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Nano-scale thermal transfer -- an invitation to fluctuation electrodynamics

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 نشر من قبل Carsten Henkel
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Carsten Henkel

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An electromagnetic theory of thermal radiation is outlined, based on the fluctuation electrodynamics of Rytov and co-workers. We discuss the basic concepts and the status of different approximations. The physical content is illustrated with a few examples on near-field heat transfer.

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اقرأ أيضاً

66 - Anna Wienhard 2018
The goal of this article is to invite the reader to get to know and to get involved into higher Teichmuller theory by describing some of its many facets.
Spin and orbital angular momentum of light plays a central role in quantum nanophotonics as well as topological electrodynamics. Here, we show that the thermal radiation from finite-sized bodies comprising of nonreciprocal magneto-optical materials c an exert a spin torque even in global thermal equilibrium. Moving beyond the paradigm of near-field heat transfer, we calculate near-field radiative angular momentum transfer between finite-sized nonreciprocal objects by combining Rytovs fluctuational electrodynamics with the theory of optical angular momentum. We prove that a single magneto-optical cubic particle in non-equilibrium with its surroundings experiences a torque in the presence of an applied magnetic field (T-symmetry breaking). Furthermore, even in global thermal equilibrium, two particles with misaligned gyrotropic axes experience equal magnitude torques with opposite signs which tend to align their gyrotropic axes parallel to each other. Our results are universally applicable to semiconductors like InSb (magneto-plasmas) as well as Weyl semi-metals which exhibit the anomalous Hall effect (gyrotropy) at infrared frequencies. Our work paves the way towards near-field angular momentum transfer mediated by thermal fluctuations for nanoscale devices.
145 - Karl Joulain 2015
This paper proposes an experiment to easily detect radiative heat transfer in the microwave range. Following an idea given by Pendry more than a decade ago [1], we show that a 3D array of tungsten 2micron radius wires with a 1 cm period makes a low c ost material exhibiting a surface plasmon in the microwave range around 2.9 GHz. Such a heated material should exhibit an emission peak near the plasmon frequency well above ambient emission. Analysis of the signal detected in the near-field should also be a tool to analyze how homogenization theory applies when the distance to the material is of the order of the metamaterial period. It could also be give a model to non-local dielectric properties in the same conditions.
Tip-enhanced nano-spectroscopy and -imaging, such as tip-enhanced photoluminescence (TEPL), tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), and others, have become indispensable from materials science to single molecule studies. However, the techniques suffe r from inconsistent performance due to lack of nanoscale control of tip apex structure, which often leads to irreproducible spectral, spatial, and polarization resolved imaging. Instead of refining tip-fabrication to resolve this problem, we pursue the inverse approach of optimizing the nano-optical vector-field at the tip apex via adaptive optics. Specifically, we demonstrate dynamic wavefront shaping of the excitation field to effectively couple light to the tip and adaptively control for enhanced sensitivity and polarization-controlled TEPL and TERS, with performance exceeding what can be achieved by conventional tip-fabrication and optimal excitation polarization. Employing a sequence feedback algorithm, we achieve 4.4$times$10$^4$-fold TEPL enhancement of a WSe$_2$ monolayer which is >2$times$ larger than the normal TEPL intensity without wavefront shaping, as well as the largest plasmon-enhanced PL intensity of a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayer reported to date. In addition, with dynamical near-field polarization control in TERS, we demonstrate the investigation of conformational heterogeneity of brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) molecules as well as the controllable observation of IR-active modes due to a large gradient field effect. Adaptive tip-enhanced spectroscopy and imaging thus provides for a new systematic approach towards computational nanoscopy making optical nano-imaging more robust, versatile, and widely deployable.
Energy harvesting is a modern concept which makes dissipated heat useful by transferring thermal energy to other excitations. Most of the existing principles for energy harvesting are realized in systems which are heated continuously, for example gen erating DC voltage in thermoelectric devices. Here we present the concept of high-frequency energy harvesting where the dissipated heat in a sample excites resonant magnons in a 5-nm thick ferromagnetic metal layer. The sample is excited by femtosecond laser pulses with a repetition rate of 10 GHz which results in temperature modulation at the same frequency with amplitude ~0.1 K. The alternating temperature excites magnons in the ferromagnetic nanolayer which are detected by measuring the net magnetization precession. When the magnon frequency is brought onto resonance with the optical excitation, a 12-fold increase of the amplitude of precession indicates efficient resonant heat transfer from the lattice to coherent magnons. The demonstrated principle may be used for energy harvesting in various nanodevices operating at GHz and sub-THz frequency ranges.
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