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Structure formation and generalized second law of thermodynamics in some viable $f(R)$-gravity models

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 نشر من قبل Somaye Asadzadeh
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Here, we investigate the growth of matter density perturbations as well as the generalized second law (GSL) of thermodynamics in the framework of $f(R)$-gravity. We consider a spatially flat FRW universe filled with the pressureless matter and radiation which is enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon with the Hawking temperature. For some viable $f(R)$ models containing the Starobinsky, Hu-Sawicki, Exponential, Tsujikawa and AB models, we first explore numerically the evolution of some cosmological parameters like the Hubble parameter, the Ricci scalar, the deceleration parameter, the density parameters and the equation of state parameters. Then, we examine the validity of GSL and obtain the growth factor of structure formation. We find that for the aforementioned models, the GSL is satisfied from the early times to the present epoch. But in the farther future, the GSL for the all models is violated. Our numerical results also show that for the all models, the growth factor for larger structures like the $Lambda$CDM model fit the data very well.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a study of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in the scope of the f(R,T) theory of gravity, with R and T representing the Ricci scalar and trace of the energy-momentum tensor, respectively. From the energy-momentum tensor equatio n for the f(R,T) = R + f(T) case, we calculate the form of the geometric entropy in such a theory. Then, the generalized second law of thermodynamics is quantified and some relations for its obedience in f(R,T) gravity are presented. Those relations depend on some cosmological quantities, as the Hubble and deceleration parameters, and on the form of f(T).
Within the context of scalar-tensor gravity, we explore the generalized second law (GSL) of gravitational thermodynamics. We extend the action of ordinary scalar-tensor gravity theory to the case in which there is a non-minimal coupling between the s calar field and the matter field (as chameleon field). Then, we derive the field equations governing the gravity and the scalar field. For a FRW universe filled only with ordinary matter, we obtain the modified Friedmann equations as well as the evolution equation of the scalar field. Furthermore, we assume the boundary of the universe to be enclosed by the dynamical apparent horizon which is in thermal equilibrium with the Hawking temperature. We obtain a general expression for the GSL of thermodynamics in the scalar-tensor gravity model. For some viable scalar-tensor models, we first obtain the evolutionary behaviors of the matter density, the scale factor, the Hubble parameter, the scalar field, the deceleration parameter as well as the effective equation of state (EoS) parameter. We conclude that in most of the models, the deceleration parameter approaches a de Sitter regime at late times, as expected. Also the effective EoS parameter acts like the LCDM model at late times. Finally, we examine the validity of the GSL for the selected models.
160 - Diego Saez-Gomez 2012
One of the so-called viable modified gravities is analyzed. This kind of gravity theories are characterized by a well behavior at local scales, where General Relativity is recovered, while the modified terms become important at the cosmological level , where the late-time accelerating era is reproduced, and even the inflationary phase. In the present work, the future cosmological evolution for one of these models is studied. A transition to the phantom phase is observed. Furthermore, the scalar-tensor equivalence of f(R) gravity is also considered, which provides important information concerning this kind of models.
A complete analysis of the dynamics of the Hu-Sawicki modification to General Relativity is presented. In particular, the full phase-space is given for the case in which the model parameters are taken to be n=1, c1=1, and several stable de Sitter equ ilibrium points together with an unstable matter-like point are identified. We find that if the cosmological parameters are chosen to take on their Lambda CDM values today, this results in a universe which, until very low redshifts, is dominated by an equation of state parameter equal t1/3, leading to an expansion history very different from Lambda CDM. We demonstrate that this problem can be resolved by choosing Lambda CDM initial conditions at high redshifts and integrating the equations to the present day.
The well known connection between black holes and thermodynamics, as well as their basic statistical mechanics, has been explored during the last decades since the published papers by Hawking, Jacobson and Unruh. In this work we have investigated the effects of three nongaussian entropies which are the modified Renyi entropy (MRE), Sharma-Mittal entropy (SME) and the dual Kaniadakis entropy (DKE) in the investigation of the generalized second law of thermodynamics, an extension of second law for black holes. Recently, it was analyzed that a total entropy is the sum of the entropy enclosed by the apparent horizon plus the entropy of the horizon itself when the apparent horizon is described by the Barrow entropy. It is assumed that the universe is filled with the matter and dark energy fluids. Here, as we said just above, the apparent horizon is described by the MRE and SME entropies, and then by the DKE proposal. We have established conditions where the second law of thermodynamics can or cannot be obeyed in the MRE, the SME as well as in the DKE just as it did in Barrows entropy.
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