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Period estimation for sparsely-sampled quasi-periodic light curves applied to Miras

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 نشر من قبل Lucas Macri
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop a non-linear semi-parametric Gaussian process model to estimate periods of Miras with sparsely-sampled light curves. The model uses a sinusoidal basis for the periodic variation and a Gaussian process for the stochastic changes. We use maximum likelihood to estimate the period and the parameters of the Gaussian process, while integrating out the effects of other nuisance parameters in the model with respect to a suitable prior distribution obtained from earlier studies. Since the likelihood is highly multimodal for period, we implement a hybrid method that applies the quasi-Newton algorithm for Gaussian process parameters and search the period/frequency parameter over a dense grid. A large-scale, high-fidelity simulation is conducted to mimic the sampling quality of Mira light curves obtained by the M33 Synoptic Stellar Survey. The simulated data set is publicly available and can serve as a testbed for future evaluation of different period estimation methods. The semi-parametric model outperforms an existing algorithm on this simulated test data set as measured by period recovery rate and quality of the resulting Period-Luminosity relations.

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A computer program is introduced, which allows to determine statistically optimal approxi-mation using the Asymptotic Parabola fit, or, in other words, the spline consisting of polynomials of order 1,2,1, or two lines (asymptotes) connected with a pa rabola. The function itself and its derivative is continuous. There are 5 parameters: two points, where a line switches to a parabola and vice versa, the slopes of the line and the curvature of the parabola. Extreme cases are either the parabola without lines (i.e.the parabola of width of the whole interval), or lines without a parabola (zero width of the parabola), or line+parabola without a second line. Such an approximation is especially effective for pulsating variables, for which the slopes of the ascending and descending branches are generally different, so the maxima and minima have asymmetric shapes. The method was initially introduced by Marsakova and Andronov (1996OAP.....9..127M) and realized as a computer program written in QBasic under DOS. It was used for dozens of variable stars, particularly, for the catalogs of the individual characteristics of pulsations of the Mira (1998OAP....11...79M) and semi-regular (200OAP....13..116C) pulsating variables. For the eclipsing variables with nearly symmetric shapes of the minima, we use a symmetric version of the Asymptotic parabola. Here we introduce a Windows-based program, which does not have DOS limitation for the memory (number of observations) and screen resolution. The program has an user-friendly interface and is illustrated by an application to the test signal and to the pulsating variable AC Her.
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117 - J. C. Zinn 2016
LSST is expected to yield ~10^7 light curves over the course of its mission, which will require a concerted effort in automated classification. Stochastic processes provide one means of quantitatively describing variability with the potential advanta ge over simple light curve statistics that the parameters may be physically meaningful. Here, we survey a large sample of periodic, quasi-periodic, and stochastic OGLE-III variables using the damped random walk (DRW, CARMA(1,0)) and quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO, CARMA(2,1)) stochastic process models. The QPO model is described by an amplitude, a period, and a coherence time-scale, while the DRW has only an amplitude and a time-scale. We find that the periodic and quasi-periodic stellar variables are generally better described by a QPO than a DRW, while quasars are better described by the DRW model. There are ambiguities in interpreting the QPO coherence time due to non-sinusoidal light curve shapes, signal-to-noise, error mischaracterizations, and cadence. Higher-order implementations of the QPO model that better capture light curve shapes are necessary for the coherence time to have its implied physical meaning. Independent of physical meaning, the extra parameter of the QPO model successfully distinguishes most of the classes of periodic and quasi-periodic variables we consider.
148 - A. A. Miller 2014
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