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Non-Abelian Gauge Field Localization on Walls and Geometric Higgs Mechanism

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 نشر من قبل Filip Blaschke
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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Combining the semi-classical localization mechanism for gauge fields with $N$ domain wall background in a simple $SU(N)$ gauge theory in five space-time dimensions we investigate the geometric Higgs mechanism, where a spontaneous breakdown of the gauge symmetry comes from splitting of domain walls. The mass spectra are investigated in detail for the phenomenologically interesting case $SU(5) to SU(3)times SU(2)times U(1)$ which is realized on a split configuration of coincident triplet and doublet of domain walls. We derive a low energy effective theory in a generic background using the moduli approximation, where all non-linear interactions between effective fields are captured up to two derivatives. We observe novel similarities between domain walls in our model and D-branes in superstring theories.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

68 - Peter Schupp 2001
We present a brief introduction to the construction of gauge theories on noncommutative spaces with star products. Particular emphasis is given to issues related to non-Abelian gauge groups and charge quantization. This talk is based on joined work w ith B. Jurco, J. Madore, L. Moeller, S. Schraml and J. Wess.
Contrary to the standard model that does not admit topologically nontrivial solitons, two Higgs doublet models admit topologically stable vortex strings and domain walls. We numerically confirm the existence of a topological $Z$-string confining frac tional $Z$-flux inside. We show that topological strings at $sintheta_W = 0$ limit reduce to non-Abelian strings which possess non-Abelian moduli $S^2$ associated with spontaneous breakdown of the $SU(2)$ custodial symmetry. We numerically solve the equations of motion for various parameter choices. It is found that a gauging $U(1)_Y$ always lowers the tension of the $Z$-string while it keeps that of the $W$-string. On the other hand, a deformation of the Higgs potential is either raising or lowering the tensions of the $Z$-string and $W$-string. We numerically obtain an effective potential for the non-Abelian moduli $S^2$ for various parameter deformations under the restriction $tanbeta=1$. It is the first time to show that there exists a certain parameter region where the topological $W$-string can be the most stable topological excitation, contrary to conventional wisdom of electroweak theories. We also obtain numerical solutions of composites of the string and domain walls in a certain condition.
100 - Hideo Suganuma 2018
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179 - Pei-Ming Ho , Yutaka Matsuo 2012
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