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Nature of the spin-glass phase in dense packings of Ising dipoles with random anisotropy axes

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 نشر من قبل Juan J. Alonso
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using tempered Monte Carlo simulations, we study the the spin-glass phase of dense packings of Ising dipoles pointing along random axes. We consider systems of L^3 dipoles (a) placed on the sites of a simple cubic lattice with lattice constant $d$, (b) placed at the center of randomly closed packed spheres of diameter d that occupy a 64% of the volume. For both cases we find an equilibrium spin-glass phase below a temperature T_sg. We compute the spin-glass overlap parameter q and their associated correlation length xi_L. From the variation of xi_L with T and L we determine T_sg for both systems. In the spin-glass phase, we find (a) <q> decreases algebraically with L, and (b) xi_L/L does not diverge as L increases. At very low temperatures we find comb-like distributions of q that are sample-dependent. We find that the fraction of samples with cross-overlap spikes higher than a certain value as well as the average width of the spikes are size independent quantities. All these results are consistent with a quasi-long-range order in the spin-glass phase, as found previously for very diluted dipolar systems.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study partially occupied lattice systems of classical magnetic dipoles which point along randomly oriented axes. Only dipolar interactions are taken into account. The aim of the model is to mimic collective effects in disordered assemblies of magn etic nanoparticles. From tempered Monte Carlo simulations, we obtain the following equilibrium results. The zero temperature entropy approximately vanishes. Below a temperature T_c, given by k_B T_c= (0.95 +- 0.1)x e_d, where e_d is a nearest neighbor dipole-dipole interaction energy and x is the site occupancy rate, we find a spin glass phase. In it, (1) the mean value <|q|>, where q is the spin overlap, decreases algebraically with system size N as N increases, and (2) D|q| = 0.5 <|q|> (T/x)^1/2, independently of N, where D|q| is the root mean square deviation of |q|.
64 - J. J. Alonso , B. Alles , 2020
We study random dense packings of Heisenberg dipoles by numerical simulation. The dipoles are at the centers of identical spheres that occupy fixed random positions in space and fill a fraction $Phi$ of the spatial volume. The parameter $Phi$ ranges from rather low values, typical of amorphous ensembles, to the maximum $Phi$=0.64 that occurs in the random-close-packed limit. We assume that the dipoles can freely rotate and have no local anisotropies. As well as the usual thermodynamical variables, the physics of such systems depends on $Phi$. Concretely, we explore the magnetic ordering of these systems in order to depict the phase diagram in the temperature-$Phi$ plane. For $Phi gtrsim0.49$ we find quasi-long-range ferromagnetic order coexisting with strong long-range spin-glass order. For $Phi lesssim0.49$ the ferromagnetic order disappears giving way to a spin-glass phase similar to the ones found for Ising dipolar systems with strong frozen disorder.
183 - N.G. Fytas , A. Malakis 2008
The one-parametric Wang-Landau (WL) method is implemented together with an extrapolation scheme to yield approximations of the two-dimensional (exchange-energy, field-energy) density of states (DOS) of the 3D bimodal random-field Ising model (RFIM). The present approach generalizes our earlier WL implementations, by handling the final stage of the WL process as an entropic sampling scheme, appropriate for the recording of the required two-parametric histograms. We test the accuracy of the proposed extrapolation scheme and then apply it to study the size-shift behavior of the phase diagram of the 3D bimodal RFIM. We present a finite-size converging approach and a well-behaved sequence of estimates for the critical disorder strength. Their asymptotic shift-behavior yields the critical disorder strength and the associated correlation lengths exponent, in agreement with previous estimates from ground-state studies of the model.
We develop a novel method based in the sparse random graph to account the interplay between geometric frustration and disorder in cluster magnetism. Our theory allows to introduce the cluster network connectivity as a controllable parameter. Two type s of inner cluster geometry are considered: triangular and tetrahedral. The theory was developed for a general, non-uniform intra-cluster interactions, but in the present paper the results presented correspond to uniform, anti-ferromagnetic (AF) intra-clusters interactions $J_{0}/J$. The clusters are represented by nodes on a finite connectivity random graph, and the inter-cluster interactions are random Gaussian distributed. The graph realizations are treated in replica theory using the formalism of order parameter functions, which allows to calculate the distribution of local fields and, as a consequence, the relevant observable. In the case of triangular cluster geometry, there is the onset of a classical Spin Liquid state at a temperature $T^{*}/J$ and then, a Cluster Spin Glass (CSG) phase at a temperature $T_{f}/J$. The CSG ground state is robust even for very weak disorder or large negative $J_{0}/J$. These results does not depend on the network connectivity. Nevertheless, variations in the connectivity strongly affect the level of frustration $f_{p}=-Theta_{CW}/T_{f}$ for large $J_{0}/J$. In contrast, for the non-frustrated tetrahedral cluster geometry, the CSG ground state is suppressed for weak disorder or large negative $J_{0}/J$. The CSG boundary phase presents a re-entrance which is dependent on the network connectivity.
As in the preceding paper we aim at identifying the effective theory that describes the fluctuations of the local overlap with an equilibrium reference configuration close to a putative thermodynamic glass transition. We focus here on the case of fin ite-dimensional glass-forming systems, in particular supercooled liquids. The main difficulty for going beyond the mean-field treatment comes from the presence of diverging point-to-set spatial correlations. We introduce a variational low-temperature approximation scheme that allows us to account, at least in part, for the effect of these correlations. The outcome is an effective theory for the overlap fluctuations in terms of a random-field + random-bond Ising model with additional, power-law decaying, pair and multi-body interactions generated by the point-to-set correlations. This theory is much more tractable than the original problem. We check the robustness of the approximation scheme by applying it to a fully connected model already studied in the companion paper. We discuss the physical implications of this mapping for glass-forming liquids and the possibility it offers to determine the presence or not of a finite-temperature thermodynamic glass transition.
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