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Progress on the Intensity Frontier of high energy physics critically depends on record high intensity charged particles accelerators. Beams in such machines become operationally limited by coherent beam instabilities, particularly enhanced in the regime of strong space charge (SC). Usual methods to control the instabilities, such as octupole magnets, beam feedback dampers and employment of chromatic effects, become less effective and insufficient. In [1] it was proposed to employ electron lenses for introduction of sufficient spread in particle oscillation frequencies needed for beam stabilization and in [2] it was shown that electron lenses are uniquely effective for Landau damping of transverse beam instabilities in high energy particle accelerators and their employment does not compromise incoherent (single particle) stability, dynamic aperture and the beam lifetime. Here we consider an important issue of effectiveness of the Landau damping with electron lenses in space-charge dominated beams and demonstrate that the desired stability can be assured with proper choice of the electron beam parameters and current distributions.
Transverse beam stability is strongly affected by the beam space charge. Usually it is analyzed with the rigid-beam model. However this model is only valid when a bare (not affected by the space charge) tune spread is small compared to the space char
For a single hadron bunch in a circular accelerator at zero chromaticity, without multi-turn wakes and without electron clouds and other beams, only one transverse collective instability is possible, the mode-coupling instability, or TMCI. For suffic
How turbulent energy is dissipated in weakly collisional space and astrophysical plasmas is a major open question. Here, we present the application of a field-particle correlation technique to directly measure the transfer of energy between the turbu
Longitudinal collective modes of a bunched beam with a repulsive inductive impedance (the space charge below transition or the chamber inductance above it) are analytically described by means of reduction of the linearized Vlasov equation to a parame
Electromagnetic fields induced by the space charge in relativistic beams play an important role in Accelerator Physics. They lead to emittance growth, slice energy change, and the microbunching instability. Typically, these effects are modeled numeri