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A systematic approach for designing zero-DGD coupled multi-core optical fibers

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 نشر من قبل Midya Parto
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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An analytical method is presented for designing N-coupled multi-core fibers with zero differential group delay. This approach effectively reduces the problem to a system of N-1 algebraic equations involving the associated coupling coefficients and propagation constants as obtained from coupled mode theory. Once the parameters of one of the cores are specified, the roots of the resulting N-1 equations can then be used to determine the characteristics of the remaining waveguide elements. Using this technique, a number of pertinent geometrical configurations are investigated in order to minimize intermodal dispersion.

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اقرأ أيضاً

396 - M. Bache 2008
The dispersion of index-guiding microstructured polymer optical fibers is calculated for second-harmonic generation. The quadratic nonlinearity is assumed to come from poling of the polymer, which in this study is chosen to be the cyclic olefin copol ymer Topas. We found a very large phase mismatch between the pump and the second-harmonic waves. Therefore the potential for cascaded quadratic second-harmonic generation is investigated in particular for soliton compression of fs pulses. We found that excitation of temporal solitons from cascaded quadratic nonlinearities requires an effective quadratic nonlinearity of 5 pm/V or more. This might be reduced if a polymer with a low Kerr nonlinear refractive index is used. We also found that the group-velocity mismatch could be minimized if the design parameters of the microstructured fiber are chosen so the relative hole size is large and the hole pitch is on the order of the pump wavelength. Almost all design-parameter combinations resulted in cascaded effects in the stationary regime, where efficient and clean soliton compression can be found. We therefore did not see any benefit from choosing a fiber design where the group-velocity mismatch was minimized. Instead numerical simulations showed excellent compression of $lambda=800$ nm 120 fs pulses with nJ pulse energy to few-cycle duration using a standard endlessly single-mode design with a relative hole size of 0.4.
199 - J. H. Li 2012
Previous studies of the modulation instability (MI) of continuous waves (CWs) in a two-core fiber (TCF) did not consider effects caused by co-propagation of the two polarized modes in a TCF that possesses birefringence, such as cross-phase modulation (XPM), polarization-mode dispersion (PMD), and polarization-dependent coupling (PDC) between the cores. This paper reports an analysis of these effects on the MI by considering a linear-birefringence TCF and a circular-birefringence TCF, which feature different XPM coefficients. The analysis focuses on the MI of the asymmetric CW states in the TCFs, which have no counterparts in single-core fibers. We find that, the asymmetric CW state exists when its total power exceeds a threshold (minimum) value, which is sensitive to the value of the XPM coefficient. We consider, in particular, a class of asymmetric CW states that admit analytical solutions. In the anomalous dispersion regime, without taking the PMD and PDC into account, the MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCF, if scaled by the threshold power, are almost identical to those of the zero-birefringence TCF. However, in the normal dispersion regime, the power-scaled MI gain spectra of the birefringent TCFs are distinctly different from their zero-birefringence counterparts, and the difference is particularly significant for the circular-birefringence TCF, which takes a larger XPM coefficient. On the other hand, the PMD and PDC only exert weak effects on the MI gain spectra. We also simulate the nonlinear evolution of the MI of the CW inputs in the TCFs and obtain a good agreement with the analytical solutions.
Trends in photonic quantum information follow closely the technical progress in classical optics and telecommunications. In this regard, advances in multiplexing optical communications channels have also been pursued for the generation of multi-dimen sional quantum states (qudits), since their use is advantageous for several quantum information tasks. One current path leading in this direction is through the use of space-division multiplexing multi-core optical fibers, which provides a new platform for efficiently controlling path-encoded qudit states. Here we report on a parametric down-conversion source of entangled qudits that is fully based on (and therefore compatible with) state-of-the-art multi-core fiber technology. The source design uses modern multi-core fiber beam splitters to prepare the pump laser beam as well as measure the generated entangled state, achieving high spectral brightness while providing a stable architecture. In addition, it can be readily used with any core geometry, which is crucial since widespread standards for multi-core fibers in telecommunications have yet to be established. Our source represents an important step towards the compatibility of quantum communications with the next-generation optical networks.
We experimentally investigate a nonlinear switching mechanism in a dual-core highly nonlinear optical fiber. We focus the input beam of femtosecond pulses on one core only, to identify transitions between inter-core oscillations, self-trapping in the cross core, and self-trapping of the pulse in the straight core. A model based in the system of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations provides surprisingly good agreement with the experimental findings.
83 - A. Mussot 2006
We demonstrate a novel convenient nondestructive method based on optical parametric amplification that allows retrieval of the zero-dispersion wavelength map along a short optical fiber span with a high-spatial resolution. The improved resolution rel ies on the high sensitivity to the local longitudinal dispersion fluctuations of the parametric high-gain spectrum.
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