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Experimental demonstration of non-bilocal quantum correlations

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 نشر من قبل Dylan Saunders
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum mechanics admits correlations that cannot be explained by local realistic models. Those most studied are the standard local hidden variable models, which satisfy the well-known Bell inequalities. To date, most works have focused on bipartite entangled systems. Here, we consider correlations between three parties connected via two independent entangled states. We investigate the new type of so-called bilocal models, which correspondingly involve two independent hidden variables. Such models describe scenarios that naturally arise in quantum networks, where several independent entanglement sources are employed. Using photonic qubits, we build such a linear three-node quantum network and demonstrate non-bilocal correlations by violating a Bell-like inequality tailored for bilocal models. Furthermore, we show that the demonstration of non-bilocality is more noise-tolerant than that of standard Bell non-locality in our three-party quantum network.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Entanglement swapping is a process by which two initially independent quantum systems can become entangled and generate nonlocal correlations. To characterize such correlations, we compare them to those predicted by bilocal models, where systems that are initially independent are described by uncorrelated states. We extend in this paper the analysis of bilocal correlations initiated in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 170401 (2010)]. In particular, we derive new Bell-type inequalities based on the bilocality assumption in different scenarios, we study their possible quantum violations, and analyze their resistance to experimental imperfections. The bilocality assumption, being stronger than Bells standard local causality assumption, lowers the requirements for the demonstration of quantumness in entanglement swapping experiments.
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251 - S. Gaertner , J. Lau , N. Kiesel 2009
Quantum telecloning is a multiparty quantum communication protocol which allows quantum information broadcasting. It can be, therefore, seen as a generalization of quantum teleportation. However, in contrast to quantum teleportation, it requires the resource of multipartite entanglement. Here we present an experimental demonstration of universal symmetric 1->2 quantum telecloning of qubits via four-photon polarisation entanglement.
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