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Observation of a topologically non-trivial surface state in half-Heusler PtLuSb (001) thin films

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 نشر من قبل John Logan
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The discovery of topological insulators (TIs), materials with bulk band gaps and protected cross-gap surface states, in compounds such as Bi2Se3 has generated much interest in identifying topological surface states (TSSs) in other classes of materials. In particular, recent theory calculations suggest that TSSs may be found in half-Heusler ternary compounds. If experimentally realizable, this would provide a materials platform for entirely new heterostructure spintronic devices that make use of the structurally-identical but electronically-varied nature of Heusler compounds. Here, we show the presence of a TSS in epitaxially grown thin films of the half-Heusler compound PtLuSb. Spin and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), complemented by theoretical calculations, reveals a surface state with linear dispersion and a helical tangential spin texture consistent with previous predictions. This experimental verification of TI behavior is a significant step forward in establishing half-Heusler compounds as a viable material system for future spintronics devices.

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Drumhead surface states that link together loops of nodal lines arise in Dirac nodal-line semimetals as a consequence of the topologically non-trivial band crossings. We used low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and Fourier-transformed scann ing tunneling spectroscopy to investigate the quasiparticle interference (QPI) properties of ZrSiTe. Our results show two scattering signals across the drumhead state resolving the energy-momentum relationship through the occupied and unoccupied energy ranges it is predicted to span. Observation of this drumhead state is in contrast to previous studies on ZrSiS and ZrSiSe, where the QPI was dominated by topologically trivial bulk bands and surface states. Furthermore, we observe a near $mathbf{k} rightarrow -mathbf{k}$ scattering process across the $Gamma$-point, enabled by scattering between the spin-split drumhead bands in this material.
164 - Wenhong Wang , Yin Du , Enke Liu 2012
Half-Heusler YPtSb thin films were fabricated by magnetron co-sputtering method on MgO-buffered SiO2/Si(001) substrates. X-ray diffraction pattern and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy confirmed the high-quality growth and stoichiometry. The tempe rature dependence of the resistivity shows a semiconducting-type behavior down to low temperature. The Hall mobility was determined to be 450 cm2/Vs at 300K, which is much higher than the bulk value (300 cm2/Vs). In-plane magnetoresistance (MR) measurements with fields applied along and perpendicular to the current direction show opposite MR signs, which suggests the possible existence of the topological surface states.
Topological insulators are a class of materials with insulating bulk but protected conducting surfaces due to the combination of spin-orbit interactions and time-reversal symmetry. The surface states are topologically non-trivial and robust against n on-magnetic backscattering, leading to interesting physics and potential quantum computing applications1, 2. Recently there has been a fast growing interest in samarium hexboride (SmB6), a Kondo insulator predicted to be the first example of a correlated topological insulator3, 4. Here we fabricated smooth thin films of nanocrystalline SmB6 films. Their transport behavior indeed shows that SmB6 is a bulk insulator with topological surface states. Upon decreasing the temperature, the resistivity r{ho} of Sm0.14B0.86 (SmB6) films display significant increase below 50 K due to hybridization gap formation, and it shows a saturation behavior below 10 K. The saturated resistance of our textured films is similar to that of the single crystals, suggesting that this conduction is from the surface and robust against grain boundary scatterings. Point contact spectroscopy (PCS) of the film using a superconducting tip displays both a Kondo Fano resonance and Andreev reflection, suggesting the existence of both an insulating Kondo lattice and metallic surface states.
The prediction of non-trivial topological electronic states hosted by half-Heusler compounds makes them prime candidates for discovering new physics and devices as they harbor a variety of electronic ground states including superconductivity, magneti sm, and heavy fermion behavior. Here we report normal state electronic properties of a superconducting half-Heusler compound YPtBi using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Our data reveal the presence of a Dirac state at the zone center of the Brillouin zone at 500 meV below the chemical potential. We observe the presence of multiple Fermi surface pockets including two concentric hexagonal and six half oval shaped pockets at the gamma and K points of the Brillouin zone, respectively. Furthermore, our measurements show Rashba-split bands and multiple surface states crossing the chemical potential which are supported by the first-principles calculations. Our finding of a Dirac state in YPtBi plays a significant role in establishing half-Heusler compounds as a new potential platform for novel topological phases and explore their connection with superconductivity.
The synthesis of new materials with novel or useful properties is one of the most important drivers in the fields of condensed matter physics and materials science. Discoveries of this kind are especially significant when they point to promising futu re basic research and applications. Van der Waals bonded materials comprised of lower-dimensional building blocks have been shown to exhibit emergent properties when isolated in an atomically thin form1-8. Here, we report the discovery of a transition metal chalcogenide in a heretofore unknown segmented linear chain form, where basic building blocks each consisting of two hafnium atoms and nine tellurium atoms (Hf2Te9) are van der Waals bonded end-to-end. First-principle calculations based on density functional theory reveal striking crystal-symmetry-related features in the electronic structure of the segmented chain, including giant spin splitting and nontrivial topological phases of selected energy band states. Atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals single segmented Hf2Te9 chains isolated within the hollow cores of carbon nanotubes, with a structure consistent with theoretical predictions. Van der Waals-bonded segmented linear chain transition metal chalcogenide materials could open up new opportunities in low-dimensional, gate-tunable, magnetic and topological crystalline systems.
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