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Giant Enhancement of Intrinsic Spin Hall Conductivity in $beta$ Tungsten via Substitutional Doping

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 نشر من قبل Xuelei Sui
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A key challenge in manipulating the magnetization in heavy-metal/ferromagnetic bilayers via the spin-orbit torque is to identify materials that exhibit an efficient charge-to-spin current conversion. Ab initio electronic structure calculations reveal that the intrinsic spin Hall conductivity (SHC) for pristine $beta$-W is about sixty percent larger than that of $alpha$-W. More importantly, we demonstrate that the SHC of $beta$-W can be enhanced via Ta alloying. This is corroborated by spin Berry curvature calculations of W$_{1-x}$Ta$_x$ ($x$ $sim$ 12.5%) alloys which show a giant enhancement of spin Hall angle of up to $approx$ $-0.5$. The underlying mechanism is the synergistic behavior of the SHC and longitudinal conductivity with Fermi level position. These findings, not only pave the way for enhancing the intrinsic spin Hall effect in $beta$-W, but also provide new guidelines to exploit substitutional alloying to tailor the spin Hall effect in various materials.

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102 - Jun-young Kim 2020
Generating pure spin currents via the spin Hall effect in heavy metals has been an active topic of research in the last decade. In order to reduce the energy required to efficiently switch neighbouring ferromagnetic layers for applications, one shoul d not only increase the charge- to-spin conversion efficiency but also decrease the longitudinal resistivity of the heavy metal. In this work, we investigate the spin Hall conductivity in W_{1-x}Ta_{x} / CoFeB / MgO (x = 0 - 0.2) using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance measurements. Alloying W with Ta leads to a factor of two change in both the damping-like effective spin Hall angle (from - 0.15 to - 0.3) and longitudinal resistivity (60 - 120 {mu}W cm). At 11% Ta concentration, a remarkably high spin Hall angle value of - 0.3 is achieved with a low longitudinal resistivity 100 {mu}W cm, which could lead to a very low power consumption for this W-based alloy. This work demonstrates sputter-deposited W-Ta alloys could be a promising material for power-efficient spin current generation.
As spintronic devices become more and more prevalent, the desire to find Pt free materials with large spin Hall effects is increasing. Previously it was shown that Beta W, the metastable A15 structured variant of pure W, has charge-spin conversion ef ficiencies on par with Pt, and it was predicted that Beta W(Ta) alloys should be even more efficient. Here we demonstrate the enhancement of the spin Hall ratio (SHR) in A15-phase Beta W films doped with Ta (W(4-x)Tax where x is between 0.28 and 0.4, deposited at room temperature using DC magnetron co-sputtering. In close agreement with theoretical predictions, we find that the SHR of the doped films was approx. 9 percent larger than pure Beta W films. We also found that the SHRs in devices with Co2Fe6B2 were nearly twice as large as the SHRs in devices with Co4Fe4B2. This work shows that by optimizing deposition parameters and substrates, the fabrication of the optimum W3Ta alloy should be feasible, opening the door to commercially viable, Pt free, spintronic devices.
413 - Xianghai Meng 2017
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132 - W. Jiao , D. Z. Hou , C. Chen 2018
Spin-charge conversion via inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) is essential for enabling various applications of spintronics. The spin Hall response usually follows a universal scaling relation with longitudinal electric resistivity and has mild temperat ure dependence because elementary excitations play only a minor role in resistivity and hence ISHE. Here we report that the ISHE of metallic glasses shows nearly two orders of magnitude enhancements with temperature increase from a threshold of 80-100 K to glass transition points. As electric resistivity changes only marginally in the temperature range, the anomalous temperature dependence is in defiance of the prevailing scaling law. Such a giant temperature enhancement can be well described by a two-level thermal excitation model of glasses and disappears after crystallization, suggesting a new mechanism which involves unique thermal excitations of glasses. This finding may pave new ways to achieve high spin-charge conversion efficiency at room and higher temperatures for spintronic devices and to detect structure and dynamics of glasses using spin currents.
290 - S. Hikino , S. Yunoki 2011
We propose a spin Hall device to induce a large spin Hall effect in a superconductor/normal metal (SN) junction. The side jump and skew scattering mechanisms are both taken into account to calculate the extrinsic spin Hall conductivity in the normal metal. We find that both contributions are anomalously enhanced when the voltage between the superconductor and the normal metal approaches to the superconducting gap. This enhancement is attributed to the resonant increase of the density of states in the normal metal at the Fermi level. Our results demonstrate a novel way to control and amplify the spin Hall conductivity by applying an external dc electric field, suggesting that a SN junction has a potential application for a spintronic device with a large spin Hall effect.
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