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A compact design for velocity-map imaging energetic electrons and ions

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 نشر من قبل Marcel Mudrich Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a compact design for a velocity-map imaging spectrometer for energetic electrons and ions. The standard geometry by Eppink and Parker [A. T. J. B. Eppink and D. H. Parker, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68, 3477 (1997)] is augmented by just two extended electrodes so as to realize an additional einzel lens. In this way, for a maximum electrode voltage of 7 kV we experimentally demonstrate imaging of electrons with energies up to 65 eV. Simulations show that energy acceptances of <270 and <1,200 eV with an energy resolution of dE / E <5% are achievable for electrode voltages of <20 kV when using diameters of the position-sensitive detector of 42 and 78 mm, respectively.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We report on the design and performance of a double-sided coincidence velocity map imaging spectrometer optimized for electron-ion and ion-ion coincidence experiments studying inner-shell photoionization of gas-phase molecules with soft X-ray synchro tron radiation. The apparatus employs two microchannel plate detectors equipped with delay-line anodes for coincident, time- and position-resolved detection of photo- and Auger electrons with kinetic energies up to 300,eV on one side of the spectrometer and photoions up to 25,eV per unit charge on the opposite side. We demonstrate its capabilities by measuring valence photoelectron and ion spectra of neon and nitrogen, and by studying channel-resolved photoelectron and Auger spectra along with fragment-ion momentum correlations for chlorine $2p$ inner-shell ionization of textit{cis}- and textit{trans}-1,2-dichloroethene.
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408 - Deyang Yu 2017
Design details of a 127 degree electrostatic cylindrical spectrometer equipped with a position-sensitive micro-channel plate detector for measuring the sputtered ions in collisions of highly charged ions with solid surface is described. The nonlinear relationship between the point of fall versus the ionic energy, the blurring of the point of fall caused by the divergence of incident angle and the finite entrance aperture, the transform from a position spectrum to an energy spectrum, as well as the influence of the fringing fields are discussed.
87 - M. Arenz , W.-J. Baek , M. Beck 2018
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