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Scanning tunneling spectroscopy as a probe of multi-Q magnetic states of itinerant magnets

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 نشر من قبل Brian M. Andersen
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The combination of electronic correlations and Fermi surfaces with multiple nesting vectors can lead to the appearance of complex multi-Q magnetic ground states, hosting unusual states such as chiral density-waves and quantum Hall insulators. Distinguishing single-Q and multi-Q magnetic phases is however a notoriously difficult experimental problem. Here we propose theoretically that the local density of states near a magnetic impurity, whose orientation may be controlled by an external magnetic field, can be used to map out the detailed magnetic configuration of an itinerant system and distinguish unambiguously between single-Q and multi-Q phases. We demonstrate this concept by computing and contrasting the LDOS near a magnetic impurity embedded in three different magnetic ground states relevant to iron-based superconductors -- one single-Q and two double-Q phases. Our results open a promising avenue to investigate complex magnetic configurations in itinerant systems via standard scanning tunneling spectroscopy, without requiring spin-resolved capability.

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In this paper we develop the theory for 2D-to-2D tunneling spectroscopy aided by magnetic or quantum-order excitations, and apply it to the description of van-der-Waals heterostructures of graphene/ultrathin $alpha-{rm RuCl}_3$. We study the behavior of both the differential conductance and the inelastic electron tunneling spectrum (IETS) of these heterostructures. The IETS in particular exhibits features, such as the gap of continuum spinon excitations and Majorana bound states, whose energies scale {it cubicly} with the applied magnetic field. Such scaling, which exists for a relatively wide range of fields, is at odds with the linear one exhibited by conventional magnons and can be used to prove the existence of Kitaev quantum spin liquids.
We present Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy measurements at 0.1 K using tips made of Al. At zero field, the atomic lattice and charge density wave of 2HNbSe2 are observed, and under magnetic fields the peculiar electronic surface properties of vortice s are precisely resolved. The tip density of states is influenced by the local magnetic field of the vortex, providing for a new probe of the magnetic field at nanometric sizes.
Unique superconductivity at surfaces/interfaces, as exemplified by LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, and the high transition temperature in ultrathin FeSe films, have triggered intense debates on how superconductivity is affected in atomic and electronic rec onstructions. The surface of superconducting cubic spinel oxide LiTi2O4 is another interesting system because its inherent surface electronic and atomic reconstructions add complexity to superconducting properties. Investigations of such surfaces are hampered by the lack of single crystals or high-quality thin films. Here, using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, we report an unexpected small superconducting energy gap and a long coherence length on the surface of LiTi2O4 (111) epitaxial thin films. Furthermore, we find that a pseudogap opening at the Fermi energy modifies the surface superconductivity. Our results open an avenue, exploring anomalous superconductivity on the surface of cubic transition-metal oxides where the electronic states are spontaneously modulated with involving rich many-body interactions.
In the vortex core of slightly overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox, the electron-like and hole-like states have been found to exhibit spatial modulations in anti-phase with each other along the Cu-O bonding direction. Some kind of one-dimensionality has been obs erved in the vortex core, and it is more clearly seen in differential conductance maps at lower biases below +-9 mV.
149 - Yi Yin , M. Zech , T. L. Williams 2009
We present an atomic resolution scanning tunneling spectroscopy study of superconducting BaFe$_{1.8}$Co$_{0.2}$As$_2$ single crystals in magnetic fields up to $9 text{Tesla}$. At zero field, a single gap with coherence peaks at $overline{Delta}=6.25 text{meV}$ is observed in the density of states. At $9 text{T}$ and $6 text{T}$, we image a disordered vortex lattice, consistent with isotropic, single flux quantum vortices. Vortex locations are uncorrelated with strong scattering surface impurities, demonstrating bulk pinning. The vortex-induced sub-gap density of states fits an exponential decay from the vortex center, from which we extract a coherence length $xi=27.6pm 2.9 text{AA}$, corresponding to an upper critical field $H_{c2}=43 text{T}$.
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