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A multi-scale approach for the theoretical description of deformed phosphorene is presented. This approach combines a valence-force model to relate macroscopic strain to microscopic displacements of atoms and a tight-binding model with distance-dependent hopping parameters to obtain electronic properties. The resulting self-consistent electromechanical model is suitable for large-scale modeling of phosphorene devices. We demonstrate this for the case of an inhomogeneously deformed phosphorene drum, which may be used as an exciton funnel.
Phosphorene has been attracted intense interest due to its unexpected high carrier mobility and distinguished anisotropic optoelectronic and electronic properties. In this work, we unraveled strain engineered phosphorene as a photocatalyst in the app
Strain engineering is one of the key technologies for using graphene as an electronic device: the strain-induced pseudo-gauge field reflects Dirac electrons, thus opening the so-called conduction gap. Since strain accumulates in constrictions, graphe
Mechanical strain plays a key role in the physics and operation of nanoscale semiconductor systems, including quantum dots and single-dopant devices. Here we describe the design of a nanoelectronic device where a single nuclear spin is coherently con
A Kekule bond texture in graphene modifies the electronic band structure by folding the Brillouin zone and bringing the two inequivalent Dirac points to the center. This can result, in the opening of a gap (Kek-O) or the locking of the valley degree
The observation of novel physical phenomena such as Hofstadters butterfly, topological currents and unconventional superconductivity in graphene have been enabled by the replacement of SiO$_2$ with hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) as a substrate and by