polarimetry of celestial sources, the last unexplored subtopics of X-ray astronomy. It promises to perform detailed and sensitive measurements resolving extended sour ces and detecting polarization in faint sources in crowded fields at the focus of telescopes of good angular resolution. Its polarimetric and spectral capability were already studied in earlier works. Here we investigate for the first time, with both laboratory measurements and Monte Carlo simulations, its imaging properties to confirm its unique capability to carry out imaging spectral-polarimetry in future X-ray missions.
Coronagraphy is a powerful technique to achieve high contrast imaging and hence to image faint companions around bright targets. Various concepts have been used in the visible and near-infrared regimes, while coronagraphic applications in the mid-inf rared remain nowadays largely unexplored. Vector vortex phase masks based on concentric subwavelength gratings show great promise for such applications. We aim at producing and validating the first high-performance broadband focal plane phase mask coronagraphs for applications in the mid-infrared regime, and in particular the L band with a fractional bandwidth of ~16% (3.5-4.1 mu m). Based on rigorous coupled wave analysis, we designed an annular groove phase mask (AGPM) producing a vortex effect in the L band, and etched it onto a series of diamond substrates. The grating parameters were measured by means of scanning electron microscopy. The resulting components were then tested on a mid-infrared coronagraphic test bench. A broadband raw null depth of 2 x 10^{-3} was obtained for our best L-band AGPM after only a few iterations between design and manufacturing. This corresponds to a raw contrast of about 6 x 10^{-5} (10.5 mag) at 2lambda/D. This result is fully in line with our projections based on rigorous coupled wave analysis modeling, using the measured grating parameters. The sensitivity to tilt and focus has also been evaluated. After years of technological developments, mid-infrared vector vortex coronagraphs finally become a reality and live up to our expectations. Based on their measured performance, our L-band AGPMs are now ready to open a new parameter space in exoplanet imaging at major ground-based observatories.
In dense and cold regions of the interstellar medium (ISM), molecules may be adsorbed onto dust grains to form the ice mantles. Once formed, they can be processed by ionizing radiation coming from stellar or interstellar medium leading to formation o f several new molecules in the ice. Among the different kind of ionizing radiation, cosmic rays play an important role in the solid-phase chemistry because of the large amount of energy deposited in the ices. The physicochemical changes induced by the energetic processing of astrophysical ices are recorded in a intrinsic parameter of the matter called complex refractive index (CRI). In this paper, we present for the first time a catalogue containing 39 complex refractive indices (n, k) in the infrared from 2.0 - 16.6 micrometer for 13 different water-containing ices processed in laboratory by cosmic ray analogs. The calculation was done by using the NKABS (acronym of determination of N and K from ABSorbance data) code, which employs the Lambert-Beer and Kramers-Kronig equations to calculate the values of n and k. The results are also available at the website: http://www1.univap.br/gaa/nkabs-database/data.htm. As test case, a H2O:NH3:CO2:CH4 ice was employed in a radiative transfer simulation of a prototoplanetary disk to show that these data are indispensable to reproduce the spectrum of YSOs containing ices.
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