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The generalized Gauss circle problem concerns the lattice point discrepancy of large spheres. We study the Dirichlet series associated to $P_k(n)^2$, where $P_k(n)$ is the discrepancy between the volume of the $k$-dimensional sphere of radius $sqrt{n}$ and the number of integer lattice points contained in that sphere. We prove asymptotics with improved power-saving error terms for smoothed sums, including $sum P_k(n)^2 e^{-n/X}$ and the Laplace transform $int_0^infty P_k(t)^2 e^{-t/X}dt$, in dimensions $k geq 3$. We also obtain main terms and power-saving error terms for the sharp sums $sum_{n leq X} P_k(n)^2$, along with similar results for the sharp integral $int_0^X P_3(t)^2 dt$. This includes producing the first power-saving error term in mean square for the dimension-three Gauss circle problem.
The Gauss circle problem concerns the difference $P_2(n)$ between the area of a circle of radius $sqrt{n}$ and the number of lattice points it contains. In this paper, we study the Dirichlet series with coefficients $P_2(n)^2$, and prove that this se
For $Gamma={hbox{PSL}_2( {mathbb Z})}$ the hyperbolic circle problem aims to estimate the number of elements of the orbit $Gamma z$ inside the hyperbolic disc centered at $z$ with radius $cosh^{-1}(X/2)$. We show that, by averaging over Heegner point
Let $e(s)$ be the error term of the hyperbolic circle problem, and denote by $e_alpha(s)$ the fractional integral to order $alpha$ of $e(s)$. We prove that for any small $alpha>0$ the asymptotic variance of $e_alpha(s)$ is finite, and given by an exp
In the past two decades, many researchers have studied {it index $2$} Gauss sums, where the group generated by the characteristic $p$ of the underling finite field is of index $2$ in the unit group of ${mathbb Z}/m{mathbb Z}$ for the order $m$ of the
Let $W$ be a smooth test function with compact support in $(0,infty)$. Conditional on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for Hecke $L$-functions over $mathbb{Q}(omega)$, we prove that $$sum_{p equiv 1 pmod{3}} frac{1}{2 sqrt{p}} cdot Big ( sum_{x pmo