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POLARBEAR Constraints on Cosmic Birefringence and Primordial Magnetic Fields

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 نشر من قبل Chang Feng
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We constrain anisotropic cosmic birefringence using four-point correlations of even-parity $E$-mode and odd-parity $B$-mode polarization in the cosmic microwave background measurements made by the POLARization of the Background Radiation (POLARBEAR) experiment in its first season of observations. We find that the anisotropic cosmic birefringence signal from any parity-violating processes is consistent with zero. The Faraday rotation from anisotropic cosmic birefringence can be compared with the equivalent quantity generated by primordial magnetic fields if they existed. The POLARBEAR nondetection translates into a 95% confidence level (C.L.) upper limit of 93 nanogauss (nG) on the amplitude of an equivalent primordial magnetic field inclusive of systematic uncertainties. This four-point correlation constraint on Faraday rotation is about 15 times tighter than the upper limit of 1380 nG inferred from constraining the contribution of Faraday rotation to two-point correlations of $B$-modes measured by Planck in 2015. Metric perturbations sourced by primordial magnetic fields would also contribute to the $B$-mode power spectrum. Using the POLARBEAR measurements of the $B$-mode power spectrum (two-point correlation), we set a 95% C.L. upper limit of 3.9 nG on primordial magnetic fields assuming a flat prior on the field amplitude. This limit is comparable to what was found in the Planck 2015 two-point correlation analysis with both temperature and polarization. We perform a set of systematic error tests and find no evidence for contamination. This work marks the first time that anisotropic cosmic birefringence or primordial magnetic fields have been constrained from the ground at subdegree scales.

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اقرأ أيضاً

156 - F. Vazza , D. Paoletti , S.Banfi 2020
We present the first cosmological simulations of primordial magnetic fields derived from the constraints by the Cosmic Microwave Background observations, based on the fields gravitational effect on cosmological perturbations. We evolved different pri mordial magnetic field models with the {enzo} code and compared their observable signatures (and relative differences) in galaxy clusters, filaments and voids. The differences in synchrotron radio powers and Faraday Rotation measure from galaxy clusters are generally too small to be detected, whereas differences present in filaments will be testable with the higher sensitivity of the Square Kilometre Array. However, several statistical full-sky analyses, such as the cross-correlation between galaxies and diffuse synchrotron power, the Faraday Rotation structure functions from background radio galaxies, or the analysis of arrival direction of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, can already be used to constrain these primordial field models.
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We present new constraints on anisotropic birefringence of the cosmic microwave background polarization using two seasons of data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope covering $456$ square degrees of sky. The birefringence power spectrum, measured us ing a curved-sky quadratic estimator, is consistent with zero. Our results provide the tightest current constraint on birefringence over a range of angular scales between $5$ arcminutes and $9$ degrees. We improve previous upper limits on the amplitude of a scale-invariant birefringence power spectrum by a factor of between $2$ and $3$. Assuming a nearly-massless axion field during inflation, our result is equivalent to a $2,sigma$ upper limit on the Chern-Simons coupling constant between axions and photons of $g_{alphagamma}<4.0times 10^{-2}/H_I$ where $H_I$ is the inflationary Hubble scale.
305 - Hiroyuki Tashiro , Joseph Silk , 2013
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Primordial magnetic field (PMF) is one of the feasible candidates to explain observed large-scale magnetic fields, for example, intergalactic magnetic fields. We present a new mechanism that brings us information about PMFs on small scales based on t he abundance of primordial black holes (PBHs). The anisotropic stress of the PMFs can act as a source of the super-horizon curvature perturbation in the early universe. If the amplitude of PMFs is sufficiently large, the resultant density perturbation also has a large amplitude, and thereby, the PBH abundance is enhanced. Since the anisotropic stress of the PMFs is consist of the square of the magnetic fields, the statistics of the density perturbation follows the non-Gaussian distribution. Assuming Gaussian distributions and delta-function type power spectrum for PMFs, based on a Monte-Carlo method, we obtain an approximate probability density function of the density perturbation, and it is an important piece to relate the amplitude of PMFs with the abundance of PBHs. Finally, we place the strongest constraint on the amplitude of PMFs as a few hundred nano-Gauss on $10^{2};{rm Mpc}^{-1} leq kleq 10^{18};{rm Mpc}^{-1}$ where the typical cosmological observations never reach.
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