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Latent geometry of bipartite networks

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 نشر من قبل Maksim Kitsak
 تاريخ النشر 2016
والبحث باللغة English

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Despite the abundance of bipartite networked systems, their organizing principles are less studied, compared to unipartite networks. Bipartite networks are often analyzed after projecting them onto one of the two sets of nodes. As a result of the projection, nodes of the same set are linked together if they have at least one neighbor in common in the bipartite network. Even though these projections allow one to study bipartite networks using tools developed for unipartite networks, one-mode projections lead to significant loss of information and artificial inflation of the projected network with fully connected subgraphs. Here we pursue a different approach for analyzing bipartite systems that is based on the observation that such systems have a latent metric structure: network nodes are points in a latent metric space, while connections are more likely to form between nodes separated by shorter distances. This approach has been developed for unipartite networks, and relatively little is known about its applicability to bipartite systems. Here, we fully analyze a simple latent-geometric model of bipartite networks, and show that this model explains the peculiar structural properties of many real bipartite systems, including the distributions of common neighbors and bipartite clustering. We also analyze the geometric information loss in one-mode projections in this model, and propose an efficient method to infer the latent pairwise distances between nodes. Uncovering the latent geometry underlying real bipartite networks can find applications in diverse domains, ranging from constructing efficient recommender systems to understanding cell metabolism.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We use the information present in a bipartite network to detect cores of communities of each set of the bipartite system. Cores of communities are found by investigating statistically validated projected networks obtained using information present in the bipartite network. Cores of communities are highly informative and robust with respect to the presence of errors or missing entries in the bipartite network. We assess the statistical robustness of cores by investigating an artificial benchmark network, the co-authorship network, and the actor-movie network. The accuracy and precision of the partition obtained with respect to the reference partition are measured in terms of the adjusted Rand index and of the adjusted Wallace index respectively. The detection of cores is highly precise although the accuracy of the methodology can be limited in some cases.
53 - Jian-Guo Liu , Lei Hou , Xue Pan 2015
Similarity is a fundamental measure in network analyses and machine learning algorithms, with wide applications ranging from personalized recommendation to socio-economic dynamics. We argue that an effective similarity measurement should guarantee th e stability even under some information loss. With six bipartite networks, we investigate the stabilities of fifteen similarity measurements by comparing the similarity matrixes of two data samples which are randomly divided from original data sets. Results show that, the fifteen measurements can be well classified into three clusters according to their stabilities, and measurements in the same cluster have similar mathematical definitions. In addition, we develop a top-$n$-stability method for personalized recommendation, and find that the unstable similarities would recommend false information to users, and the performance of recommendation would be largely improved by using stable similarity measurements. This work provides a novel dimension to analyze and evaluate similarity measurements, which can further find applications in link prediction, personalized recommendation, clustering algorithms, community detection and so on.
Proximity networks are time-varying graphs representing the closeness among humans moving in a physical space. Their properties have been extensively studied in the past decade as they critically affect the behavior of spreading phenomena and the per formance of routing algorithms. Yet, the mechanisms responsible for their observed characteristics remain elusive. Here, we show that many of the observed properties of proximity networks emerge naturally and simultaneously in a simple latent space network model, called dynamic-$mathbb{S}^{1}$. The dynamic-$mathbb{S}^{1}$ does not model node mobility directly, but captures the connectivity in each snapshot---each snapshot in the model is a realization of the $mathbb{S}^{1}$ model of traditional complex networks, which is isomorphic to hyperbolic geometric graphs. By forgoing the motion component the model facilitates mathematical analysis, allowing us to prove the contact, inter-contact and weight distributions. We show that these distributions are power laws in the thermodynamic limit with exponents lying within the ranges observed in real systems. Interestingly, we find that network temperature plays a central role in network dynamics, dictating the exponents of these distributions, the time-aggregated agent degrees, and the formation of unique and recurrent components. Further, we show that paradigmatic epidemic and rumor spreading processes perform similarly in real and modeled networks. The dynamic-$mathbb{S}^{1}$ or extensions of it may apply to other types of time-varying networks and constitute the basis of maximum likelihood estimation methods that infer the node coordinates and their evolution in the latent spaces of real systems.
66 - Maksim Kitsak 2020
Networks of interdisciplinary teams, biological interactions as well as food webs are examples of networks that are shaped by complementarity principles: connections in these networks are preferentially established between nodes with complementary pr operties. We propose a geometric framework for complementarity-driven networks. In doing so we first argue that traditional geometric representations, e.g., embeddings of networks into latent metric spaces, are not applicable to complementarity-driven networks due to the contradiction between the triangle inequality in latent metric spaces and the non-transitivity of complementarity. We then propose the cross-geometric representation for these complementarity-driven networks and demonstrate that this representation (i) follows naturally from the complementarity rule, (ii) is consistent with the metric property of the latent space, (iii) reproduces structural properties of real complementarity-driven networks, if the latent space is the hyperbolic disk, and (iv) allows for prediction of missing links in complementarity-driven networks with accuracy surpassing existing similarity-based methods. The proposed framework challenges social network analysis intuition and tools that are routinely applied to complementarity-driven networks and offers new avenues towards descriptive and prescriptive analysis of systems in science of science and biomedicine.
Bipartite networks are currently regarded as providing a major insight into the organization of many real-world systems, unveiling the mechanisms driving the interactions occurring between distinct groups of nodes. One of the most important issues en countered when modeling bipartite networks is devising a way to obtain a (monopartite) projection on the layer of interest, which preserves as much as possible the information encoded into the original bipartite structure. In the present paper we propose an algorithm to obtain statistically-validated projections of bipartite networks, according to which any two nodes sharing a statistically-significant number of neighbors are linked. Since assessing the statistical significance of nodes similarity requires a proper statistical benchmark, here we consider a set of four null models, defined within the exponential random graph framework. Our algorithm outputs a matrix of link-specific p-values, from which a validated projection is straightforwardly obtainable, upon running a multiple hypothesis testing procedure. Finally, we test our method on an economic network (i.e. the countries-products World Trade Web representation) and a social network (i.e. MovieLens, collecting the users ratings of a list of movies). In both cases non-trivial communities are detected: while projecting the World Trade Web on the countries layer reveals modules of similarly-industrialized nations, projecting it on the products layer allows communities characterized by an increasing level of complexity to be detected; in the second case, projecting MovieLens on the films layer allows clusters of movies whose affinity cannot be fully accounted for by genre similarity to be individuated.
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