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WIRED for EC: New White Dwarfs with $textit{WISE}$ Infrared Excesses and New Classification Schemes from the Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey

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 نشر من قبل Erik Dennihy
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a simple method for identifying candidate white dwarf systems with dusty exoplanetary debris based on a single temperature blackbody model fit to the infrared excess. We apply this technique to a sample of Southern Hemisphere white dwarfs from the recently completed Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey and identify four new promising dusty debris disk candidates. We demonstrate the efficacy of our selection method by recovering three of the four $textit{Spitzer}$ confirmed dusty debris disk systems in our sample. Further investigation using archival high resolution imaging shows $textit{Spitzer}$ data of the un-recovered fourth object is likely contaminated by a line-of-sight object that either led to a mis-classification as a dusty disk in the literature or is confounding our method. Finally, in our diagnostic plot we show that dusty white dwarfs which also host gaseous debris lie along a boundary of our dusty debris disk region, providing clues to the origin and evolution of these especially interesting systems.

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We report the discovery of a subtle infrared excess associated with the young white dwarf EC,05365--4749 at 3.35 and 4.6,$mu$m. Follow-up spectroscopic observations are consistent with a hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf of effective temperature 22,800 ,K and log [emph{g} (,cm,s$^{-2}$) ] = 8.19. High resolution spectroscopy reveals atmospheric metal pollution with logarithmic abundances of [Mg/H] = --5.36 and [Ca/H] = --5.75, confirming the white dwarf is actively accreting from a metal-rich source with an intriguing abundance pattern. We find that the infrared excess is well modeled by a flat, opaque debris disk, though disk parameters are not well constrained by the small number of infrared excess points. We further demonstrate that relaxing the assumption of a circular dusty debris disk to include elliptical disks expands the widths of acceptable disks, adding an alternative interpretation to the subtle infrared excesses commonly observed around young white dwarfs.
With the launch of the {em Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer} ({em WISE}), a new era of detecting planetary debris and brown dwarfs around white dwarfs (WDs) has begun with the {em WISE} InfraRed Excesses around Degenerates (WIRED) Survey. The WIRE D Survey is sensitive to substellar objects and dusty debris around WDs out to distances exceeding 100 pc, well beyond the completeness level of local WDs. In this paper, we present a cross-correlation of the preliminary Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7) WD Catalog between the {em WISE}, Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS), and SDSS DR7 photometric catalogs. From $sim18,000$ input targets, there are {em WISE} detections comprising 344 naked WDs (detection of the WD photosphere only), 1020 candidate WD+M dwarf binaries, 42 candidate WD+brown dwarf (BD) systems, 52 candidate WD+dust disk systems, and 69 targets with indeterminate infrared excess. We classified all of the detected targets through spectral energy distribution model fitting of the merged optical, near-IR, and {em WISE} photometry. Some of these detections could be the result of contaminating sources within the large ($approx6arcsec$) {em WISE} point spread function; we make a preliminary estimate for the rates of contamination for our WD+BD and WD+disk candidates, and provide notes for each target-of-interest. Each candidate presented here should be confirmed with higher angular resolution infrared imaging or infrared spectroscopy. We also present an overview of the observational characteristics of the detected WDs in the {em WISE} photometric bands, including the relative frequencies of candidate WD+M, WD+BD, and WD+disk systems.
Infrared excesses around white dwarf stars indicate the presence of various astrophysical objects of interest, including companions and debris disks. In this second paper of a series, we present follow-up observations of infrared excess candidates fr om Gaia and unWISE discussed in the first paper, Paper I. We report space-based infrared photometry at 3.6 and 4.5 micron for 174 white dwarfs from the Spitzer Space Telescope and ground-based near-infrared J, H, and K photometry of 235 white dwarfs from Gemini Observatory with significant overlap between Spitzer and Gemini observations. This data is used to confirm or rule-out the observed unWISE infrared excess. From the unWISE-selected candidate sample, the most promising infrared excess sample comes from both colour and flux excess, which has a Spitzer confirmation rate of 95%. We also discuss a method to distinguish infrared excess caused by stellar or sub-stellar companions from potential dust disks. In total, we confirm the infrared excess around 61 white dwarfs, 10 of which are likely to be stellar companions. The remaining 51 bright white dwarf with infrared excess beyond two microns has the potential to double the known sample of white dwarfs with dusty exoplanetary debris disks. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopic studies of a fraction of confirmed excess white dwarfs in this sample have discovered emission from gaseous dust disks. Additional investigations will be able to expand the parameter space from which dust disks around white dwarfs are found.
115 - Y.-H. Chu 2010
IR excesses of white dwarfs (WDs) can be used to diagnose the presence of low-mass companions, planets, and circumstellar dust. Using different combinations of wavelengths and WD temperatures, circumstellar dust at different radial distances can be s urveyed. The Spitzer Space Telescope has been used to search for IR excesses of white dwarfs. Two types of circumstellar dust disks have been found: (1) small disks around cool WDs with T_eff < 20,000 K, and (1) large disks around hot WDs with T_eff > 100,000 K. The small dust disks are within the Roche limit, and are commonly accepted to have originated from tidally crushed asteroids. The large dust disks, at tens of AU from the central WDs, have been suggested to be produced by increased collisions among Kuiper Belt-like objects. In this paper, we discuss Spitzer IRAC surveys of small dust disks around cool WDs, a MIPS survey of large dust disks around hot WDs, and an archival Spitzer survey of IR excesses of WDs.
We present the first results of a campaign to obtain orbital solutions of subdwarf B (sdB) stars from the Edinburgh-Cape survey. We have obtained blue spectra of 35 sdBs, 20 of which have been observed in more than two epochs. 15 out of the 35 are ce rtain binaries with a few other objects showing radial velocity variations with small amplitude, possibly long period sdB binaries. We have secured the orbital parameters for 2 of the 15 systems and narrowed down the orbits of another one to a small range of periods. These preliminary results only use data taken up to December 2003.
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