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Temperature dependent charge transport mechanisms in carbon sphere/polymer composites

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 نشر من قبل Natalya A. Zimbovskaya
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Carbon spheres (CS) with diameters in the range $2 - 10 mu m$ were prepared via hydrolysis of a sucrose solution at $200^o C,$ and later annealed in $N_2$ at $800^o C.$ The spheres were highly conducting but difficult to process into thin films or pressed pellets. In our previous work, composite samples of CS and the insulating polymer polyethylene oxide (PEO) were prepared and their charge transport was analyzed in the temperature range $ 80 K < T < 300 K. $ Here, we analyze charge transport in CS coated with a thin polyaniline (PANi) film doped with hydrochloric acid (HCl), in the same temperature range. The goal is to study charge transport in the CS using a conducting polymer (PANi) as a binder and compare with that occurring at CS/PEO. A conductivity maxima was observed in the CS/PEO composite but was absent in CS/PANi. Our data analysis shows that variable range hopping of electrons between polymeric chains in PANi-filled gaps between CS takes on a predominant part in transport through CS/PANi composites, whereas in CS/PEO composites, electrons travel through gaps between CS solely by means of direct tunneling. This difference in transport mechanisms results in different temperature dependences of the conductivity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

A set of uniform carbon microspheres (CS) whose diameters have the order of $ 0.125 mu m$ to $10 mu m $ was prepared from aqueous sucrose solution by means of hydrothermal carbonization of sugar molecules. A pressed pellet was composed by mixing CSs with polyethylene oxide (PEO). Electrical characterization of the pellet was carried out showing Ohmic current-voltage characteristics and temperature-dependent conductivity in the range $ 80K < T < 300K.$ The conductivity reached a maximum value of $ 0.245 S/cm $ at $ 258K. $ The dependence of conductivity on temperature was theoretically analyzed to determine predominating mechanisms of electron transport. It was shown that thermally-induced electron tunneling between adjacent spheres may take on an important part in the electron transport through the CS/PEO composites.
Low field and high field transport properties of carbon nanotubes/polymer composites are investigated for different tube fractions. Above the percolation threshold f_c=0.33%, transport is due to hopping of localized charge carriers with a localizatio n length xi=10-30 nm. Coulomb interactions associated with a soft gap Delta_CG=2.5 meV are present at low temperature close to f_c. We argue that it originates from the Coulomb charging energy effect which is partly screened by adjacent bundles. The high field conductivity is described within an electrical heating scheme. All the results suggest that using composites close to the percolation threshold may be a way to access intrinsic properties of the nanotubes by experiments at a macroscopic scale.
198 - E. H. Hwang , S. Das Sarma 2008
We calculate the temperature dependent conductivity of graphene in the presence of randomly distributed Coulomb impurity charges arising from the temperature dependent screening of the Coulomb disorder without any phonons. The purely electronic tempe rature dependence of our theory arises from two independent mechanisms: the explicit temperature dependence of the finite temperature dielectric function $epsilon(q,T)$ and the finite temperature energy averaging of the transport scattering time. We find that the calculated temperature dependent conductivity is non-monotonic, decreasing with temperature at low temperatures, and increasing at high temperatures. We provide a critical comparison with the corresponding physics in semiconductor-based parabolic band 2D electron gas systems.
We demonstrate spin injection and detection in single wall carbon nanotubes using a 4-terminal, non-local geometry. This measurement geometry completely separates the charge and spin circuits. Hence all spurious magnetoresistance effects are eliminat ed and the measured signal is due to spin accumulation only. Combining our results with a theoretical model, we deduce a spin polarization at the contacts of approximately 25 %. We show that the magnetoresistance changes measured in the conventional two-terminal geometry are dominated by effects not related to spin accumulation.
Using the semiclassical quantum Boltzmann equation (QBE), we numerically calculate the DC transport properties of bilayer graphene near charge neutrality. We find, in contrast to prior discussions, that phonon scattering is crucial even at temperatur es below 40K. Nonetheless, electron-electron scattering still dominates over phonon collisions allowing a hydrodynamic approach. We introduce a simple two-fluid hydrodynamic model of electrons and holes interacting via Coulomb drag and compare our results to the full QBE calculation. We show that the two-fluid model produces quantitatively accurate results for conductivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity.
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