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Momentum conservation and unitarity in parton showers and NLL resummation

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Reichelt
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a systematic study of differences between NLL resummation and parton showers. We first construct a Markovian Monte-Carlo algorithm for resummation of additive observables in electron-positron annihilation. Approximations intrinsic to the pure NLL result are then removed, in order to obtain a traditional, momentum and probability conserving parton shower based on the coherent branching formalism. The impact of each approximation is studied, and an overall comparison is made between the parton shower and pure NLL resummation. Differences compared to modern parton-shower algorithms formulated in terms of color dipoles are analyzed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We consider the resummation of soft and Coulomb gluons for pair-production processes of heavy coloured particles at hadron colliders, and discuss recent results on the construction of a basis in colour space that diagonalizes the soft function to all orders in perturbation theory and the determination of the two-loop soft anomalous dimension needed for NNLL resummations. We present results for the combined NLL resummation of soft gluon and Coulomb-gluon effects for squark-antisquark production at the LHC.
70 - R. Kuhn 2000
A Monte-Carlo event-generator has been developed which is dedicated to simulate electron-positron annihilations. Especially a new approach for the combination of matrix elements and parton showers ensures the independence of the hadronization paramet ers from the CMS energy. This enables for the first time the description of multijet-topologies, e.g. four jet angles, over a wide range of energy, without changing any parameter of the model. Covering all processes of the standard model our simulator is capable to describe experiments at present and future accelerators, i.e. the LEP collider and a possible Next Linear Collider(NLC).
Initial state evolution in parton shower event generators involves parton distribution functions. We examine the probability for the system to evolve from a higher scale to a lower scale without an initial state splitting. A simple argument suggests that this probability, when multiplied by the ratio of the parton distributions at the two scales, should be independent of the parton distribution functions. We call this the PDF property. We examine whether the PDF property actually holds using Pythia and Deductor. We also test a related property for the Deductor shower and discuss the physics behind the results.
160 - P. Falgari 2012
We present predictions of the total cross sections for pair production of squarks and gluinos at the LHC, including the stop-antistop production process. Our calculation supplements full fixed-order NLO predictions with resummation of threshold logar ithms and Coulomb singularities at next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy, including bound-state effects. The numerical effect of higher-order Coulomb terms can be as big or larger than that of soft-gluon corrections. For a selection of benchmark points accessible with data from the 2010-2012 LHC runs, resummation leads to an enhancement of the total inclusive squark and gluino production cross section in the 15-30 % range. For individual production processes of gluinos, the corrections can be much larger. The theoretical uncertainty in the prediction of the hard-scattering cross sections is typically reduced to the 10 % level.
We compare different procedures for combining fixed-order tree-level matrix element generators with parton showers. We use the case of W-production at the Tevatron and the LHC to compare different implementations of the so-called CKKW scheme and one based on the so-called MLM scheme using different matrix element generators and different parton cascades. We find that although similar results are obtained in all cases, there are important differences.
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