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It is shown how tools from the area of Model Theory, specifically from the Theory of o-minimality, can be used to prove that a class of functions is VC-subgraph (in the sense of Dudley, 1987), and therefore satisfies a uniform polynomial metric entropy bound. We give examples where the use of these methods significantly improves the existing metric entropy bounds. The methods proposed here can be applied to finite dimensional parametric families of functions without the need for the parameters to live in a compact set, as is sometimes required in theorems that produce similar entropy bounds (for instance Theorem 19.7 of van der Vaart, 1998).
A Bayesian nonparametric estimator to entropy is proposed. The derivation of the new estimator relies on using the Dirichlet process and adapting the well-known frequentist estimators of Vasicek (1976) and Ebrahimi, Pflughoeft and Soofi (1994). Sever
This paper aims at providing statistical guarantees for a kernel based estimation of time varying parameters driving the dynamic of local stationary processes. We extend the results of Dahlhaus et al. (2018) considering the local stationary version o
We find limiting distributions of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of a log-concave density, that is, a density of the form $f_0=expvarphi_0$ where $varphi_0$ is a concave function on $mathbb{R}$. The pointwise limiting distributi
We study a panel data model with general heterogeneous effects where slopes are allowed to vary across both individuals and over time. The key dimension reduction assumption we employ is that the heterogeneous slopes can be expressed as having a fact
Let $pi_1$ and $pi_2$ be two independent populations, where the population $pi_i$ follows a bivariate normal distribution with unknown mean vector $boldsymbol{theta}^{(i)}$ and common known variance-covariance matrix $Sigma$, $i=1,2$. The present pap